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All time
It's the dreaded 'R' word: A recount has officially been requested in Wisconsin
The US billionaire who made €500m on Bank of Ireland after the crash set for top Trump job
Public pay chairman retracts "garda mutiny" comments amid growing pressure
Enda Kenny says it's impossible to negotiate Brexit within two years
Move to recognise Traveller ethnicity after long campaign shows 'Ireland's commitment to human rights'
Regulations to crack down on Dublin rickshaw drivers could be on the way soon
'Get ready for a rollercoaster': Tom Clonan on Trump’s Cabinet and Defence Secretary
Tom Clonan
Your paper insurance disc could soon be a thing of the past
Updated: Minister's relief as 'vital' new National Maternity Hospital gets the go-ahead
'I am astonished': Condemnation by gardaí of "mutiny" comments made by public pay chairman
AIB says 14 people lost their homes because of high tracker mortgage rates
'Thrown to the wolves': There's no justification for 300% price hike in car insurance, says committee
Over $2.5 million raised for a US election recount in three swing states
This Irish woman is in the running for the European Parliament presidency
From Irish Water to Irish beer: Alan Kelly has a crafty plan to help brewers
'Doing it arseways': Pearse Doherty on plans to review Help-to-Buy scheme after its introduction
'My concerns were entirely ignored by government': Alan Shatter on Guerin report
FactCheck: Is Fine Gael right to claim the credit for a fall in mortgages in arrears?
Number of adults and children in homeless families in Dublin trebles in two years
Enda says he hopes the J-1 programme won't be scrapped, despite Trump warning
Travellers protest in Mayo after Syrian refugee family accommodated in local authority house
Trump appoints one of his fiercest critics as UN ambassador
First time buyers no longer need 20% deposit on properties
Clinton urged to call for recount in three states amid reports of 'foreign hacking'
Explainer: Five months after the Brexit referendum, why is UKIP in chaos?
Donald Trump 'disavows the alt-right' and admits there's 'something' to climate change
Tears aplenty in the White House as Obama honours Ellen, Bruce Springsteen and others
Taoiseach criticised for "gushing tweet" and manner towards Trump and Pence
Would you like to decide who lives here? You won't get a say on it just yet
Government to oppose Greens' bid to ban microbeads, claiming bill breaches EU rules
Government approves promotions for 11 senior gardaí following controversy
“Ministers on their own can’t operate solo runs": Taoiseach fields questions about Minister Ross
Brendan Howlin has described Shane Ross as 'Donald Trumpesque'
"I was feeling, isolated. I didn't know who to tell": Galway hurler urges action on gambling
After angry backlash, Turkey backs down on bill that could overturn child-sex convictions
Trump vows start of TPP withdrawal 'on day one', backs Farage for UK ambassador
'When there is somewhere safe for people to go and inject they will use it - I will use it'
Grieving father and husband calls for tougher rules on unaccompanied learner drivers
Fianna Fáil TD Barry Cowen says he is not ruling out future water charges
Junior Minister John Halligan's right-to-die bill may be "unusual" but there are no rules against it