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All time
Column: 'I have to teach myself to smile (I didn't realise it was so easy to lose a smile)'
Fiach Lynch
Michael Kelly’s top tips for putting food and food growing at the centre of your workplace
Michael Kelly
Survivors of sexual violence are let down by the criminal justice system – here’s what should happen
Dr Simon McCarthy-Jones
Play golf on paternity leave? You're lucky to have time to breathe
Cianan Brennan
Homelessness: Do we want an Ireland modelled on Vancouver where the majority prosper?
Richard MacCarthy
Opinion: 'Religious instruction and worship should take place outside core school hours'
David Graham
Opinion: 'Consent can't be delivered in the same way as other subjects by embarrassed teachers'
Elaine Byrnes
'We can't ignore the very real possibility of the emergence of a new disruptive politics'
Rory Hearne
Why I became a counsellor: 'Mentally, I’ve gone toe-to-toe with Mike Tyson'
Danny McNeive
Stephen Hawking: 'I clearly remember being blown away by the mind-bending physics of the book'
Professor Peter Gallagher
Peter McVerry: 'It should be made illegal for the next three years to evict people onto the street'
Peter McVerry
Irish emigrant: 'I'm more concerned now about the Great Barrier Reef than the Irish summer'
Philip Lynch
Eileen Paisley: 'I think there was a quietness and shyness about Martin. He was good company'
Jude Collins
Column: 'I felt a wave of guilt come over me. How was I laughing in a world my mum wasn’t in?'
Mairead Doyle
GIY: Our guru's 'nerdy' guide to growing onions for home-made marmalade
Michael Kelly
Opinion: 'Corporate egg freezing is a great idea for the women who want that option'
Meriem Ahmed
Mary Magdalene: 'A queen of nobility wrongly cast as prostitute by womb-envying patriarchs'
Grace Vaughan
'We need to help people who use drugs make healthier choices, not treat them as criminals'
Tony Duffin
When consent is contested, both sides are fighting for a 'win'
Noeline Blackwell
Russian diplomat expulsion: 'Ireland should have avoided jumping on this bandwagon'
Danielle Ryan
'Ireland needs to invest in its neutral status - is expelling a Russian diplomat the best way?'
Tom Clonan
'Having seen how much my wife went through, it felt so wrong to be heading out the door'
Eric Nolan
The lost decade is over: Our 7.8% GDP growth last year was comfortably the highest in Europe
Victor Duggan
Column: 'I have been asked if I mourn the healthy, normal son that I could have had'
Hesline Crawford
Gen Z: We're looked down on by older generations and not given the chance to show who we are'
Keely Jenkinson
Hooded Men: Can the use of torture by a State be justified?
Conor Courtney
GIY: Secrets to growing your own juicy tomatoes
Michael Kelly
American mom: 'Why I am marching for American gun control in Dublin'
Mary Farley
'People can live quite happily alongside cancer. I have been doing that for the past 11 years'
Liz Burke
An Irishman in Brexit Britain: 'The atmosphere has changed since the vote'
Peter Flanagan
Retirement: 'For the first time in nearly forty years I could openly admit that I didn't believe in God'
Peter Gunning
'The notion that RTÉ is the only public service broadcaster in the State is nonsense'
Brian Moss
'Since moving to Ireland I have been born again, I want to thank the country for that'
Nasir Elsafi
The Cattle Raid of Cooley is our national epic - and still has resonance for modern rural life
John Connell
Opinion: 'When we ask that question – why doesn’t she leave? - we abuse again'
Dr Carol Baumann
Life with endometriosis: 'I haven't given up hope of becoming a mum one day'
Cate O'Connor
'People aren't fleeing for no reason, they are forced to leave - forced by killing'
Anonymous Man Graphic
'I'm sickened by the D4/ mid-Atlantic/ makey-up English accent that is blighting Ireland'
Michael Fortune
Irish in Nottingham: 'We created a little Gaeltacht by the games cabinet of an old English pub'
Scott De Buitléir
GIY: 'This St Patrick’s Day I will be out (as I am every year) sowing my spuds for the year'
Michael Kelly