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All time
Donald Trump 'disavows the alt-right' and admits there's 'something' to climate change
Tears aplenty in the White House as Obama honours Ellen, Bruce Springsteen and others
Taoiseach criticised for "gushing tweet" and manner towards Trump and Pence
Would you like to decide who lives here? You won't get a say on it just yet
Government to oppose Greens' bid to ban microbeads, claiming bill breaches EU rules
Government approves promotions for 11 senior gardaí following controversy
“Ministers on their own can’t operate solo runs": Taoiseach fields questions about Minister Ross
Brendan Howlin has described Shane Ross as 'Donald Trumpesque'
"I was feeling, isolated. I didn't know who to tell": Galway hurler urges action on gambling
After angry backlash, Turkey backs down on bill that could overturn child-sex convictions
Trump vows start of TPP withdrawal 'on day one', backs Farage for UK ambassador
'When there is somewhere safe for people to go and inject they will use it - I will use it'
Grieving father and husband calls for tougher rules on unaccompanied learner drivers
Fianna Fáil TD Barry Cowen says he is not ruling out future water charges
Junior Minister John Halligan's right-to-die bill may be "unusual" but there are no rules against it
Suspected arson attack at Louth halting site causes thousands worth of damage
Government accused of "cloak and dagger tactics" on Roscommon boundary changes
Ross comes under fire after failing to make one State board appointment since becoming minister
"Water off a duck's back": TD responds to barrage of online criticism
Green Day chants "No Trump, No KKK, No fascist USA" at American Music Awards
Philippine President meets his 'hero' Putin to give out about US "hypocrisy and bullying"
Ireland's top judge 'surprised' by Shane Ross comments that judiciary will fight change
The cost of reunification? Ireland can no longer afford the cost of partition...
Máirtín Ó Muilleoir
'HIV tests, regular assaults and identifying bodies': The life of a 22-year old garda
FactCheck: Do 700,000 jobs really depend on our "open access" to the EU
“For Dublin to get into the Champions League of European cities, we need a directly-elected mayor”
149 trans people have their gender officially recognised by Ireland
Trump's weekend: Settling fraud lawsuits for $25m and demanding apologies from Broadway cast
Angela Merkel has decided to run for a fourth term to 'defend democratic values'
Poll: Is it time for a new public sector pay agreement?
Social Democrats hold their first annual conference - and vow to remove 'the baptism barrier'
Notorious right-wing American website to expand to France in advance of Le Pen presidential run
Less than half of this year's tax defaulters have paid up in full
Lexington, Virginia: Where Trump's America and Clinton's America meet
David Kenny
Fianna Fáil hold "balance of power" on 'modest' water charges, says Paul Murphy
Canadian parliament jobs discussion ends in "fart" debate
Trump demands apology after Mike Pence booed at performance of hit musical
Buckingham Palace refurbishment will cost British taxpayers £369 million
Poll: Would you accept a "modest" water charge?
Trump's blind trust blurs line between business empire and presidential role