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All time
Trump says America owes Brett Kavanaugh an apology at White House swearing-in
How marriage is all-important when examining your tax burden
Shawn Britton
Most people want cost of cigarettes increased by fiver to fund cancer treatments
The first Tuesday of November will define the next chapter of American politics
Larry Donnelly
1,000 home development gets the green light in south county Dublin
Shock and condemnation across Europe after Bulgarian journalist murdered
'Painstakingly slow, chronically underfunded': Why aren't these vacant home schemes delivering?
It's all gone wrong for Emmanuel Macron
Vast majority of Irish people want a second referendum on Brexit
Fire and fury: Ireland’s first post-Tiger austerity budget
'The serving and sacrifice Irish soldiers put in during the Troubles - it has never been recognised'
Split between Donegal and Fermanagh, the future of this village hangs in the balance
Pompeo hails 'productive' talks with Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang
Brazil is choosing a new president ... Here's what you need to know
'Very, very good': Trump welcomes Kavanaugh's appointment to Supreme Court
Welfare increase, fuel hike and income tax cuts: Here's what's coming in Budget 2019
US Senate confirms Kavanaugh to Supreme Court after divisive fight
Chances of Brexit agreement have 'increased', Jean-Claude Juncker says
The Bill Clinton affair may provide a lesson for Democrats planning a Trump impeachment
US Senate poised to confirm Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh later today
Senators back Brett Kavanaugh, paving way for Supreme Court confirmation
Departing Labour councillor criticises 'autocratic' leadership as he resigns from the party
How is it fair that the tourism industry still gets a subsidy of half a billion euros?
Eamon Murphy
Minister for Finance says corporation tax take is actually €1 billion higher than expected
21 million euro to be paid to motorists following collapse of Setanta insurance
Regina Doherty has 'absolutely no confidence' North-South interconnector will happen
Peter Casey calls Michael D 'uninspiring' as he officially launches his presidential campaign
Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad have won the Nobel peace prize for 2018
Vast majority (94%) consent to take part in delayed smear test review
Calls to remove all maternity costs for women as abortion legislation introduced in Dáil
Government loses in Dáil as opposition votes to declare national housing emergency
Minister says decommissioned cruise ships 'not suitable for homeless families'
Donald Tusk says UK comparing the EU to the Soviet Union was 'insulting'
Simon Coveney says the government's 'hugely ambitious' social housing programme is working
Campaigners oppose 3-day wait and conscientious objection in abortion legislation
Ireland is approaching an emergency waste landfill situation, warns minister
Mary Mitchell O'Connor on consent: If no means no and yes means yes, where does the confusion lie?
Mary Mitchell O'Connor
Ministers told corporation tax windfall will not be used in next week's Budget