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All time
Vincent Browne: Appointing unqualified ministers is an airhead absurdity we inherited from the British
Vincent Browne
"Renua was branded as 'Fine Gael Lite' - we are a centralist party"
Cancer charity brands minister's smoking comments "unhelpful and irresponsible"
Poll: Would you welcome 'smoking rooms' in Irish bars and restaurants?
The new President of the Philippines says he will hang criminals and let snipers shoot to kill
Who's who in the Irish political version of Game of Thrones?
Green bin charges could be scrapped before they even begin
'Danny Healy-Rae can say what he likes ... he has to open his eyes'
Through young eyes: 'Homelessness crisis makes me question the type of country I am growing up in'
Mark Hartery
Irish firms may be forced to reveal pay gaps between male and female employees
The gloves are off: Boris Johnson compares EU to Hitler in latest Brexit twist
FactCheck: Is there a rush for Irish passports because of Trump and Brexit?
Fianna Fáil has overtaken Fine Gael in popularity
Suspension of water charges will cost the taxpayer €115 million extra in 2017
Shane Ross says he won't use the state's chequebook to solve Luas dispute
Lucinda accuses Independent News and Media of "smear campaign" as she steps down as Renua leader
These are the Fianna Fáil women who could be in line for a promotion
The Greens' new senator on her activist past and the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior
The Debate Room: Should Child Benefit be linked to school attendance?
Caitriona O'Neill and William Gallagher
Outgoing Dáil Chairmen paid €17,626 in February and March, despite overseeing just four hours of debate
TDs claimed more than €500,000 in expenses during March - despite only sitting twice
Alan Kelly will go for Labour top job - but he's not sure who'll nominate him
Ireland has been told by the UN Human Rights Council to change its abortion laws
Finian McGrath says that he WILL pay his water charges
Donald Trump says he didn't pretend to be his own spokesman so he could brag about himself
Alan Shatter says he was spat at and abused following his resignation
Poll: People would vote practically the same way if there was another election
Donald Trump's former butler says Obama should be "hung for treason"
There are plans afoot to electronically tag Irish prisoners on bail for the first time
'1,000 days have felt like 1,000 years' - Irish student still in Egyptian prison
A shocking, sobering report leaked and then selectively reported upon by our national media
Tom Clonan
PE to become Leaving Cert subject under new plan to tackle obesity in Ireland
Paschal Donohoe says there will be a referendum on abortion in the coming years
Labour - including Alan Kelly - wants Irish Water to refund all payments
It's happening - Brazil is finally set to launch an impeachment against its president
Why is Britain worried about a terrorist attack from the North?
There are now 6,000 people living homeless in Ireland
Donald Trump takes step back from Muslim ban "suggestion"
Can people who paid their water charges sue the government for a refund?
Your can of Coke is about to cost more - a tax on sugary drinks is on the way