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All time
Claims of rise in people sleeping rough on grounds of Alan Kelly's department
Greek rebels form new party ahead of snap election
Man tells cops "Donald Trump was right" after beating and urinating on homeless Mexican
The LGBT community's quest for respectability in Ireland is leaving so many trans activists behind
Leighanna Rose Walsh
It looks like the government will give you some rent certainty this autumn
'It's dirty to kill your own daddy': France's far right-wing party is at war
Oireachtas, Garda and Defence Forces emails appear on Ashley Madison database
We're facing the prospect of students turning down college places because they can't afford to survive
Kevin Donoghue
Who is Deez Nuts and why is he polling so well in the United States?
Gardaí are being used to interview social welfare claimants
Alexis Tsipras has resigned and a snap election has been called in Greece
Heard about the time Gerry Adams met Donald Trump?
Ireland's youngest minister slams Trump and his proposal to scrap the J-1
Why is this man on the brink of one of the greatest upsets in political history?
Neale Richmond
'Every time Alan Kelly picks up the phone to a journalist, the Irish Water policy changes'
Vaping is now officially less harmful than smoking, and it's time the Irish health authorities acknowledged that fact
Joe Dunne
"Another U-turn?": People aren't too happy with the government's latest mooted Irish Water plan
Revenue and gardaí need to clamp down hard on the owners of rickshaws before it's too late
Derek Keating
Alan Shatter says €12 claim for passport photos is a 'totally false story'
Is this the new Minister for August?
Alan Kelly thinks Fr McVerry says 'nothing positive'. But the campaigner's never met him
7 reasons why Alan Shatter is like no other politician
Getting women on the ticket is great, but having them win seats is what matters most
Suzanne Collins
JobBridge is being reviewed - and may be scrapped altogether
Vincent Browne wants you to know he's going absolutely nowhere
I’m Irish, but the Irish don’t know that I’m Irish
Bashir Otukoya
Donald Trump wants to scrap the J-1 programme
Is this the only possible government after the next election?
This Sinn Féin senator went slightly off-message today
The government's 'certificate of Irishness' is being scrapped due to lack of interest
Is Renua just ripping off Fianna Fáil's policies?
Number of women running in next election already exceeds 2011 levels
Fine Gael's next leader, from most to least likely
"It was really tough and it is tough... I wouldn't have it any other way"
Labour at lowest rating in nine months in latest poll
Donald Trump on women, Obama and celebrity dating (yes, really)
How does this old-school fundraising chime with Renua's new politics?
'The fear of going to prison is horrible': Jobstown protesters still haven't been told they're being charged
Direct provision student who received 575 points told to accept college offer
Willie O'Dea made some startling revelations on TV3 last night