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Quiz: In which city would you find these landmarks?

Test your knowledge.

FROM PARIS TO Perth, there are a variety of iconic landmarks to be seen in any city across the world.

Some are well-known, others you might be surprised to find. Let’s test your knowledge of where you would find these landmarks around the globe. 

Let's start out with an easy one... where would you find this tower?

Heading further away from Ireland, in which South American city would you find this statue?
Buenos Aires
Rio de Janeiro

What about this tower?

Heading further away again, where would you find this?

Ho Chi Minh City
And this gate?

New Delhi
Back in Europe, where would you find this statue?

And now another tower. Where would you find this one?
New York City

Los Angeles
What about this bridge?

Where would you come across this?

And finally... in which city would you spot this?

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    Mute Finn Barr
    Favourite Finn Barr
    May 8th 2024, 10:11 AM

    Yes indeed, we had quite a pleasant April, apart from a few showers of course.

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    Mute best of luck all
    Favourite best of luck all
    May 8th 2024, 10:16 AM

    @Finn Barr: yes, weather was lovely all through April, apart from all the times it was pure crap.

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    Mute Mr “JonnieBoy” Johnson
    Favourite Mr “JonnieBoy” Johnson
    May 8th 2024, 10:16 AM

    @Finn Barr: and then you woke up.

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 10:17 AM

    @Finn Barr: My impression is that we had quite a cold April in Ireland, but obviously this does not negate the general upward trend in global temperatures (i.e. climate change), which is causing so many problems.

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 10:30 AM

    @Finn Barr: Reminds me of The Simpsons joke where Skinner burns the dinner but covers it up by claiming there’s Aurora Borealis entirely localised within his Kitchen

    Chalmers: Yes, there is global warming–good lord, what is happening over there?!

    Skinner: Normal April weather?

    Chalmers: Ah- normal April weather!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within your county!?


    And that’s supposed to disprove Global Warming?


    Can I see it?


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    Mute Brian
    Favourite Brian
    May 8th 2024, 10:32 AM

    @Brendan O’Brien: Why don’t you pop over to the misinformation study article and give us your impression on government misinformation .. you’re conspicuous by your absence.. hardly surprising as you can’t defend the government on that one and all the facts are stacked against you. I’m sure the party line is if we don’t talk about it and the media doesn’t report on it . It will eventually go away.

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 10:51 AM

    @Brian: I’m not responsible for your boring and inaccurate perceptions of me or of anything else.

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    Mute Brian
    Favourite Brian
    May 8th 2024, 11:02 AM

    @Brendan O’Brien: QED

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 11:05 AM

    @Brendan O’Brien: Ah!

    But you *are* responsible for our accurate perceptions of you.

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    Mute Mike Carson
    Favourite Mike Carson
    May 8th 2024, 11:09 AM

    @Finn Barr: Yep, all the pleasant rain, hail, and coldness. ‘Twas a grand April.

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    Mute Mike Carson
    Favourite Mike Carson
    May 8th 2024, 11:41 AM

    @Brendan O’Brien: Yes, that naturally occurring event of temperatures on the rise since the last ice age. Luckily, we finally noticed it, and we can now guilt the average citizen into paying nonsensical taxes to stop nature in its tracks. It’s just like the fear mongering in the 90s that we’d all be living underwater now or that oil would run out by now. Climate change is real and has been happening since the planet was formed. How high and mighty is the human ego to think it can affect it either way? Yes humans can damage and pollute their environment, but we can stop or change the course of climate change. If climate history, as we currently understand it, is anything to go by, we are headed for another drastic pole shift anyway. An EV or solar panel on our roofs won’t change it. Corealization is not always causation. Fun fact: all this carbon scaremongering, yet CO2 is the most important gas for controlling Earth’s temperature. You won’t hear Eamon Ryan say that when he imposes more carbon taxes on the average Irish citizen.

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 11:48 AM

    @Mike Carson: How high and mighty is *your* ego to believe that your whims and preferences override science?

    ‘Corealization [sic] is not *always* causation’, but sometimes correlation and causation do coincide.

    You say ‘we can stop or change the course of climate change’ – the opposite of what you meant to say, but it means that you are right for once.

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    Mute Paul Hussey
    Favourite Paul Hussey
    May 8th 2024, 2:23 PM

    @Brian: facts are .
    April was freezing .in 10 years time it will still be the same .
    There is no sign of global warming in ireland …think we dodged a bullet..

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    Mute lesidees
    Favourite lesidees
    May 8th 2024, 3:40 PM

    @Mike Carson: “CO2 is the most important gas for controlling the earth’s temperature “

    Quite so.

    In which case, might it not be sensible for humans to stop urning fossil fuels and emitting additional CO2 into the atmosphere?

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    Mute Mike Carson
    Favourite Mike Carson
    May 8th 2024, 4:04 PM

    @Brendan O’Brien: I did mean we can’t. What science do you see that shows we can, because we can’t? Do you honestly believe humanity has the technology to control climate change? Can we control the earth’s rotation? Can’t we control the sun? The answer is no; we can’t and as a result, we cannot control the climate. While carbon does trap heat, humans only account for 33% of it. That includes our agricultural and industrial work as well as our day-to-day lives. So let’s wipe out humanity. Carbon will still be produced on this planet, and it will still cause it to heat up, albeit at a slightly slower rate, but guess what? climate will still change. The planet will heat up just as it has over the last 10,000 years. So do tell me how taxing me on a plastic bottle will reduce climate change? How will taxing me to heat my house stop climate change? How will preventing me or taxing me out of flying stop climate change? Show me your “science” that says mankind can control nature and stop climate change. Weather patterns are never static and are always changing, as is the climate. With or without humans, the earth’s climate changes. Global warming has been on the rise for over 10,000 years. That was roughly the end of the last “ice age.” Technically, we are still in an ice age, just going through what’s known as an interglacial period. Its funny how in the past climate change was seen as normal. But now its all doom, and humans are responsible, so we must make them pay to stop it. Earth will start to cool down again when nature decides, not us.

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 11:27 PM

    @Mike Carson: Just so you know, the last Ice Age ended 11,700 years ago, there was no further warming till 1850 AD.

    At the end of the Last Ice Age, between 20,000 and 11,700 years ago, the Earth warmed at a rate of 0.07 Celsius per Century (total warming, 6 Celsius over 8,300 years).

    Then global temperature remained almost unchanged for over 10,000 years, except to minor cooling between 1100 AD and 1850 AD. Then after 1850 AD, the Earth warmed c. 1.5 Celsius, a rate of warming 14 times faster than the end of the Last Ice Age.

    Graph of the last 2,000 years of climate:

    Neukom, et al., 2019. Consistent multidecadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era. Nature Geoscience 12(8), 643–649.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 10:31 AM

    Ireland has a wonderful maritime climate due to our position in the Atlantic and the island’s latitude. Before the scientific method, modellers were given free rein with the Earth science of climate; that was what was taught in the classrooms of schools.

    Humanity doesn’t have a climate problem; it does have a problem with experimental theorists and their subculture, as Galileo describes it.

    “I know; such men do not deduce their conclusion from its premises or establish it by reason, but they accommodate (I should have said discommode and distort) the premises and reasons to a conclusion which for them is already established and nailed down. No good can come of dealing with such people, especially to the extent that their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous.” Galileo

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 10:49 AM

    @Gerald Kelleher: Your comments always remind me of the Beatles line ‘Nothing’s gonna change my world’.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 10:58 AM

    @Bren: The type of person Galileo was talking about showed up later in that century and the experimental theorist that he was warning against.

    “Rule III. The qualities of bodies that are found to belong to all bodies within the reach of our experiments are to be esteemed as the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever.” Newton

    In his case, the fall of an apple to the ground scales up to and equates to the motions of the planets around the Sun or, in the present case, conditions in a greenhouse scale up to the Earth’s atmosphere. Both are cruel because they are crude and have the same root in experimental modelling.

    It is a fascinating topic if people can get into what happened so society can free itself from academic politics.

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 11:06 AM

    @Gerald Kelleher: What type of modelling would you prefer over experimental?

    As in religious?

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 11:24 AM

    @ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere: The question you should be asking is why an experimental hypothesis is not the same as an astronomical hypothesis. Scientific method modelling tried to combine the two so conditions in a garden greenhouse (experiment) scale up to the Earth’s atmosphere (universal qualities).

    It is truly remarkable that theorists managed to temporarily convince humanity that climate is just one thing. That is seriously asking for trouble by any accounts.

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 11:33 AM

    @Gerald Kelleher: You are obsessed with what you see as flaws in the concept of scientific modelling, but the article is based on real-world measurements: not on models.

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    Mute Brendan O'Brien
    Favourite Brendan O'Brien
    May 8th 2024, 11:35 AM

    @Gerald Kelleher: In other words, climate change is not just a hypothesis: it is a fact.

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    Mute Mary.E.
    Favourite Mary.E.
    May 8th 2024, 12:03 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher:
    I knew you wouldn’t let us down Gerald.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 12:50 PM

    @Bren: The concept of scientific method modelling began with clockwork solar system modelling, where experimental predictions are meant to scale up to a planetary or solar system level. The modelling community never had the slightest idea of how Newton gave an experimental hypothesis and conclusion such priority, and now, it relies on society being helpless before the same issue.

    “The demonstrations throughout the book [Principia] are geometrical, but to readers of ordinary ability are rendered unnecessarily difficult by the absence of illustrations and explanations, and by the fact that no clue is given to the method by which Newton arrived at his results.” Rouse Ball

    We are 21st century people and not slaves to a late 17th century voodoo merchant.

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 1:04 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: Ah, we see!

    Because Newton was remiss to not include the little pictures that Rouse needs to understand something, then Newton is wrong.

    Oh, please!

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    Mute Science
    Favourite Science
    May 8th 2024, 2:00 PM

    @Brendan O’Brien: State the hypothesis for climate change and describe the scientific experiment that tests and validates that hypothesis.

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 3:25 PM

    @Science: I’ll give it a go, if you like.

    I’m just back from my nap and I’m still a little groggy, so bear with me.

    Let’s say you live in a home.
    This home has no internal heating. The energy coming into the home balances with the energy leaving it, or is in balance. Or, to put it another way, the *average* temperature of the home will be steady.

    Like any system, the flow of energy from one part to another depends upon the difference in energy levels between them. In an electrical system, the amount of electric current that flows from one part to another is determined by the difference of electrical pressure – voltage – between them. The amount of heat transfer is determined by the difference in temperature between two systems, or parts of a system.

    Now let’s say you add some insulation to the home. But this insulation let’s more energy come into the home than escape from it. The average temperature of your home will increase until the temperature difference between the 2 systems (inside and outside) cause the amount of energy leaving your home to balance with the amount entering, and the systems
    are in balance again. This will take time. That is, it will take time for the systems to balance after a change has been made to the structure of part of the system.

    Likewise with the planet.

    The planet has a blanket around it, which we call the atmosphere. Part of this blanket consists of gasses that allow energy in much better than they allow it back out.
    These have been labelled Greenhouse Gasses.

    We humans have been on the planet, oh, a few hundred thousand years, but we were mostly confined to those places that had a climate in which we could survive (and get to).

    But in the last, oh, 10,000 years or so the planet entered a climate sweet spot – for us. A sweet spot that has allowed humans to expand from maybe a few millions – if even that – to approaching 9,000,000,000.


    But in the last mere couple of hundred years we humans have increased the level of CO2 – one of the Greenhouse Gasses – by 50%.

    That is an *enormous* change to any system.

    As a result the planet is now retaining much more heat. And is heating up as a result.
    And will continue to heat up until the temperature difference results in the amount of heat leaving the planet balancing with the amount of heat entering it.

    But the climate of the planet is determined by the temperature of the planet.

    All those air currents – winds and storms – all those ocean currents, hurricanes and typhoons, etc., the amount of rainfall…, are caused by temperature differentials between parts of the system we call the planet.

    Now the planet is a large system.

    It will take a long time – in human terms, a very short time geologically – for it to achieve its new balance.

    So, with the additional amount of Greenhouse Gasses *already* in the atmosphere, the planet will continue to warm for some time to come (100 years or so?).
    That’s provided we stopped adding Greenhouse Gasses at this point in time. Which wont happen.

    So planet warming, and its attendant climate change, is baked in.
    At this stage it more a matter of how much (how bad it will be) rather than preventing it.

    Does that help at all?

    Now I’m tired again.
    Time for another nap.

    Take care.

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    Mute Science
    Favourite Science
    May 8th 2024, 8:55 PM

    @ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere: That wall of text is not a scientific hypothesis.

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 9:00 PM

    @Science: Does it not explain the hypothesis for you in simple terms?

    Is there some part that you cannot grasp?

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    Mute Thesaltyurchin
    Favourite Thesaltyurchin
    May 8th 2024, 9:13 PM

    While Geralds’ scientific qualms are too ‘meta’ for rational dialogue, he’s certainly created some interesting content here

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    Mute Mr G Pickett
    Favourite Mr G Pickett
    May 8th 2024, 1:37 PM

    It was so warm I had the hearing on some evenings in April! I suppose a few taxes will sort it

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    Mute eoin fitzpatrick
    Favourite eoin fitzpatrick
    May 8th 2024, 2:15 PM

    @Mr G Pickett: it’s amazing that so many journal posters can’t get their head around the word global, our education system is failing us

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 8:21 PM

    @Mr G Pickett: I got through the winter using heating less than a dozen times.

    ‘Twas a very mild winter.

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    Mute Dave Grant
    Favourite Dave Grant
    May 8th 2024, 12:12 PM

    Records began when?

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 12:28 PM

    @Dave Grant: For direct temperature measurement, using thermometers, records go back 174 years.

    But you can use other records that go back much further, in this case 2,000 years. These temperatures are based in tree rings, corals, ice cores, pollen, plant fossils, cave deposits etc. These are known as multi-proxy records:

    The recent increase in global average temperatures is so fast, the graph looks like a near vertical line. Temperature also follows CO2 levels precisely.

    But you can go back even further, 800,000 years., using ice cores.

    Krapp, M., Beyer, R.M., Edmundson, S.L., Valdes, P.J. and Manica, A., 2021. A statistics-based reconstruction of high-resolution global terrestrial climate for the last 800,000 years. Scientific Data, 8(1), p.228.

    Currently, the Earth is the warmest it’s ever been since the Eemian, 112,000–129,000 years ago, before the last Ice Age, thus “The Last Time Our Planet Was This Hot, Woolly Mammoths Roamed the Earth”. And it continues to rapidly warm

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    Mute Mr G Pickett
    Favourite Mr G Pickett
    May 8th 2024, 1:36 PM

    @David Jordan: Any comment Dave on the Astra Zeneca jab getting pulled worldwide due to it causing blood clots? They’ve openly admitted this. I thought u called all jabs safe and effective? Pfizer won’t be far behind with their 9 pages of side effects. How many lives have the likes of u ruined? Disgusting

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 2:25 PM

    @Mr G Pickett: On the one hand COVID-19 vaccines are estimated to have 19.8 million lives within the first year they became available, and of these lives saved, the AstraZeneca vaccines are estimated to have saved c. 6.5 million lives in the first year of use.

    Chavda, V.P., Yao, Q., Vora, L.K., Apostolopoulos, V., Patel, C.A., Bezbaruah, R., Patel, A.B. and Chen, Z.S., 2022. Fast-track development of vaccines for SARS-CoV-2: the shots that saved the world. Frontiers in Immunology, 13, p.961198.

    However, you are correct that the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID‑19 vaccine, sold under the brand names Covishield and Vaxzevria, is linked to an extremely rare side effect called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS), at a rate of about 1 per 100,000 doses (0.001%).

    So far, 2 billion does of Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID‑19 were administered.

    i.e. at most resulting in c. 20,00 cases of TTS, of which c. 17 – 18% were fatal, 3,600 deaths from 2 billion doses.

    So on the one had, this vaccine saved an estimated 6.5 million lives in 1 year via preventing fatal COVID-19, but on the other hand, c. 3,600 died from TTS (with many more injured).

    It’s a risk benefit thing.

    For example, 80% of TTC cases occurred in women, and almost all under the age of 40 (whose risk of fatal COVID-19 is low).

    So, in the UK, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) decided that due to the availability of alternative vaccines, and as a precaution, all people aged 39 years and under were offered an alternative vaccine from May 2021.

    And in Ireland, we discontinued using the AstraZeneca vaccine after April 12, 2021, except for people over 60.

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    Mute P. V. Aglue
    Favourite P. V. Aglue
    May 8th 2024, 3:19 PM

    @David Jordan: it was cold for the wooly mammoths

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    Mute Mr G Pickett
    Favourite Mr G Pickett
    May 8th 2024, 3:47 PM

    @David Jordan: Except for the over 60s? Oh god that’s worse. They must want em dead if that’s the case knowing it was unsafe and still pushing it. Likes of Holohan should be locked up pushing an unsafe jab.

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    Mute ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    Favourite ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere
    May 8th 2024, 8:20 PM

    @Mr G Pickett: Really?

    If a vaccine costs 10 lives but saves 1000, what would you do?

    Would you deny people that vaccine?

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    Mute Thesaltyurchin
    Favourite Thesaltyurchin
    May 8th 2024, 9:18 PM

    Ah the trolly problem, your pin ball has scuttled into the inescapable channel down the side.

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    Mute G C
    Favourite G C
    May 8th 2024, 11:29 PM

    @David Jordan: CO2 follows temperature. And it’s still a trace gas 0.04% or 4 parts in 10000. Humans only responsible for a fraction again. Climate change has alway happened.

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    Mute Ethan Ireland
    Favourite Ethan Ireland
    May 8th 2024, 3:34 PM

    Here we go again. Get ready for the next 4 months of brainwashing

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    Mute John Murphy
    Favourite John Murphy
    May 8th 2024, 12:08 PM

    This pattern last happened in 2015/16. I hope we don’t have the terrible summers from those years. I remember the heat had to come on during summer 2015 quite a few times!

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    Mute Sean Money
    Favourite Sean Money
    May 8th 2024, 2:47 PM

    Thankfully at last some sun. The crops need this heatwave so they do.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 1:31 PM

    This deserves a separate response because of its importance.
    Kepler gauged the Earth’s and Mars’s motions using the background stars as a reference over 16 years. The clockwork solar system modellers, following Newton, think the representation is geocentric, so by placing the Sun at the centre, the direct/retrograde loops disappear.

    “For to the Earth planetary motions appear sometimes direct, sometimes stationary, nay, and sometimes retrograde. But from the Sun, they are always seen direct[ly],…” Newton

    It never occurs to other commenters that there is a lot of damage and vandalism to undo with Western astronomy due to a misadventure with timekeeping and astronomy by a Royal Society theorist.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 1:37 PM

    All scientific method modelling, including climate change modelling, owes its existence to the original attempt to equate the fall of an apple to the Earth with the Earth’s motion around the Sun.

    The original theorists didn’t know how Newton did it, but I most certainly do, along with the failings of the original Sun-centred astronomers who had to propose their conclusions as an astronomical hypothesis.

    “When the ordinary man hears that the Church told Galileo that he might teach Copernicanism as a hypothesis which saved all the celestial phenomena satisfactorily, but “not as being the truth,” he laughs. But this was really how Ptolemaic astronomy had been taught! ” Barfield 1957

    The value of contemporary imaging and the original narratives will get humanity out of a jam.

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    Mute Science
    Favourite Science
    May 8th 2024, 1:51 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: Gerald, you criticise modelling but you still believe earth is a spinning ball which is based on that same modelling, and not the scientific method which requires physical experimentation. What is your evidence that the earth is a ball and that it it is rotating?

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 1:55 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: If modelling does is wrong, do the models overestimate or underestimate warming?

    The observed increase in temperatures, higher than modelled, indicates climate models underestimate warming, i.e. models underestimated the potency of CO2. We were not supposed to reach 1.5c until c. 2030., we breached that threshold nearly a decade early.

    The current estimate, known as climate sensitivity, predicts for a doubling of CO2 (over the pre-industrial era) there will be a temperature rise of between 1.5C and 4C, with the most likely estimate around 3C. Some scientists now suspect this is an underestimate, and warming will greater than we assumed. We may reach a 2C increase by 2050.

    This is James Hasen’s paper, where he proposes that models underestimated climate sensitivity / warming.

    Hansen, J.E., Sato, M., Simons, L., Nazarenko, L.S., Sangha, I., Kharecha, P., Zachos, J.C., von Schuckmann, K., Loeb, N.G., Osman, M.B. and Jin, Q., 2023. Global warming in the pipeline. Oxford Open Climate Change, 3(1), p.kgad008.

    So Gerard, you may be right, modelling failed, but they underestimate the amount of warming.

    CO2 levels increased by 50% so far. Doubling is = 100%, so we’re halfway to doubling the CO2 levels, though the rate of CO2 emissions increased so it won’t take 150 years to double, but c. 80 years, 2100.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 2:20 PM

    @Science: I don’t criticise scientific method modelling; I demolish it entirely as a tenable approach to solar system and Earth science research.

    All scientific method modelling, including climate change modelling, to Newton’s clockwork solar system modelling. This framework asserts that the planet doesn’t turn once in 24 hours to satisfy the misadventure with a 24-hour clock and the daily return of a star to the same position.

    ” It is a fact not generally known that, owing to the difference between solar and sidereal time, the Earth rotates upon its axis once more often than there are 24-hour days in the year” NASA.

    When utter perspective junk like that coming from scientific method modellers is removed, humanity can begin to enjoy climate instead of behaving like hapless dunces.

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 8th 2024, 2:27 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: Does “junk” climate modelling overestimate or underestimate warming?

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    Mute Anto Gunning
    Favourite Anto Gunning
    May 8th 2024, 2:30 PM

    @David Jordan: yeah 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere, let’s get it down to 0.02% and kill all plant life.

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    Mute Science
    Favourite Science
    May 8th 2024, 2:32 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: You didn’t answer my question and you didn’t address my point that your spinning ball belief is based on the modelling you “demolish”. You have never observed earth as a rotating ball or in orbit around the sun.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 2:48 PM

    @Science: The Earth rotates once every 24 hours and a thousand times in a thousand 24-hour days.

    The modellers and their subculture built on a clockwork solar system conviction that noon is not the anchor for one 24-hour day and one rotation by appealing to the daily change in the position of the stars instead.

    The scientific method modellers arrived at a conclusion of 23 hours 56 minutes 04 seconds for one rotation and thereby are obliged to give the wrong equatorial rotation velocity of 1,674.4 km/h when the actual value is 1,669.8 km/h.

    Losing the basic facts for a round and rotating Earth is catastrophic at every level, so that is where you are at.

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    Mute Science
    Favourite Science
    May 8th 2024, 2:59 PM

    @Gerald Kelleher: Still no answer to my question, you’re nothing but a copy & paste spammer repeating the same claims over and over again. The video you posted shows stars moving, not earth moving.

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    Mute Gerald Kelleher
    Favourite Gerald Kelleher
    May 8th 2024, 3:14 PM

    @Science: Others should have warned you to stay away, as advancing the original perspectives, including the wrong ones, will eventually get humanity out of a jam it found itself in.

    “… our clocks kept so good a correspondence with the Heavens that I doubt it not, but they would prove the revolutions of the Earth to be isochronical [constant]… ” John Flamsteed to Jonas Moore

    That silly conclusion preceded Newton’s clockwork solar system modelling, which links the celestial sphere motion of the stars directly to daily rotation.
    Had they followed the proper principles, they would have known there is a second annual change in the position of the stars parallel to the orbital plane seen from the surface of the Earth.

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    Mute N M
    Favourite N M
    May 8th 2024, 5:36 PM

    @Anto Gunning: CO2 was at 0.03% of the atmosphere before industrialisation. If we stopped emitting all carbon tomorrow, the CO2 level would not drop for decades / centuries. And I’m sure that it can keep itself high enough to support plant life without human intervention.

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    Mute David Jordan
    Favourite David Jordan
    May 9th 2024, 12:29 PM

    @Anto Gunning: CO2 was 0.028% before industrialisation, and plants were fine.

    In fact, some species of plants seem to have evolved to cope with low CO2 levels, using a more efficient photosynthesis system, called C4. Grasses, and therfore cerial crops, use C4 photosynthesis. While it’s debated in if C4 evolved in response to falling CO2, since a c. 480 ppm peak in the early mid-Miocene, it is clear that C4 plants cope well at low CO2 levels.

    The question is what happens when CO2 levels increase to 420 ppm, levels not seen in 14 million years? How do plants cope with CO2 levels the didn’t evolve to cope with? Seems some plants do better other worse.

    “By 8 million years before present, there’s maybe a 5% chance that CO2 levels were higher than today,” Bowen said, “but really we have to go back 14 million years before we see levels we think were like today.”


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