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All time
Argentina are to use Brexit to increase their claims on the Falkland Islands
Opinion: Legislating for abortion is very complex and a clear guiding principle is required
Dermot Cox
Public servants 'in limbo' as law to change retirement age faces 'tight' Christmas deadline
'Beyond crisis': Almost half of beds for children with mental health needs closed due to safety concerns
Private companies getting €3,718 for every jobseeker that makes it through the State's Jobpath scheme
PTSB transfers thousands more of its customers to vulture fund servicer
Turkey renames the street on which the US embassy will sit after Malcolm X
Call to tackle 'significant underrepresentation' of women in senior council roles
Calls for a Cold Weather Payment for severe weather to be introduced
Seanad passes Occupied Territories Bill despite government opposition
Homeless figures to show fall in children in emergency accommodation, but rise in individuals presenting
'You're a disgrace': Clashes in the Dáil over medicinal cannabis delay (and Leo breaks Dáil rules)
John Delaney and other football bosses invited to appear before Oireachtas committee
'Rebel' RAF veteran and Twitter phenomenon Harry Leslie Smith dies aged 95
Ukrainian president warns of threat of 'full-scale war' with Russia
Contingency plans for a no-deal 'hard Brexit' scenario approved by ministers
Denis Naughten welcomes report which says broadband plan 'was not tainted' by dinners
The great big Brexit debate: May wants to take on Corbyn over EU deal
May to travel to NI and Wales in last-ditch attempt to gain support for Brexit deal
Businesses refused insurance to get 'quick' payments for severe weather flood damage
Trump's ex-campaign chair Paul Manafort 'lied to prosecutors'
Twitter portal to allow election partners flag issues directly during European elections
Tom Clonan: 'If cool heads prevail, the Kerch situation should not escalate ... but we don't live in a time of cool heads'
Tom Clonan
Taoiseach meets with Orange Order reps to discuss needs of Protestant communities at the border
Prospect of second Brexit referendum is something UK will have to decide for themselves, says Taoiseach
Moville community galvanised to help following arson attack at hotel being prepared for asylum seekers
'Walking into a crisis': 61 psychiatrist posts are vacant around the country
'Thank you President T': Trump congratulates himself for falling oil prices
Arlene Foster: If backstop isn't removed, Brexit deal won't get DUP support
After EU endorses Brexit deal, Theresa May tells UK: 'This is all there is'
'Save our park': Tallaght locals protest against plans for apartment block
Call for permanent war memorial in Dublin city as Hauntings Soldier is removed
Ex-No 10 Brexit spokesperson: 'Brexit has made the rest of the UK more like Northern Ireland'
Airport noise issues to be sorted by Christmas paving the way for new runway
Fine Gael remains most popular party in country
Boris quotes Van Morrison as he criticises backstop deal at DUP conference
Paris police use tear gas and water cannon on anti-Macron tax protesters