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All time
Number affected by tracker mortgage scandal rises - it's now over 38,000
After 1,000 days of debate, the government's landmark alcohol legislation has been passed
Peter Casey's offering Joan Freeman a loan to fund her campaign (and he insists he's serious)
Theresa May: Second referendum would be 'politicians telling people they got it wrong'
Arlene Foster says her Brexit red line is 'blood red'
Donald Trump did an impression of Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford
TV presenter Brendan Courtney appointed to Sláintecare implementation council
Varadkar says immigrants more likely to be working and paying tax than average Irish person
Government wants to avoid scenario where there would be two time zones on the island of Ireland
'Fianna Fáil made mistakes during the boom, but not building enough homes wasn’t one of them'
Darragh O'Brien
Taoiseach meets with former Fine Gaeler Fitzpatrick after he said party has become 'style over substance'
Gavin Duffy: 'I think seven years is long enough for anybody in any job'
Arlene Foster says the Good Friday Agreement can be changed. Is she right?
Boris Johnson on Brexit: 'Do not believe that we can bodge it now and fix it later - that's a total fantasy!'
Explainer: Why Peter Fitzpatrick ditching Fine Gael could be a headache for the party
Union membership for soldiers should be considered, finds review
Factcheck: Can you buy a drink in Dublin with pounds?
Minister to support 'Celine's law' proposals to prevent killers profiting from their crime
Fine Gael TD Peter Fitzpatrick resigns from party
Government to hold national consultation on scrapping daylight savings time
TDs get a pay rise totalling nearly €1k today
Freeman on €120k loan: 'No I didn't need to do a background check. This guy is a very good guy'
Poll: Do you think mayors should be elected directly?
Macedonians have voted to change the name of their country
Former classmate says Brett Kavanaugh was a 'frequent and heavy drinker' in college
Sinn Féin proposes €400 second-home tax, 5% high-earner levy and pension hike
Fine Gael minister allocates one eighth of a national money pot to his own constituency
'That’s insane… did they guarantee everything?': Reliving the night of the bank bailout
Victor Duggan
Shane Ross announces €400,000 funding to tackle cyclist safety in Dublin city's Brexit Road Trip: We travelled the length of Northern Ireland's border
Boris brands May's Brexit plan as 'deranged' while Davis describes the Irish border issue as 'exaggerated'
'When I come home I am not allowed to cook for my children' - the harsh realities of Direct Provision in Ireland
New Airbnb rules will return housing units back to long-term rentals
Jane Sanders: 'Bernie would have beaten Donald Trump; he hasn't decided yet if he'll run in 2020'
Poll: Do you think Presidential expenses require greater scrutiny?
Millenials for Michael D: Why young people are backing a Higgins presidency
Old wounds, new problems: A drive along the Irish border before Brexit
Here are just some of the government's priorities for the months ahead