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All time
Local councils will work under new 'carbon proofing' charter introduced by Government today
'A dictatorship': Deputy Lord Mayor slams Simon Harris over comments on planning refusal for injection centre
Here's What Happened Today: Monday
The five most memorable moments from the disastrous campaign to introduce household water charges
Micheal Brennan
Boris Johnson sends letter to Donald Tusk accepting Brexit extension to 31 January 2020
Car of Sinn Féin TD who received death threats last week set on fire outside his home
Poll: Will Britain leave the EU by 31 January?
Far-right party makes major gains in German state election
MPs to vote on December election as EU decides Brexit extension length
Civil servants plotting mobile phone 'facial recognition' to boost sign-ups for controversial MyGovId platform
'It feels like being in limbo': Two Irish MEPs still unable to take seats due to Brexit delay
Foster says Taoiseach's recent comments were 'detrimental to unionist-Fine Gael relationships'
Trump confirms ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in US military raid
Support for Fianna Fáil slips following Dáil voting controversy
UK opposition parties 'set to offer' Boris Johnson route to snap election before Christmas
FactCheck: Will there be checks between the North and the UK after Brexit?
Minister blames Bercow for making it 'very difficult' to leave EU by October deadline
Why was there such a big fuss over 'Votegate' and what happens next?
Foster blames Varadkar for 'setting precedent' with comments that could stoke loyalist violence
Revenue lost out on €100 million it was owed in last five years because of 'inability to pay'
Irish hip hop group who Rory Stewart called 'minor gangsters' say his comments 'come from a racist place'
No extension yet: EU waiting to see what happens in London, Labour waiting to see what happens in Europe
Boris Johnson tries to push Labour into election but Jeremy Corbyn insists it's not the time
Varadkar says he would like to see a united Ireland in his lifetime
Britain has halted production of the commemorative 50p Brexit coins
When will we know if we're getting a Brexit extension?
Here's What Happened Today: Thursday
podcast image
The Explainer: WTF is happening with Brexit right now?
Boris Johnson will ask MPs to back 12 December election if EU agrees to Brexit extension
Minister says Irish trucking firm registration needs 'tightening up' in light of Essex incident
Ocasio-Cortez to Zuckerberg: 'You won't take down lies or you will take down lies?'
Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday
OPW Brexit Unit begins consultation for Dublin Port inspection bays
US to lift sanctions on Turkey after successful ceasefire
'Indefensible' £15 million spend on MLA pay since Stormont collapsed
Big pharma firm Novartis to cut 320 jobs at Cork plant
Senior civil servant said media outlets had 'agenda' against the Public Services Card
FactCheck: Nuala O'Loan corrects claim made on Morning Ireland that 90% of abortions a result of morning after pill