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All time
Did Enda Kenny sack the Garda Commissioner?
'A major distraction': It looks like there'll be no Royals at the 1916 centenary
"Active abstentionists" - Adams rubbishes talk of Sinn Féin sitting in Westminster
That broken government jet has FINALLY been sold off
Curious about where your meat comes from? Wonder no more
This TD is trying to move Ireland into a different timezone
Defection: Renua poaches Fianna Fail councillor for by-election
'Sometimes politicians are more accurate than journalists' - Simon Coveney
France's left-wing government just got a major slap in the face
Shane Ross won't be specific but wants to 'look after women'...
No money but plenty of ideas: 7 things that happened at the Green Party conference
I regularly vote in US elections from abroad. Why can’t Irish emigrants do the same?
Larry Donnelly
Support for Government up as Fianna Fáil TD says his party is 'facing demise'
Poll: Should the government give financial support to Irish bands?
Local authorities have kept on just 27 JobBridge interns
Mick Wallace: Irish bands need more support so they don't rely on the dole
QUIZ: Who threatened whom with a wedgie? Test your knowledge of the week...
Group of Independents want to strip politicians of some power and revive rural Ireland
'If we don't do anything now, Ibrahim will die'
Boko Haram militants shoot Nigerian voters dead at polling stations
Why this councillor was canvassing for Trevor Sargent... when he was 10
One third of voters find Lucinda's new party appealing
There's a second referendum happening on 22 May. Did you know?
Disappointment at "unusual" news that rent supplement limits won't be increased
'It was 1am and we'd been discussing development plans': Meet the Green who doesn't care about populism
The government has 'got to listen' to Donald Trump's call to block Aer Lingus sale
Here's what happened when David Cameron and Ed Miliband went head-to-head with Jeremy Paxman*
Poll: Are there too many middle-aged men in politics?
'I'm tired of middle-aged men pissing away my future all the time'
'Vote for Alan Kelly or you'll get a wedgie' - Paul Murphy won't let Simpsons reference go...
Pope Francis is heading to the White House
Fully-qualified solicitors doing a JobBridge? It's 'a joke'
Conservative senator Jim Walsh resigns from Fianna Fáil parliamentary party
TD says road sign he showed justice committee MIGHT have been from the UK
7 things we learned from our VERY revealing interview with Ronan Mullen
Geraldine Kennedy: Charlie Haughey couldn't bully me, so 'lesser politicians' hardly could
'A load of nonsense': Leo dismisses claim that most TDs will vote No
There was another entertaining episode of Joan v Mary Lou in the Dáil today
Could we have a general election before the end of the year?
There's great news for Enda and Joan in the latest poll