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All time
Column: Should every citizen receive an unconditional basic income?
Tom Boland
Column: I was raped by my ex-boyfriend but I've taken back control of my life
Catherine W
Column: Why study economics?
Andrew Gillespie
Column: What you didn’t know about the real Afghanistan
Maya Pastakia
Column: Reducing school holidays would help students, parents and the economy
Colm Bergin
Extract: Remember the Lisbon Treaty referenda poster campaigns?
Paddy Duffy
Column: We lack the empathy and support for people going through divorce
Bernadette Ryan
Column: Is online dating keeping us from settling down?
Molly Garboden
Damien Kiberd: If Enda wants cash from his EU mates, he needs to stop ticking the boxes
Damien Kiberd
Column: The rise of bodybuilding shows strong is the new skinny
Jenny Conlon
Phil Prendergast: As a mother, I felt physically sick over Roma children mistakes
Phil Prendergast MEP
Column: 'Mega events'... the good, the bad, and the downright ugly
Feargus Dunne
Aaron McKenna: Why we should move to a GPS based mileage tax on motorists
Aaron McKenna
Column: Ireland’s child protection policy seems guided by medieval fairy tales
Killian Forde
Column: Pitting one section of the Irish people against another weakens us all
Peter Kavanagh
Column: President Higgins returned to a changed El Salvador today
Paul Dillon
Column: Ireland’s continuing disregard for transgender citizens is inexcusable
Emma Cassidy
Column: Nobody ever chooses to be homeless – this government is pushing people to the brink
Niamh Randall
Lisa McInerney: Selfies and oversharing – are we all master image manipulators now?
Lisa McInerney
Column: Why and how are children taken into State care?
Carol Coulter
Column: Ireland has a postcode lottery for health
Anne-Maree Quinn
Column: What is Jack Lynch's legacy?
Dr David McCann
Column: Facing the fear – over half our population drinks in a high-risk way
Suzanne Costello
Column: Europe needs a new approach to illegal immigration
David Moloney
Column: Debt ceiling, government shutdown: what is the future of American democracy?
Larry Donnelly
Column: I petitioned to stop politicians promising the moon and stars
Guy LeJeune
Column: The Celtic Tiger mauled Ireland, so why are NI politicians trying to mimic it?
Dr David McCann
Damien Kiberd: Health is not just Angola, it’s the original Heart of Darkness
Damien Kiberd
Column: Do you 'compartmentalise' your life on social media?
Molly Garboden
Column: Budgeting our depression? Funding cuts are disastrous to mental health
Kate Bellamy
Aaron McKenna: Giving free GP care for all children under 6 is reckless
Aaron McKenna
Column: Funerals are tough – and costs escalate quickly
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Column: We’re facing a housing crisis, not just a mortgage crisis
Mick Byrne
Diary of a First Time Dad: We've got company!
Patrick McCarry
Column: Human trafficking and forced prostitution is continuing in Ireland
Denise Charlton
Column: Is there any certainty for pensions?
Samantha McConnell
Column: Are you in or out? Welcome to the great digital divide
John Roche
Column: The exploitation of young people has been cemented by this government
Andrew Byrne and Dan Hayden
Column: I don't teach for 'good money' or 'cushy holidays'
Gerry Sutton
Column: From farm to fork – healthy people depend on healthy food systems
Olivier De Schutter