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All time
US life expectancy is on the up - and the White House says it's thanks to Trump
Leader ratings: How did you rate the party leaders in tonight's Virgin Media One debate?
Coronavirus declared a global emergency by the World Health Organisation
What are your big election questions for Richard Boyd Barrett and Peadar Tóibín? It's YOUR chance to ask
'Pathetic': Fine Gael are getting up early in the morning for a Brexit photo-op and Micheál's not impressed
Coronavirus: Irish citizens might get place on French evacuation flight from China
Fine Gael stands by Catherine Noone and she can do whatever interview she likes, says Donohoe
Poll: Should a free public transport system be introduced?
Lise Hand: Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are asking 'What can we do about Mary Lou?'
Lise Hand
Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin have spent over €50k on Facebook adverts so far this campaign
Pro-remain MEPs sing Auld Lang Syne after EU Parliament backs Brexit deal
Video game loot boxes exposing children to gambling must end, says Fianna Fáil
'Put your flags away': Mairead McGuinness tells off Brexit Party MEPs for waving Union Flags
Factcheck: Does the average person working full-time in Ireland earn €47,000 a year?
'We're not trying to scare people': Coveney says Brexit not coming up on the doorsteps, but that might change
Simon Coveney apologises for Noone's comments: 'They were offensive, ignorant and wrong'
Free public transport and a 50% cut in national dairy herd pledged by Solidarity-People Before Profit
'Positive discrimination' needed to address inequality in the west and north of the country
Poll: Should the Irish government push for an end to the US military use of Shannon Airport?
'Ireland can't be a nodding duck': Howlin says Labour will push for end to US military use of Shannon
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
FactCheck: The claims about Fine Gael's record on the housing crisis made during last night's debate
Donald Trump calls his plan for Israel-Palestine a 'win-win', and tweets out a map
Soc Dems and Greens look set to win a seat each in Galway West
Sinn Féin's 'manifesto for change' pledges to build 100,000 homes and secure a referendum on Irish unity
Who wants to be your TD? Meet the 2020 candidates with's election centre
Labour promises three-year rent freeze, a living wage, and free GP care to under-18s
'Good enough for me': Varadkar says he accepts apology from FG senator who described him as 'autistic'
Claim that Sinn Féin TDs have 'zero' influence over policies is untrue, says McDonald
FG senator apologises and 'withdraws remarks' about Taoiseach being 'autistic'
Poll: Are live debates influencing how you'll vote in the General Election?
State agency 'has questions to answer' over tender process for Meath factory
'There's a fair few nutters in every party': The key moments from the RTÉ leaders' TV debate
Leader ratings: How did you rate the party leaders in tonight's RTÉ debate?
Parents of children in hospital losing over €600 income per week
Tributes to 'leader and bridge-builder' Séamus Mallon at funeral mass in Co Armagh
Aontú withdraws application for injunction against RTÉ
Brexit withdrawal agreement would not have been reached without help from Ireland, says Barnier