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All time
New year, new car? Here's what you should consider before you buy
Barry Aldworth
'We need reverse vending machines in shops with a 25c deposit on containers'
Ciarán Cuffe
Hospital consultant: 'I'd like to dispel a few myths for people about overcrowding'
Dr Anthony O'Connor
'With relative garda silence on Dundalk attacks, speculation and Islamaphobia swept across Internet'
Tom Clonan
Open letter to Simon Harris: 'Our dad provided good service to Irish State but ended up on a trolley'
Caitriona O'Neill and William Gallagher
Katherine Zappone: 'Students will be asked to challenge ideas of what consent is'
Katherine Zappone
Losing my sister Donna: 'Traumatic shock, grief and facing deep inner demons'
Neil Fox
Column: 'Our laws governing political donations don't work for democracy'
Anna Visser
Tweeting TDs: Who excelled on social media in 2017?
Craig Dwyer
Almost no change in house prices in second half of 2017 - but it doesn't mean a bubble has burst
Ronan Lyons
'If you want something different out of life in 2018, try something new'
Derval Chambers Petit
'1918 was a year of monumental importance that had plenty in common with 2018 Ireland'
Caoimhín De Barra
'Therapy and personal training taught me that it's impossible to run away from self-loathing'
Rosemary MacCabe
These were the 15 'biggest things' to happen in 2017
Kevin Cunningham
2017: How was it for Trump?
Larry Donnelly
Self-care: 'Ireland is the only country where 'you love yourself' is an insult'
Amy Plant
GIY: 'Over a hot cup of soup, I was reminded how great you feel after a meitheal'
Michael Kelly
Opinion: Will Bliain na Gaeilge turn into Bliain na Begrudgers 2018?
Dermot McNally
'Politicians can't agree about 10 people - so another 490 injured through no fault of their own get nothing'
Dennis Godfrey
Ditch the diet: 'Your plan for 2018 should be not to make grand plans'
Ciara Wright PhD
Opinion: Women of Ireland, 2018 will be our year
Orla O'Connor
Caring at Christmas: '24: The number of hours I work per day'
Tracy McGinnis
'An attack is a distinct possibility in Ireland in 2018 - our security is provocatively weak'
Tom Clonan
Lonely this Christmas?: Being single in a room full of couples is the worst
Rena Maycock
Spanish flu centenary: 'We're overdue another influenza pandemic'
Dr Tim Hinchey
Christmas with depression: 'I know I should be happy, but I can't help it. I really can't'
Abigail McDonnell
'Some scoff at his use of social media and attire but 'brand Leo' is resonating with us'
Larry Donnelly
Column: How to cope with toxic family members during Christmas
Karl Melvin
Mysterious ways: 'Dad dies. I get cancer. That isn't a mysterious way. It's a double-whammy'
Peter Gunning
Knock's Fr Richard Gibbons: 'Christmas is the antidote to humbug, despair and hopelessness'
Fr Richard Gibbons
Column: 'I'm facing my second Christmas without my partner, Patric'
Jenny Gilleece
Separated father: 'I will spend Christmas on my own, not seeing my children'
My 2017 GIY report: 'Aubergines – F. Great plants, no fruit. Must do better'
Michael Kelly
Christmas as a Muslim: 'My mom was always careful that we'd never feel left out'
Meriem Ahmed
'Increased access to "comfort foods" during Christmas sent my eating disorder into overload'
Jodie Kenny
Previewing Ireland’s economy in 2018: It’s gonna get better, before it gets worse
Victor Duggan
Column: 'I never give anything to anyone for Christmas and I don't expect junk in return'
Barry Purcell
Magdalene memorial: 'I grew up in the shadow of that laundry'
Gary Gannon
'Ownership rights make it difficult to tackle neglect and disrepair in the private sector'
Neasa Hourigan
Opinion: Why is the Irish driving test so hard and so expensive?
Barry Dunning