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All time
Top Republican fears damage Trump could do to the environment
'The Central Bank is in the dark' over how many business loans vulture funds own
James and Emily are the most popular baby names in Ireland
What can we expect from the first 100 days of Trump?
Ireland has spent over €133 million on referendums since the start of the century
No one has ever been convicted of female genital mutilation in Ireland
Water charges won't bring down this government, says Taoiseach
'I know young girls especially have watched him talking about "'grabbing women's p***ies'"
Ireland's death penalty was a 'quaint throwback' but not everyone wanted to get rid of it
Enda Kenny says he doesn't regret the comments he made in the Dáil about Donald Trump
Which Budget measures kick in today?
'Play your war games somewhere else': Anger as submarines caused havoc for Irish fishing industry in 1986
30 years ago most Irish people wanted garda killers to be executed
Poll: What political party had the best 2016?
UN Security Council endorses Syria ceasefire and plans for peace talks
Government no longer has power to promote senior gardaí as Policing Authority takes over
'Sell water to Saudi Arabia and turf to England': A Londoner's advice to Garret FitzGerald
NWCI criticises €1m campaign against domestic violence, but minister says it's backed by research
HSE hires over a hundred people at recruitment event aimed at returning nurses
The 10 most read stories on this year
The Top 20: What was the ‘biggest thing’ to happen in 2016?
Kevin Cunningham
These are the Winners and Losers from a very unusual Irish political year
Calls for large fines and jail sentences for those that damage defibrillators
'There is no equality between humans': Bilderberg group website hacked
Poll: Were the official 1916 centenary commemorations a success?
Trump looks set to to appoint the son of a Kennedy adviser as ambassador to Ireland
More than 2,500 children were homeless in the last week of November
Irish people love watching shows about Britain and that's good news for TV3
Irish politicians really wanted Bob Geldof to win the Nobel Peace Prize
'A punishment from God's own hand' - the Irish got Biblical in their objections to 1985's contraception law
Government considered using 'AIDS argument' in David Norris gay rights case
Enda rules out general election and Cabinet reshuffle in the near future
Harris wants to woo Irish nurses home, but only 36 turned up on first day of recruitment drive
Truce from midnight: Syrian army and opposition to down weapons
John Halligan believes the government won't serve its full term
'Ireland would be the biggest loser from a breakup of the EU': Irish MEPs on Europe's future
The gap between private pensions and public pensions has the government worried
'Stay strong Israel' - Donald Trump tweets criticism of President Obama
'Marry me, so we don’t break up': The political proposals of 2016 that got it all wrong
Eoghan McDermott
'Privatise the bloody service': The complaints sent to Shane Ross during the Dublin Bus strike