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All time
'It's horrible. Allow me to work full-time': A single mother talks about life as a low-hours worker
Ireland's water charges are among the lowest in Europe...*
McCain, Rice and Schwarzenegger add their names to list of senior Republicans abandoning Trump
How Trump or Clinton can win tonight: Force their rival to make a mistake they can't recover from
Lorcan Nyhan
Majority of people believe Ireland should bring in a sugar tax
I can prove I was attacked, hospitalised UKIP MEP claims
Here's what Hillary told Wall Street behind closed doors, according to leaked transcripts
"Shameful": Actor calls for Ireland to take in more Syrian refugees in passionate Late Late appeal
Danny Healy-Rae invites Leonardo DiCaprio to run for public office in Kerry
"Grab them by the p****. You can do anything": Trump forced into apology over comments about groping women
Ireland's much-hated tax that just won't go away: The Universal Social Charge
Independent Alliance to seek a free vote on Repeal the Eighth Bill
'We were swept under the carpet 30 years ago': Victim of prolific paedophile pleads for inquiry
"When you're a star, they let you do it" - video emerges of lewd conversation Trump had in 2005
US accuses Russia of hacking political sites
Non-British academics have been banned from giving the UK government Brexit advice
High Court judge to investigate allegations of wrongdoing related to whistleblower disclosures
"Leo likes to make you think he is all cuddly and caring. That's not him"
Fox presenters end fight over Trump, put it down to 'being Irish'
EU launches probe after clash of Ukip MEPs leaves one in hospital
New poll shows the vast majority of Irish people want Eighth Amendment repealed
Ukip MEP Mike Hookem insists altercation with Steven Woolfe was 'verbal' only
FactCheck: Does every other country in Europe have water charges?
"Over here, we will mind you": Enda Kenny invites Kim Kardashian to Ireland after robbery
'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark': What is happening with the gardaí now?
RTÉ says it asked senator to remove Repeal the Eighth badge to stop "unchallenged campaigning"
"You're a wily old fox at talking down the clock" - Noonan answers questions over Nama Project Eagle sale
'If Fine Gael breach the agreement, the Budget won't pass'
Ireland is giving €7.5 million to help Syrian people
Angry exchanges: Justice Minister faces questions as gardaí controversies mount up
Trump urges terminally ill people to "hang on" to vote for him
UK Home Office won't say if Irish people will be exempt from controversial list of foreign workers
Trump falls in the polls as independent voters flock to Hillary
Fianna Fáil support is down, party now neck-and-neck with Fine Gael
Here’s how much it would cost to get rid of the USC for incomes under €100,000
There are new insurance guidelines out, but do they do enough to tackle sky high insurance premiums?
Local councils to pay up-front rent to private owners of derelict houses
Polish government rows back on all-out abortion ban following mass protests
May directs Tories to the centre as she hits out at "nasty" Labour Party