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All time
'At 32, I was told I had breast cancer just seven months after having my first baby'
Georgie Crawford
Growing up in the Troubles: 'I remember showing a plastic bullet to my Mum to excuse my lateness'
Shauneen Armstrong
'How to sort out your affairs so loved ones won't have embarrassing memories of you after you die'
Laura Hutchinson
Dublin in the 80s - 'Instead of an 18th birthday card, given a birth cert and told to sign on'
Anthony Goulding
Use remaining old-season veg and store cupboard ingredients for a delicious cassoulet
Michael Kelly
'There's a deep-rooted hatred toward the indigenous culture of Ireland, above all its language'
Caoimhín De Barra
'Let's be accurate: There's no proposal to bring in new interviews in Irish for Gaelscoils'
Colmán Ó'Drisceoil
'I live in enduring, constant severe pain - Versatis patches made things bearable'
Margaret Kennedy
Do you know where the adverts on your phone about the Eighth Amendment are coming from?
David Morrison
Why are more and more Irish charities not publishing their financial information?
Patricia Quinn
'If I miss my meds, it's a matter of hours before I have a seizure': Rick O'Shea on life with epilepsy
Rick O'Shea
'Raped women are forced to marry their rapists to maintain their family's name'
Jenifer Williams
Ruby Tandoh: 'Food fads are toxic - they erode the faith you have in your appetite'
Ruby Tandoh
Why are oversubscribed Educate Together schools only taking half-stream?
Ronan Moore
'Gay men who've had sex in a year can't give blood, but those involved in risky sexual behaviour can'
James Larkin
'There is simply nothing more warming than a French onion soup'
Michael Kelly
Three steps parents can take to protect their children online
Ger Brick
'Why not allow asylum seekers work where they want and pay taxes like everyone else?'
Sorcha Grisewood
'Average combined maternity and parental leave is 98 weeks in EU countries - in Ireland it's 60'
Jennifer Whitmore
Opinion: 'A right-wing British politician like Farage has no right to interfere in Ireland's affairs'
Jason O'Sullivan
Broadband in rural Ireland: 'If I disconnect, I don't get paid - I fear for my job'
Could an underground Dart solve Dublin's traffic gridlock? It's being considered
Catherine Murphy TD
My wife died 20 years ago and my son has autism, Alone has given me a friend
Jim Birch
Need to organise your home? The three Ls are the secret to finding time to declutter
Sarah Reynolds
Giving up smoking? Most effective method makes it three and half times more likely for you to quit
Dr Des Cox
'I dread registering my child because I can't put his other parent on the birth certificate'
Sarah Stone McDevitt
GIY: Even if you don't have much space, you can still grow spuds in pots and containers
Michael Kelly
Can your phone help keep those resolutions? Health tech expert on best fitness apps
Yvonne Redmond
Opinion: Suggesting the 'Fighting Irish' mascot of Notre Dame is offensive is neglectful to history
Eugene O'Driscoll
'We're not adequately examining sexual crime suspects and it's stopping justice being done'
Kieran Kennedy
State of the Union: 'Trump didn’t go off script. He was measured and sought to be conciliatory'
Larry Donnelly
Saving for a house? Sometimes a person can't move back home, borrow from parents or travel
Niamh Baker
Anxiety, panic attacks and depression: People bullied in work more likely to leave than the bully
Stephanie Regan
Need a change in your career? Six things to do before you tell your boss
Jane Downes
Mother on miscarriage: 'I felt like a failure. I didn’t protect my babies. My body had let us down.'
Ethna Quirke
'People who brag about being busy will always be average. They'll never accomplish anything'
Isaiah Hankel
'Pooper snoopers are needed to stop family walks ending in excrement being scrubbed from shoes'
Eric Nolan
'I went from dad bod to six-pack in eight months because of a promise I made myself as a child'
Kevin O'Connor
GIY: Sow seeds on a sunny indoor windowsill and try this cheesy leeks recipe
Michael Kelly
Giving vote to emigrants won't lead to 'President Bono' but these are arguments expats hear
Larry Donnelly