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All time
'I don't want an election' - Boris Johnson rules out another Brexit extension in Downing Street speech
Leo Varadkar hoping for 'family lunch' with his parents, partner and 'friend of Ireland' Mike Pence
Taoiseach accused of 'window dressing exercise' as HSE spending plan announced
Homelessness figures above 10,000 for sixth month in a row
'Volatile and dynamic': Varadkar says Ireland will be keeping a close eye on the House of Commons this week
Catherine Murphy interview: 'This government has got away with murder because of Brexit'
MPs to propose law to stop no-deal Brexit - Gove won't rule out ignoring it if it passes
Explainer: The British parliament is being prorogued - but could the queen have refused?
Germany asks Poland for forgiveness, 80 years on from beginning of World War II
Barnier 'not optimistic' about avoiding no-deal Brexit and says deal can't be changed
Shane Ross: 'My grandkids photoshopped me into the Jesus birth scene after Katie Taylor memes'
Explainer: What will happen to EU citizens living in the UK after 31 October?
'Boris Johnson shame on you': Thousands across Britain protest against decision to suspend parliament
Police fire tear gas and water cannon as Hong Kong protesters defy rally ban
What's going to happen in the 9 weeks between now and the Brexit deadline?
Trump releases photo of Iran rocket site and says US 'not involved' in failed launch
'I got into terrible trouble': Shane Ross on that social media speed bump, and why he went electric in the first place
podcast image
The Explainer: Why are we being told to eat less meat?
Boris Johnson: Parliament has tried to 'get Brexit done' and it hasn't delivered
A no-deal Brexit will plunge Northern Ireland into turmoil, Belfast court hears
Leading Hong Kong democracy activists granted bail after being arrested ahead of weekend protests
Tánaiste urges British government to propose alternatives to backstop 'as quickly as possible'
Former PM John Major joins legal action against Boris Johnson's prorogation
Ross on Brexit: 'It's quite obvious now that there are going to be checks somewhere'
Legal bid to stop Boris Johnson's proroguing of parliament launched
Brexit: Jobs minister says businesses being asked to 'prepare for worst possible outcome'
Ruth Davidson urges MPs to 'vote for a deal' as she resigns as Scottish Tory leader
Kirsten Gillibrand drops out of Democrat race as polling puts the Big Three neck and neck
'It's quite boring actually': Jacob Rees-Mogg defends 'routine' proroguing of parliament
'We are on the road to nowhere': Are electric cars and chargers enough to cut our transport emissions?
US ready to fight Amazon forest fires ... but only if it involves working with Brazilian government
'If you shut down our parliament, we shut down the streets': Thousands protest decision to suspend UK parliament
Central Bank tells government to save rather than spend windfalls to help buffer Ireland against future downturns
The Queen has approved the suspension of parliament ahead of the Brexit deadline
Coveney: 'British government seems to be simply wiping the slate clean on the Irish issue'
Harris smooths out rift with dentists over how to roll out free dental care for kids
Minister commits to paying patient advocates for their time and work
Brazil's Bolsonaro open to €18 million G7 offer if Macron 'withdraws insults'
Brexit: British MPs agree strategy to block any Johnson bid for a no-deal exit