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All time
Opinion: 'Young people should be automatically registered to vote at 18'
James Doorley
Tom Clonan: 'A land border would be provocative and divisive while Stormont is suspended'
Tom Clonan
Carrowbrowne site: 'Travellers have a right to a home that is culturally appropriate'
Joanna Corcoran
Opinion: I want to stop women feeling like frauds in a corporate culture designed for our grandfathers
Aileen O'Toole
Maria Edgeworth's letters: 'Sir Walter Scott punctual to his word arrived on Friday'
Valerie Pakenham
World Cup bid: Why should taxpayers' money be given to sporting organisations?
Sean Byrne
Measles outbreak: Should we pay doctors to track down unvaccinated children?
Jennifer Whitmore
'We need an NCT-style certification system on minimum standards in the private rented sector'
John-Mark McCafferty
Cerebral palsy: 'I’m like everyone else. I want to party, get drunk, make mistakes'
Paddy Smyth
Column: How has a major medieval abbey in the centre of Dublin been forgotten?
Dr Ruth Johnson
David McCullagh on Eamon de Valera: 'People tended either to love him or to loath him'
David McCullagh
Opinion: 'The Irish Constitution has served us well for the most part'
Dr Laura Cahillane
Food miles: Don't buy strawberries from Israel during Irish strawberry season
Michael Kelly
Opinion: Why do we even need an International Men’s Day?
David Walsh
'Action on homelessness would do more for our international reputation than chastising commentary'
Kevin Hargaden
As a survivor of violent rape, I believe #MeToo is a powerful force for victims
Winnie M Li
Assistive technology: 'I have difficulty speaking and I use my iPad as a communications device to speak'
Anne O'Brien
Coercive control: 'If I didn’t do what he wanted me to, myself and the kids would suffer'
Sharon O'Halloran
Micheal Healy Rae: 'The government should leave our young drivers alone'
Michael Healy Rae
Opinion: Do we still need unions?
Jason O'Sullivan
Joanne McNally: 'I don’t want children, but I’m not selfish'
Joanne McNally
David McCullagh: Was de Valera's mother telling the truth about his parentage?
David McCullagh
GIY: Winter warming pea and nettle soup using homegrown peas and foraged nettles
Michael Kelly
'What was particularly scary about these voices is I am deaf and don’t normally hear people talking'
Karen Sinnott
Larry Donnelly on Trump: 'There is the substance and the sideshow'
Larry Donnelly
Opinion: Women are working for free from today until 2018
Angela Smith
'Ireland is not immune to the threat of digital surveillance against journalists'
Elizabeth Farries
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin: 'The Irish are for Trump. So perhaps we should say something about it'
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
Opinion: Cutting constituency sizes will cut left wing councillors by 75% and women by 25%
Oliver Moran
'The gap in household income in Dublin versus rural Ireland is widening'
Prof Cathal O’Donoghue, Paul Kilgarriff and Dr Mary Ryan
Young mum stereotypes: 'Some of us are happy being mothers and wives'
Susannah O'Brien
Mary Kenny: 'I used to hear men say that "only tarts kiss and tell"'
Mary Kenny
Opinion: 'A welcome compliment to someone isn’t a problem. Lewd jokes are'
Noeline Blackwell
Column: Should Irish companies give non-smokers extra days off?
Jason O'Callaghan
Grow yacon: 'It's exciting to grow something you've never grown before'
Michael Kelly
Column: Brexit is dangerous for Ireland if we're not prepared
Hugh Torpey
Opinion: Is this the beginning of the end of Donald Trump?
Larry Donnelly
#MeToo: 'Some contributors use it as a platform to pour scorn on all men'
AR Devine
The reality of house hunting on HAP: 'Please don’t call back if I don’t email you the address'
Christine O'Donnell
Micro-beads: 'There will be more waste plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050'
Aengus Ó Corráin and Grace O'Sullivan