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All time
Alan Shatter told us all about his famous campaign balls
A new poll shows that no one is going to win this election
'Pro-rape’ group cancel meetings because they're worried about their own safety
If you're not registered to vote, you better get moving
The primitive power of election posters cannot be underestimated
Jason O'Sullivan
The TrailFix: Creamy cakes, jargon and smashed glass as we FINALLY get underway
It's on: The general election will be held on 26 February
Has David Cameron's 'Great Delusion' just condemned the UK to going it alone?
Trump says Ted Cruz "stole" Iowa win, demands re-run
Sinn Féin politician ordered to pay almost £50k over defamatory tweet
"The most interesting man in politics" just quit the race for the White House
And they're off... politicians around the country kick into full election mode
Joan Burton says Alan Kelly is 'an incredibly obedient employee'
What will influence voters? The economy, health service reform and water charges
On the eve of election, government ploughs €10 million into making sure estates are looked after
Politicians were breaking the law all over Ireland last night
The eight things you need to know to be ready for this general election
Poll: Who will you vote for in the general election? election centre: Check out your candidates here
The phoney war is over as Enda finally heads to the park
Ryan vs. McCarthy: These two lads had a mighty row about the trauma of government
Digital can deliver vital votes - but how do politicians earn the 'like' love?
Bob Hughes
Foster care case: 'These are allegations of rape using implements and horrific sexual abuse'
Enda goes on local radio to confirm he's calling the election tomorrow
He talked the talk, so just what went wrong for Donald Trump in Iowa?
There were premature poster erections all over Ireland last night
"I genuinely think what I'm doing is right" - gender quotas appeal heading for Supreme Court
Sinn Féin billboard takes aim at 'deeply dishonest' Fine Gael figures
Ted Cruz's win is as much of a nightmare for his party as Donald Trump
Dev's grandson says RTÉ's portrayal of him in Rebellion was 'an embarrassment'
'The forgotten ones': Traveller protest over accommodation set to take place outside Dáil
Stand down: Enda won't be calling the election until tomorrow
Michael Healy-Rae releases election music video
Poll: Who do you want to be the next US President?
The results and speeches from an exceptionally tight night on the road to the White House
"How can they trust the system with their child?" - HSE whistleblower
Nearly everyone wants the election held on a Friday
Wicklow village convinces politicians to keep the place a poster-free zone during the election
Renua TD's premature poster erection in north Dublin
Slapped down: Joan Burton insists she IS Alan Kelly's boss