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All time
Rubbish is piling up on Athens' streets as temperatures soar
Donald Trump says he does not have tapes of that secret meeting with Comey
Leo Varadkar's government has suffered its first Dáil defeat - on new building standards
Donald Tusk welcomes Ireland's 'young, energetic' new Taoiseach to Brussels
How did the appointment of a judge threaten to bring the government down?
Former Fianna Fáil senator Des Hanafin has died
A 'hard Brexit' could hit Ireland's budget to the tune €500 million over three years
Donald Trump just had an idea -- Make the Mexican border 'a solar wall so it pays for itself'
"Nobody told us she had died" - the story of Margaret Bullen, who spent her entire life in a Magdalene Laundry
'It's like Eurovision': How EU countries will compete to host two London-based agencies
Taoiseach urged to seek EU support to put more pressure on Egypt to release Ibrahim Halawa
'New politics, my foot': Mayhem in the Dáil as TDs get heated on Máire Whelan row
Airbnb criticised for its 'adverse effect' on the rental market in Dublin
Abortion committee meets for the first time and elects Senator Catherine Noone as chairperson
'Ann Louise would be proud' - Zappone receives Seal of Office after death of her wife
Queen Elizabeth might have given a subtle nod to the EU with her hat
Russian fighter jet 'came within five feet of US spy plane'
The 8 answers the Commissioner gave when asked if she had confidence in her team
Arlene Foster's letter to Scottish government about same-sex marriage released
The Saudi king has ousted his nephew as crown prince, and installed his son
Britain gets ready for the Queen's speech - but there's still no deal with the DUP
Donald Trump gets a major boost in an election seen as a referendum on him
'People are dying on waiting lists': Harris urged to fix health service once and for all
'Don't open your door' - things have just gotten very, very real for illegal Irish in the US
Regina Doherty may have to repay €15,829 of Chief Whip allowance if it was unlawful
'Leo models himself on Macron and Trudeau, but he's not living up to them when it comes to gender balance'
Proposals to limit smaller party speaking times is 'attempt to silence radical voices' in Dáil
Commissioner refuses to name retired officer who was signatory on 'suspicious' account
Who got the nod? And who lost out? Here are Varadkar's new junior ministers
"This young lad, I know this young lad": Do you know who's who in Leo's Cabinet?
Leo Varadkar criticised for raising Love Actually on UK visit during his first Leaders' Questions
'It's a brutal regime': Trump condemns North Korea after imprisoned US student's death
11 of the quickest reactions to Leo Varadkar's Love Actually comments
Family calls for improved cardiac services at Waterford after man dies during ambulance transfer
Irish beef sellers can tell Americans that it is grass-fed, traceable and free of hormones
Democrats slow down Senate over 'secret' Trumpcare bill
Frenzied demand for Help to Buy scheme before it's scrapped 'could push up prices'
The honeymoon's over: Leo's facing loads of challenges on his first working week on the job
'Some kind of penalty may be necessary' - new campaign may mean fines for blocking footpaths
Russia warns it will 'treat US planes as targets' after jet shot down