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All time
Enda to Micheál: 'You ran like a scalded cat, as fast as your legs could carry you'
Portugal's anti-austerity alliance is about to form a government
Americans are queuing up to slam Pfizer's tax-inspired move to Ireland
Is the public watching €5 million slowly swirl down the drain?
Only one in four people want Enda Kenny to keep his job
Council's new logo took 26 months and cost €2,000 but links to LGBT support network instead of council
Alex Salmond told us why a united Ireland is as inevitable as Scottish independence
Under 26 and on the dole? Labour has some good news for you - sort of
The social welfare Christmas bonus is coming at the start of December
The Justice Minister doesn't know how many gardaí speak Arabic
Planning to vote in the general election? You've only two days left to register
Joan Burton reckons Labour could win more than 30 seats
The banking inquiry is in a real mess right now
Joan denies an unemployed man was told to apply for 200-300 jobs a week
'Quite startling': €31m of church property for redress fund yet to be transferred
James Reilly has reignited the abortion debate by calling for an early referendum
Mary Lou reckons Gerry and Martin are youthful and vigorous grandfather figures
John Hume's wife Pat gave a heartbreaking interview about his dementia
To reduce the threat of terrorism, stop bombing and close Shannon Airport to the US military
Julien Mercille
Crisis averted? Here's what was agreed at today's 'tense' Banking Inquiry meeting
Fine Gael haven't been this popular since 2012
Even his most conservative rivals are lining up to hammer Trump over his latest proposal
Willie O'Dea's form of relaxation is slightly odd
What if we gave motorists cash rewards for driving under the speed limit?
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
'Outrageous': Paul Murphy reacts to AAA losing its collection ban appeal
Fianna Fáil members express no confidence in the party's own candidate
Sinn Féin MLA now insists Isis ARE 'terrorists'
These lads really want you to know they're independent
84% of sex offenders released this year haven't completed treatment programmes
Poll: Should Ireland change its position on neutrality?
Here's What Happened Today: Thursday
The political world has been paying tribute to Peter Robinson
There are a LOT of problems with the Siteserv inquiry
If you're going to use a fake letter, make sure you can at least speak the language properly
US politicians just voted to make it almost impossible for refugees fleeing ISIS to come to America
TD raises concerns that supertrawler may be acting illegally off Donegal coast
The Tánaiste called Barry Cowen a baby and told him to "shut up" in the Dáil today
Fianna Fáil's 'Rocky Balboa' revealed all on TV3 last night
Fianna Fáil just aren't quite sure how they feel about Fine Gael