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All time
'She was frantic, her boyfriend had assaulted her and was going to make her do sex work'
Tony Duffin
'If someone requires an app to prove legal consent then you shouldn’t be having sex with them'
Filomena Kaguako
GIY: Courgettes are easy to grow and incredibly prolific, growing freakishly fast
Michael Kelly
'Building walls will not solve this problem. Neither can the EU provide a home for everyone'
Brian Hayes
'Between the doctor, antibiotics and the four days off, it was €600 that I will never see again'
Sinead Pembroke
'It wasn't about anything that happened in my life, it was about the black hole'
Rebecca McInerney
Most children born now will live to 100, so how do we prepare for an older population?
Dominic Campbell
'There are two choices: stay in Dublin and pay the price or leave Dublin and pay the price'
Colm Boohig
Have we broken the ocean?: 'Read the ingredient list before you buy your next batch of toiletries'
Professor Gordon Chambers
'Sarah Jane would like to live independently with support. No such service or plan is possible'
Suzy Byrne
'I'm getting better about ignoring the black dog, I've locked him outside and I haven't fed him in years'
Stephen Considine
Opinion: 'We need funding for councils to go house to house and check the status of the voters'
Sinéad Halpin
Column: 'Don’t judge a commuting parent. Smile at that noisy toddler'
Geraldine Walsh
Deep Atlantic: 'If you can’t stand up, what's the difference between two and two thousand metres'
Ken O'Sullivan
Fix it like Finland: 'Nowadays there isn’t a single rough sleeper on Helsinki streets'
Jack Maguire
Deleting Facebook: 'I wouldn’t date someone who wasn't on Facebook. They have secrets'
Amanda Geard
GIY: 'We really don’t need a heatwave – just a few days with the sun in the sky'
Michael Kelly
'Access to third level isn't on merit. It's a lottery based on which family you were born into'
Paul Gavan
Vaccines: 'Those of us from an earlier era must speak out to stop little lives being wrecked'
Dr Ida Milne
Kilkenny mosque debate: 'This could become dangerous. Tensions could escalate'
Malcolm Noonan
Womenomics: 7 steps to make gender equality the new normal
Victor Duggan
Rate my rape list: 'I'm angry at the silence of the men of Ireland'
Cliona Saidlear
Get ready world: 'Trump’s posturing is even more inconsistent and incoherent than Obama's'
Larry Donnelly
'My biggest regret is not reporting my rape. My rapist has a comfortable life with a wife and kids'
Morgan Barbour
Magdalene Laundries: 'Memorial needed for women detained under heartless, vicious regime'
Mary Lou McDonald
'Our parish universe straddled two counties and two States. We forged an identity as borderers'
Darach MacDonald
Column: So you think adoption has nothing to do with you?
Paul Redmond
An immigrant fits in: 'I added 'sh' sounds to words and repeated the phrase 'Bono is a pox''
Laura Gerulyte Griffin
In the garden: 'I find that my system is craving fresh greens after a long winter'
Michael Kelly
Why I'd pull up a deckchair, skive off work and queue in the rain to buy a house
Paul Hosford
Women in sport: 'We press pause on our lives, sacrificing friends, family and career'
Ailis Egan
Rape myths: 'Sexual assaults are traumatic. Incoherencies in the victims' accounts are inescapable'
Ciaran McCullagh
Are we about to see the opening shots of a third world war? Hopefully cool heads will prevail
Tom Clonan
Bliain na Gaeilge: 'My mother made a choice to speak to us in her mother tongue'
Róisín O’Hara
Opinion: 'We don't need more leaflets from Teagasc. We don't need grants to build more sheds'
Pippa Hackett
D4 accents: 'Yes, kids speak differently from their parents. But why should this be a bad thing?'
Prof Vera Regan
Peter Hain: 'The UK government is playing a dangerous game with the peace process'
Peter Hain
Opinion: How is it legal for schools to refuse to set up special classes?
Graham Manning
Column: 'We waited for three hours on the side of the road in the dark and cold. I'm sick of it'
Linda Byrne
Marriage has some very tasty tax benefits attaching to it: Here's how to claim them
John Lowe