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All time
Opinion: In South Africa, it's often said that being gay is a 'western' thing
Ali Watson
Aaron McKenna: Why are we still rewarding failure and sparing punishment in the public sector?
Aaron McKenna
Extract: Imperial ideas and imperial dreams – the cost of vanity during the Great War
Sir Hew Strachan
Opinion: 'When bombing gets close my family come to me... they think I can protect them'
Opinion: I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 14 years ago – early detection is the key
Jess Clooney
Opinion: Neither nation can survive without freedom and independence for the Palestinians
Nurit Peled-Elhanan
Opinion: Proposed transgender laws are good news for lawyers – not couples
Michael Farrell
Opinion: Here I go again, back to Riyadh. My life has changed so much in just ten years...
Noel Scanlon
Opinion: A loved one’s death is devastating, but you must allow yourself to rebuild your life
Kathleen Maloney
Opinion: Ageism is far too prevalent, we need a cultural shift in how older people are perceived
Lianne Murphy
Opinion: 'At the heart of Irish law is an inescapable fact... we are second class citizens'
Amanda Mellet
Opinion: 'Our children wake up crying in the night... Isis has stolen our lives'
Donatella Rovera
Opinion: The new Gaeltacht Minister has hit the ground running – despite not being fluent
Seán Mag Leannáin
Opinion: Twinning with China – money maker or moral maze?
Joe Conway
Column: 'Hell is Coming' - fragments of horror from World War One
Liam Hogan
Larry Donnelly: 10 things I still just don’t get about Ireland
Larry Donnelly
Opinion: Why do people continue to do 'the hardest job in the world'?
Andrea Mara
Opinion: Following the money – Irish slave owners in the time of abolition
Liam Hogan
Opinion: The journey for acceptance for transgender people is ongoing – in all parts of society
Christine Allen
Opinion: DIY cocktails – how to grow your own mojito
Fiann Ó Nualláin
Opinion: I admit it, I'm an Apple Parent... are you?
Lucy O'Connor
Aaron McKenna: Massive state intervention in house building? Welcome back to 2007
Aaron McKenna
Opinion: Voter turnout isn’t a problem, so let’s stop all the hand-wringing
Eoin O'Malley
Opinion: For drug service reform to work, we need to be brave and innovative
Tony Duffin
Opinion: Young people are not 'apathetic' - we prioritise the collective good
Gary Gannon
Opinion: The sudden death of a young woman is not any less tragic for her being an addict
Claire Micks
Opinion: Is the effort to ‘revive the property market’ pushing creative groups out of the Docklands?
Mick Byrne
Opinion: Ireland should be at forefront of modern science – Ireland should join CERN
Conor Farrell
Opinion: Ring them bells! Why Ireland should never get rid of the Angelus
Donal O'Keeffe
Opinion: 'Right to be forgotten' ruling opens a legal and ethical Pandora's box
Niall McGlynn
Opinion: In the name of 'defence' we are attacking civilians already under Israeli control
Yehuda Shaul
Opinion: What does it actually take to establish an 'independent' policing authority?
Kirsten Roberts
Opinion: My son is a little boy who happens to like pink... isn’t that allowed?
Sinéad Fox
Opinion: 'It's a terrible blow to Aids research – and not the first time lives have been needlessly lost'
Enida Friel
Opinion: When you think of a sex worker, you might never think of someone like me
Opinion: Struggling to entertain the kids over the summer holidays?
Aisling Lyons
Opinion: The lazy guide to fair-weather gardening
Fiann Ó Nualláin
The road to Petras: Why I gave up my job and became an archaeologist
Frank Lynam
Opinion: We have made no preparations for our ageing population
Tadhg Daly
Opinion: Cast claustrophobia? It's very real and it's very unpleasant.
Aoibhin Fallon