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All time
Public health team's notes and letters on recommended restrictions will be published, says minister
Harris hopes for 'slight easing' of restrictions on 5 May
21 confirmed Covid-19 deaths recorded at one Dublin care home for older people
Donald Trump says he was being 'sarcastic' when he suggested injecting disinfectants
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
Bully pulpit: Should US networks simply stop broadcasting Trump and his dangerous Covid-19 briefings?
Wine, exercise and online quiz nights: Taoiseach and ministers say how they're minding their mental health
Varadkar: 'Extending pandemic payment and wage subsidy scheme may be needed if restrictions stay in place'
Public expecting ease in restrictions and changing current behaviour 'can allow virus to spread', Taoiseach warns
Varadkar hopes the Green Party will soon decide to enter into formal talks on government formation
Leo Varadkar says charging Google and Facebook for news media content is 'a good idea'
Practicing with pros to ukulele licences: Campaign launched to help public look after each other during Covid-19
Women returning from maternity leave ineligible for Covid-19 wage subsidy
EU leaders endorse €500 billion recovery package to help bring countries through Covid-19 pandemic
Passengers arriving to Ireland will be checked to ensure they are self-isolating under new measures
Junior minister concerned about Garda treatment of Debenhams protesters, calls for regular review of powers
New research suggests Vitamin D can reduce severity of Covid-19 symptoms
Number of people infected by a confirmed case of Covid-19 has fallen again
'Who is NPHET ultimately accountable to?': Taoiseach questioned on governance of decision-making
Green Party outline 17 demands for entering a coalition with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael
Simon Coveney condemns Israeli deal to approve Trump's plan for annexation of parts of West Bank
Majority of parents surveyed opposed to July/August start for Leaving Cert
'What the f***?': Wales’s health minister heard swearing at colleague during virtual sitting
No plans for TV licence payment moratorium during Covid-19 crisis
Dáil to sit today to discuss Covid-19 impacts on Ireland's economy
Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday
'Fianna Fáil is struggling with its identity, but we are up for the challenges ahead'
Malcolm Byrne
Extending rent freeze might have to be considered, says Taoiseach
RTÉ to avail of government's wage subsidy scheme
Explainer: What exactly ARE the current Covid-19 restrictions and when can we expect them to change?
Donohoe describes predicted 22% unemployment rate as 'horrific'
'Belt and braces approach': Taoiseach says tighter monitoring of anyone entering Ireland is needed
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
Future changes to pandemic payment and wage subsidy scheme to be considered, says minister
Ceann Comhairle tells TDs legal advice says virtual Dáil sittings would be 'unconstitutional'
Trump says he will temporarily suspend all immigration to the US