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All time
Column: '61% of girls my age are embarrassed about their period'
Niamh Dunne
How to have a great life: 'We rarely give thought to the legacy we’re creating'
Paul McGee
'Therapists were relieved when the WHO listed gaming addiction as a mental health condition'
Stella O'Malley
Media stereotyping: 'The person with an intellectual disability is treated as either 'heroic' or 'tragic''
Nuala Macklin
GIY: 'The Khaki Campbell is one of the most prolific backyard ducks'
Michael Kelly
'Pride will only cease to be a protest when there is nothing left to fight for'
Danny Rigg
'Growing up in Donegal was a privilege, but growing up LGBTI+ in any county is not easy'
Ayrton Kelly
Pearse Doherty: 'We would invest the €1.4bn available, putting us on our way to a new society'
Pearse Doherty TD
Eamon Ryan: Open letter to Shane Ross on the need for a review of the Metrolink design
Eamon Ryan
Opinion: The immigration crisis may spell the end of the European dream
Antonio Tajani
Donor-conceived children: It's time to ban anonymous sperm donation
Dr Brian Tobin
'We spend €400 million each year on drugs while only €10 million is spent on counselling'
Sean Byrne
Kate McGrew: 'I came out to my parents as a sex worker on national television'
Kate McGrew
'The Irish healthcare system is in desperate need of new ideas and new solutions'
Prof John R Higgins
'I’ve always hated the term 'the UK'. I find it an insult to me as an Irish person'
Michael Fortune
'If prison does not serve and rehabilitate offenders, they will return to life as before, or worse'
Charlie Flanagan TD
'Having been in direct provision for such a long time I had started to lose confidence'
Ellie Kisyombe
GIY: 'As we move in to summer, it’s important to keep sowing'
Michael Kelly
'There are gardaí, politicians and doctors who have taken something illegal at some point'
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
Can Ireland's vast monoculture conifer carpets be changed into biodiverse deciduous woodlands?
Dermot McNally
Juncker's visit: 'The onus is on our government to insist that his visit is productive'
Dominic Hannigan
Column: 'I remember having to ask for the brown paint for my self-portrait in junior infants'
Nicholas Ndlovu
'She was living in a derelict building dripping with damp under a tin roof. The year was 1998'
Anne Roper
Opinion: 'Direct provision has been a disaster'
Ronan Herlihy
Tara Flynn: 'Dear fellow Feminazis. I write this from The Bunker'
Tara Flynn
Column: 5 ways to get money back from the taxman
Barry Flanagan
Opinion: 'The housing bubble will burst and create another credit crunch'
Paul Merriman
Success-oriented culture: 'Many people chase goals that are not theirs'
Philip Kernan
Which veg plants need a lot of watering and which ones can withstand a bit of a drought?
Michael Kelly
'That Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un were able to reach an agreement must be welcomed'
Larry Donnelly
Opinion: 'Cyclists would rather not be sharing road space with lorries, buses, and cars'
Roderic O'Gorman
Opinion: 'Under 16s should be able to access gender recognition with parental consent'
Eilis Barry
'Abortion is not part of routine general practice. 85% of GPs are of this opinion'
Dr Maitiu O Tuathail
Poverty: 'There is a dominant narrative that seeks to blame people for their circumstances'
Dr Tricia Keilthy
'The seriousness with which Americans take their flag and national anthem is unusual'
Caoimhín De Barra
'It overwhelms me totally. I physically shake. The tone of my voice changes'
Neil Kelders
'My symptoms were all invisible, so how could anybody understand what I was going through?'
Linda Collins
Campaigning for Repeal: 'My hijab made me a target. My brown skin made me a target'
Somaya Mahmud
'We had returned over the years but this trip was different. This time, when my dad talked, I listened'
Michelle McBride
Simon Coveney in Jordan: '80,000 live in Zaatari refugee camp. That's the same population as Galway City'
Simon Coveney