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All time
Rent freeze and eviction ban to be extended, says Housing Minister
'More urgency needed' to form government as two Covid-19 supports require legislation
Reopening dates for pubs and other business could be 'accelerated'
Donohoe says no decision made yet on extending wage subsidy scheme
Fianna Fáil says the time has come to cancel the Leaving Cert
Public guidance on wearing face-coverings 'in certain scenarios' due in next two weeks
Simon Harris to extend emergency Garda powers until 18 May
'There is a risk we could go backwards': Taoiseach appears on Late Late show to discuss Covid-19 roadmap
Publicans not happy restaurants given green light to reopen before bars
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
Key dates: Here's the plan for unwinding restrictions and getting life in Ireland back to normal
Campaign group welcomes slight relaxation of cocooning but calls for voices of older people to be heard
Schools will not reopen until September but 'it's still the plan' for Leaving Cert students to get two weeks of classes
Taoiseach: Over 70s can leave homes from Tuesday, but most restrictions in place until 18 May
'Disturbing': War of words breaks out between the Greens and FG over 7% emissions target
Taoiseach to outline 'roadmap' to lifting restrictions today - here's what we know so far
Ministers push back against Chief Medical Officer, urging for some easing of restrictions
Paschal Donohoe says ministers won't take pay cut during Covid-19 pandemic
Businesses will not reopen if they can't get Covid-19 insurance, says Howlin
Reproduction rate currently between 0.5 and 0.8 as Harris says measures 'saved over 3,500 lives'
Travel restrictions will not be amended to stop Northern Ireland day-trippers
Taoiseach: 'I want to see Ryanair and Aer Lingus operating in August'
Taoiseach plans to have roadmap for lifting restrictions ready for Cabinet approval tomorrow
Varadkar pressed by opposition leaders on plans to ease restrictions in teleconference call
Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday
Businesses should plan for how they can reopen while adhering to social distancing rules, says minister
Junior Cert students to receive 'certificates of completion' from State and written report from school
Taoiseach says ICU numbers still too high for restrictions to be lifted
FF and FG tell the Greens they want to 'tease out' how 7% emissions reduction might be achieved
Labour Party asks Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil five questions on government formation
Cabinet told there are no indications that virus levels are low enough to ease restrictions on 5 May
Holohan says delay in publishing NPHET meeting minutes is due to 'workload issue'
Consultant says private hospital contract is ‘a bad deal’ for taxpayers
Government says it's aware some Irish people are 'getting fed up of social distancing measures'
Boris Johnson returns: PM says UK has 'wrestled Covid-19 to the floor' but lockdown must remain
Donegal locals 'angry and frustrated' that Northern Ireland day trippers are not covered by laws
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is 'alive and well', South Korea security advisor says
'It brings history to life': The project giving colour to Michael Collins, Countess Markievicz and other Irish figures
Harris to smaller parties: 'Come on over, give us a hand, work with us through this pandemic'