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All time
Sinn Féin's TDs are in line to earn up to €50,000 extra a year
The artist behind Dublin's marriage equality mural is back with a piece for Belfast Pride
Republicans savage Trump over war of words with family of slain soldier
Irish jobs and businesses 'already at risk over Brexit'
Former Republican candidate roasts Trump over treatment of parents who lost son in Iraq
Theresa May won't intervene after David Cameron recommends honours for "old boys' network"
Poll: Should the State Pension age be dropped back to 65?
The top 500 public sector pensions cost €50 million a year
FactCheck: Is Frances Fitzgerald right about Ireland's financial gain from the EU?
New York newspaper publishes cover with naked picture of Donald Trump's wife
'Until we start making rules, keeping rules and holding people to account, we will have a corruption problem'
'The question of media ownership is important whether it's Rupert Murdoch or Denis O'Brien'
Trump hits back at parents of dead soldier who said he had "sacrificed nothing"
Scottish independence campaigners march for a second referendum after Brexit result
Syria might need to be dismembered, says America's spymaster
Democrats hacked again as Snowden and Assange fall out over leaks
Jill Stein: Meet the White House hopeful stealing the hearts of Bernie supporters
If the election was a TV ratings war, Donald Trump would be US President right now
Watch: An emotional father of a dead soldier calling out Trump and stealing the show at the DNC
Two-thirds would back a united Ireland if a referendum was held tomorrow, poll finds
French prime minister says it was a "failure" priest killer was released with electronic tag
'Herstory' - Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic presidential nomination
US papers taking all kinds of flak for headlining Hillary's nomination with a picture of Bill
'Beyond the pale': People are accusing Trump of treason after those Russia remarks
"The Democratic Party is in good hands" - Obama gives rousing endorsement of Clinton
Supreme Court judge to chair assembly on repealing Eighth Amendment
Former Sinn Féin councillor and father charged with falsely imprisoning, assaulting and threatening to kill man
Anti-terror police warn UK Christians following French church attack
This man is hoping to tighten his grip on one of the world's biggest economies
Looking for a job? Graduates are being urged to think about training at the EU
FactCheck: No, "Irish slaves" did NOT build the White House
CNN host's 'Irish Lives Matter' joke caught on mic at Democrat convention
'No return to borders of the past': Enda and Theresa take first steps into uncertain future
New welfare scheme offers same-day turnaround for small loans
Varadkar: pay deal for local councillors nothing to do with leadership bid
Will Dublin ban election posters? Maybe. Probably not. It's complicated.
Poll: Should Barack Obama be handed the Freedom of Dublin?
WATCH: Michelle Obama wows Democratic Convention crowds with hard-hitting speech
Watch: Bernie Sanders booed for telling his supporters to elect Hillary Clinton
Irish priest takes key investigative role in examining $9 million Argentinian political scandal