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All time
This letter is most blatant Big Tobacco threat to a Taoiseach you're likely to see
The man who let the Taoiseach know exactly what he thought about Jack the Ripper being Irish
This is the one phrase you'll hear over and over again during the election
That time an Irish minister got the UK's Northern Secretary so hammered he had to be walked around a park
Pictures: the moment Joan Burton fell out of a boat in Kilkenny floods
Where is Enda? The Taoiseach has made an appearance
Garret FitzGerald really, really did not like Sinn Féin in 1985
My simple New Year's wish is for my son to live in a truly equal Ireland
Tom Clonan
Irish prisons ran out of overtime cash in 1984 - so they started letting prisoners go early
Now it's Sinn Féin's turn for a stint on the bold step regarding election posters
After months of controversy, the banking inquiry signs off on final report
Today is D-day for all public buildings to be made accessible for those with disabilities
Labour MP suspended after telling 17-year-old he wanted to spank her
Tánaiste's head of staff is paid €52,000 more than pay cap
Pest control, maintenance and security at closed Garda stations has cost €846,000 to date
State Papers 1985: Garret Fitzgerald's government wasn't too keen on helping Stardust victims
Getting paid today? Michael Noonan has sorted it so you won't pay extra USC
Trump spokeswoman threatens to 'wear a foetus' on TV following backlash over bullet necklace
'Say the daily rosary': This is the kind of fan mail you get when you're Taoiseach
Irish people really didn't like paying for their TV licence 30 years ago
After calling in help, President Higgins has signed 'rushed' new asylum laws
Enda is visiting flood-hit areas, but not 'doing the Bertie Ahern'
Fine Gael candidate defends putting up Christmas posters without permission
'It wasn't long after the hunger strikes... mayhem on the streets and we realised that something had to be done.'
The government wanted to launch a phone-tapping bill in 1985...
David Cameron adviser apologises over 'offensive' 1985 memo about black rioters
An Archbishop, a Taoiseach and an angry face-off over IRA violence and 'genocide'
30 years ago Dunnes Stores was involved in ANOTHER workers' dispute... one that shook the world
When Maggie dropped some epic shade on Garret FitzGerald...
Pornography being shown in pubs had the government in a fluster 30 years ago
QUIZ: Bertie going grey and 19 other questions about the year that was
'I watched this man bleed out. He was rolling on the ground and I imagined his last moments'
Julien Mercille
There were some familiar faces at this morning's Council of State meeting
This is Enda Kenny's biggest regret
Michael Noonan spent Christmas in hospital due to fluid on his chest
TD calls for bogs to be flooded to 'save communities'
A phantom supporter* is erecting this man's election posters for him...
Some Ryan Report recommendations yet to be implemented due to lack of resources
Enda promises action on abortion within six months of re-election
'I’ve gone to funerals where mourners would refuse to shake my hand'