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All time
Who is Michael Lowry and what's everyone's problem with him?
It's now very likely the election will finally be called early next week
Fianna Fáil candidate says trailer was stolen and left on road with continuous white line
Teen held after asylum centre worker stabbed to death
Drug testing in nightclubs branded 'knee-jerk reaction' after Cork tragedy
TD claims use of pre-paid Oireachtas envelopes for campaign launch wasn't deliberate
Is Michael Lowry about to be brought in from the cold?
"Outrageous": Hillary lashes US company's 'inversion' deal with Irish firm
Half the country thinks Enda should steer clear of Michael Lowry
'I'm most certainly not a Tory myself'
Fine Gael councillor's posters defaced with swastikas
This radical left alternative has no leader and different views on Sinn Féin
Company which made asylum-seekers wear wristbands compared to Nazis
Poll: Will you vote for Fine Gael?
Trump goes to church, gets a sermon on Syrian refugees and Mexican migrants
These are the 10 most important constituencies in the general election
"I could shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters" - Donald Trump is confident
Will Fine Gael join forces with Fianna Fáil?
Paul Allen
George Hook on 'implied consent' and why he's never liked interviewing Ivana Bacik
8 things we learned at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis
One political party is absolutely trouncing the rest in the social media battle
Enda Kenny says there's only one question in this election
Enda was asked whether he'd work with Michael Lowry, he didn't say no
'I'm an Irishman in the West Bank helping kids get to school through checkpoints'
Alex Dunne
'I have a free schedule': Spain's PM tricked into negotiations by radio show impersonator
Pictures: Anti-water charge protests have been taking place all over the country today
Revealed: The Fine Gael guide to canvassing and how to lash the other parties
Love and kisses for Noonan who likens Fianna Fáil to 'Comical Ali as the tanks roll in'
'Erect a monument to the IRA’s foiled Marita Ann gun-smuggling operation? I don't think so'
Aaron McKenna
Has Enda been better than Bertie and Brian Cowen? We have the answer...
Day of action: Everything you need to know about today's Right2Water protests
Government websites hit by cyberattack
‘Total disaster’: Enda lashes Fianna Fáil as he rallies the troops
Security alert at Fine Gael Ard Fheis after suspect cartridge found
The SocDems won't cut USC, but will abolish water charges and reduce bus fares
Paul Murphy remanded on bail ahead of Jobstown trial
Gerry Adams is releasing a book of his favourite tweets and selfies
Fine Gael is charging charities for pretty much everything at its Ard Fheis
Enda had a torturous conversation about the election date in Davos
The over-emphasis on medication over therapy is just one problem that needs fixing
Shari McDaid