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All time
'My interactions with Minister Fitzgerald have raised concerns about her willingness to be transparent'
Catherine Murphy TD
'HIQA does not yet have the legal mandate to assess the services of the most vulnerable'
Phelim Quinn
Column: 'Everybody else seemed to 'get' life. I was lost, so lost, and tired of not feeling okay'
Neil Kelders
'We still don't know how the government will ensure an autonomous maternity hospital'
Jason O'Sullivan
'If Theresa May holds on to power, it will be the end of the NHS and the welfare state'
Rob Winkel
'There was nothing gained from punishing women who couldn't afford the morning after pill'
Kate O'Connell
Opinion: 'Ireland could lead the way in developing new human-centred approaches to drug use'
Dr John Collins
'I used to have dreams when he was little about him walking and talking. I would wake up sobbing'
Tracy McGinnis
'Three doctors recently claimed saturated fat doesn't clog arteries. Their claim doesn't stand up'
Janis Morrissey
'If there was a creator of the universe, it wouldn't need its feelings protected by Dermot Ahern'
Michael Nugent
Religion in schools: 'My son comes home saying things like, 'God makes it rain''
Caitriona O'Neill and William Gallagher
Gluten-free life: 'It's disheartening when gluten-free diets are slammed by the media as a fad'
Aoife O’Neill
Fancy a nettle tea? Spring nettles are abundant right now and have lots of health benefits
Michael Kelly
Teachers' pay: 'Less interest will mean lower CAO points and new teachers of lower standards'
Cionnaith Ó Duibhir
Welfare cheat?: 'I have an acquaintance who claimed the dole. There was no other way to afford university'
Gavin Mendel-Gleason
'There is a long history of intermingling of church and State funds with respect to St Vincent's'
Elizabeth Fitzgerald
'When doctors and their loved ones are patients in hospital, the health insurance form tends to get signed'
'We're facing a crisis if the new South Korean government acts without US approval'
Dr Dong-Jin Kim
Column: 'I became labelled as my mental illness. I was ridiculed and excluded'
Siobhán Brady
Column: 'Shakespeare’s solo authorship of certain plays remains in question'
Rory Loughnane
'In 1845, Douglass had dinner with the Lord Mayor. Today he'd be put in direct provision'
Donal O'Kelly
Maia Dunphy: 'I’d feel my IBS coming on like a spasm and I’d have to go home'
Maia Dunphy
'We kicked ourselves for not expanding during the boom, but it would have crippled us'
Fergal Doyle
'Declan Murphy dies in horror fall': The jockey writes about that fall, reading his own obituary and his long recovery
Declan Murphy and Ami Rao
Column: 'Trump's speech style has become more presidential and a lot less fun'
Amy Rose Harte
'Literally every day during the recession I'd come in and check how much cash we had'
Paschal Naylor
Stigma: 'When a doctor can say to you when filling out a sick cert: "Will I just put depression, or…?"'
Jen Ronan
When to use horticultural fleece: 'The Irish spring can bite you in the bum'
Michael Kelly
Opinion: 'The State should pay for mothers to stay at home'
Pauline O'Reilly
'Trump's ban and inflammatory rhetoric have emboldened anti-Muslim behaviour'
Colm O'Gorman
'I phoned my mother at 4.30am. I couldn't say a word. She brought me to hospital'
'I am genuinely sick worrying how I am going to pay for back to school costs this year'
June Tinsley
'It isn't sustainable for our tax revenues to be so dependent on Washington'
Victor Duggan
Delayed maternity payment: 'It seemed my application had been "forgotten about"'
Nicola Cassidy
'The hallucinations were 100% real to me. But people were telling me there was nothing there'
Brian Scallan
Adi Roche: 'I'm asking world leaders to help removing and storing Chernobyl's radioactive material'
Adi Roche
'In my head, I didn't deserve to be helped. I was broken and couldn't be fixed'
Hannah Tyrrell
Drugs: 'How is arresting someone for something that they are addicted to helping?'
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
'Paul wanted to talk. But there was nobody to talk to'
Patricia Turner
Column: 'The time has come. We demand the opportunity to live our lives through Irish'
Michael McCaughan