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All time
Government chief whip says procedure for establishing Direct Provision centres 'unfair' on locals
'We won't need as many car mechanics': Calls for new commission to plan for industries impacted by green policies
Taoiseach says minister will intervene in Bolger family case after RTÉ Prime Time programme
Public Services Card no longer needed to apply for a passport
Murphy says €310k price tag for O'Devaney Garden homes is 'affordable'
Sex for rent: Coppinger tells Dáil of Rathmines landlord who propositioned tenant
Wait times for smear test results from Cervical Check reduced to six weeks
Drew Harris 'won't speculate' on border posts but says region will get more gardaí and armed support
Traditional beliefs and rituals are fueling tensions over Mugabe's funeral
Nigel Farage says EU's tone is 'emollient' as Martina Anderson dons Irish jersey in EU parliament
'Extended and not capped': Fianna Fáil insists help-to-buy scheme must be continued in Budget negotiation talks
Criminal sanctions possible if government ignores watchdog’s orders on Public Services Card
Coveney on Brexit deadlock: 'We simply haven’t seen any written proposals from the UK to date'
Government claims that withdrawal of PSC could be illegal as it sets up battle with data watchdog
'Farmers are keeping you in jobs': Farmers confront Bord Bia officials at Ploughing Championships
Christine Lagarde a no-show as she's voted in as new ECB President by secret ballot
Veteran IRA member claims Gerry Adams lied when he denied being a member of the organisation
EU tax demand 'defies reality and common sense', claims Apple
Farming robots and Marty Morrissey's love island: Everything you need to know about The Ploughing
Micheál Martin puts pressure on Fine Gael to include green policies in this year's Budget
Iran seizes suspected fuel smuggling boat as tensions ratchet higher in the Gulf
Boris Johnson pulls out of Luxembourg press conference as he's booed and jeered
The Guardian apologises for editorial which said David Cameron felt 'privileged pain' over death of his young son
Trump defends Justice Brett Kavanaugh as he faces fresh sexual misconduct allegations
Johnson's Incredible Hulk comparison labelled 'infantile' as he heads for lunch with Juncker
Oil prices soar and Trump says US 'locked and loaded' after attack on Saudi facilities
'The arts are really good for bringing people together to have difficult conversations'
Cameron condemns Leave 'liars' while Johnson says Britain 'just like Incredible Hulk'
Fine Gael minister awards highest level of money from government rural funding scheme to own constituency
A look back at John Bercow - a divisive figure who embodies the Brexit-era politician
Taoiseach: 'Anyone that reads the law will understand why we disagree with the Data Commissioner's report'
RTÉ's Tony Connelly says Boris Johnson has a lot to answer for on how the EU was 'caricatured'
Here are 4 possible Brexit outcomes that we could get by 31 October
Calls for no more 'posturing and game playing' as minister convenes beef dispute talks
Micheál Martin 'not entertaining' the idea of a grand coalition with Fine Gael
Varadkar says FG would consider supporting FF if it won most seats — but not if it had a larger coalition
Apple tax: Ireland's appeal over the €14.3bn due to Ireland will be heard next week