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All time
Opinion: Buyers of sex are getting more violent, increasingly influenced by what they see in porn
Anonymous Ruhama Caseworker
Column: Why are personalised attacks on children with disabilities, like Greta Thunberg, being tolerated?
Shane Dunphy
The Irish For: Did the Irish language influence the names of Gollum and the orcs in the Lord of the Rings?
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Ireland can remove the chill factor from defamation laws - and protect citizens' good names
Neville Cox
Opinion: Time is running out to save planet earth so we are organising a campaign of civil resistance
Ciaran O'Carroll
From the Garden: Learn to make nettle tea - it has a rich and earthy taste and is a super tonic
Michael Kelly
Opinion: At a club football match on a cold and rainy, dismal evening - I fell in love with Gaelic games
Larry Donnelly
Opinion: Ireland's brightest kids may never fulfill their potential as most schools don't do enough to challenge them
Colm O'Reilly
Tom Clonan: Compared with other EU countries, Ireland has a high rate of gun violence - so why is our government so complacent?
Tom Clonan
Opinion: 'Mortgage rules are massively unfair on people who can't rely on their parents for a sizeable deposit'
Fiona Cassim
Winning the Francis MacManus Short Story Competition changed my life. It's like I'm floating outside myself
Colin Walsh
We need to change the disabled parking logo - so people stop telling me that I'm not disabled when I am
Benat Broderick
Lynn Ruane: 'Now is not the time to stop listening to David Attenborough'
Lynn Ruane
The Irish For: How Beyoncé is helping to get fadas in formation
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Buck Whaley: The stakes were high when the Gambler met the Butcher
David Ryan
From the Garden: 'I worry about the implications of what Greta Thunberg’s saying for the cosy lives we lead'
Michael Kelly
Parental Leave: 'Fathers have moved on from sitting in the pub next door to the hospital - Ireland has not'
Derek Power
Brazilian student: Coming to Dublin was a dream come true but sharing a house with 14 others was a nightmare
Anne Lucey
Opinion: 'There are consequences to paying for all the most expensive new drugs'
Dr Anthony O'Connor
Opinion: My Sri Lankan relatives had a lucky escape from the bombings - I'm struggling to keep my hopes for peace alive
Dil Wickremasinghe
Opinion: Creative spaces are under threat so councils must be proactive to ensure that the arts survive
Patrick Costello
Giving birth in the 1960s: 'All the mothers were terrified of the doctors and matron so we never asked any questions'
Ava Stapleton
Child Protection: The failure to publish the report into Mother & Baby Homes is part of a continued cover-up
Shane Dunphy
Opinion: A variety of non-Christian historical sources support the idea that Jesus rose from the dead
Dr Thomas Finegan
The Irish For: Why do we remember things from TV and what does that mean for learning languages?
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Opinion: In Colombia indigenous protests follow communities being displaced and leaders murdered
Kieran Duffy
From the Garden: Learn how to really grow parsnips, earth up spuds and make wild garlic pesto
Michael Kelly
Catholic in 2019: 'Some cardinals and clerics appear trapped within a medieval mindset - but Pope Francis provides a glimmer of hope'
Joe Mulvaney
Opinion: 'Sometimes it just takes a little moment of courage to change your life forever'
Ellen Keane
Opinion: 'Big businesses will cry wolf and fire accusations of nanny-statism at any public health intervention'
Maebh Ní Fhallúin
Opinion: Inappropriate comments by customers in the workplace are not 'good craic'
Laura Farrell
Opinion: 'I'm not a victim, I am a survivor ... I don’t flinch when someone touches me'
Aicha Dounia
Opinion: At a cannabis dispensary in Colorado I found the only thing that offered relief for my chronic pain
Clare McAfee
Lynn Ruane: The overdose drug Naloxone can save lives so let's remove the barriers to accessing it
Lynn Ruane
The Irish For: We are sometimes called Gaeilge Nazis which feels like a bit of a curse
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Opinion: 'I wanted to pursue my acting dreams - but having kids was a huge risk. What should I do?'
Sarah Carroll
From the Garden: 'It seems an opportune time to write about sowing seeds in module trays'
Michael Kelly
Blue Care: The healing power and potential of the deep blue sea
Easkey Britton
Opinion: My name is Gearóidín and I want the Irish State to give me back my fadas
Gearóidín McEvoy
Opinion: 'I was born with my organs outside my body and given the last rites but now I have two children of my own'
Edwina Wrenn