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Associated Press

Pope Francis will make powerful enemies tomorrow by releasing a radical new document

The pontiff is to issue a scathing papal encyclical directly linking rampant capitalism with irreversible environmental catastrophe and rising global inequality.

FEW COULD IMAGINE the ultra-conservative Vatican at the epicentre of a rebellion against rampant capitalism and its destruction of the natural world. The release tomorrow (June 17th) of what may well be the most radical papal encyclical in modern history strongly suggests we do indeed live in extraordinary times.

A leaked draft of the encyclical (or teaching letter) suggests that Pope Francis, a boxer in his youth, is coming out swinging, warning of the need for truly radical steps to arrest the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem”. Put plainly, he warned: “destroy Creation and Creation will destroy us”.

This pope is making some powerful new enemies

The pope explicitly links bare-knuckle capitalism with both ecological catastrophe and growing inequality. Given that just 67 billionaires control more than half the entire world’s wealth – each individual billionaire controlling more resources than an average 100 million people – it is clear that the pope is making some powerful new enemies. These same plutocrats bankroll politics and own the media in many countries, so the backlash against Francis will be epic.

In recent months, the science-savvy pontiff, who holds a master’s degree in chemistry, outraged neoliberals by dismissing ‘trickle-down’ economics as “a failed theory”. He went on to warn that “the invisible hand of capitalism cannot be trusted”. He also argued that “excessive consumerism is killing our culture, values and ethics… and the conservative ideal of individualism is undermining the common good”.

Francis is the first pope from the Global South, the part of the world that has been the loser as globalised capitalism concentrated more power and wealth in fewer and fewer hands. His experience in his native Argentina, which was torn apart by economic collapses has left Francis deeply sceptical of the very capitalism pretty much every Irish politician, economist and commentator believes is essential to ‘grow the economy’.

Economic growth has come with a fearsome price tag. Half of all the wild animals on Earth have disappeared since 1970, according to a major WWF study. On our current trajectory, within the next three or four decades most of what remains of the natural world will quite literally have been wiped off the face of the planet. This generation of humans is both living through and the driving force behind the greatest global mass extinction event in at least the last 50 million years.

We are facing chaos on a scale not witnessed since World War II

Meanwhile, despite the best efforts of the deniers to claim otherwise, climate change continues gathering both pace and momentum, setting in train processes that are, at least on human timescales, essentially irreversible.

Polar scientists now calculate a minimum of five metres of sea level rise is already ‘locked in’ as a result of unstoppable melting events in Antarctica and Greenland. This is sufficient to redraw the map of the world, and render many of our great coastal cities uninhabitable over time. However, our current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions pathway could, in just another decade or two, increase the amount of ‘locked-in’ ice melt to raise global sea levels by a staggering 20 metres over time.

While global average temperatures have already risen by almost 1C, causing sharp rises in extreme weather events across the world, climate scientists warn that our ever-increasing GHG emissions as a result of burning fossil fuels are rapidly pushing the global temperature gauge towards the +2C ‘red line’. Beyond this point lies a near future of weather disasters, famines, droughts and widespread economic and social disruption on a scale not witnessed since World War II.

The ecological and climate emergency is quite literally the gravest threat human beings have ever collectively faced.

While speaking as the head of the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic church, Francis stresses that this encyclical, Laudato si (“Blessed are You”) is first and foremost a moral, rather than an overtly religious message. To drive home this point, the 200-page document will tomorrow be jointly launched by a Catholic cardinal, a Christian Orthodox church leader and a climate scientist who happens to be an atheist.

The encyclical will make acutely uncomfortable reading for practising Catholics like Taoiseach Enda Kenny, who, in tandem with Environment minister, Alan Kelly, has decided – for short-term gain – to make ignoring climate change de facto government policy.

This may be the most genuinely radical document in a generation

The timing of Francis’ intervention is propitious: the UN’s major climate conference, dubbed COP 21, takes place in Paris in December, and the pope is taking to the road on an intensive lobbying campaign in support of a deal radical enough to avert disaster. Scientists are impressed. “The encyclical is probably going to have a bigger impact than the Paris negotiations”, said Gavin Schmidt of NASA.

“The attitudes hindering the path towards a solution…go from negating the problem to indifference, to an easy resignation, or to blind faith in technical solutions”, wrote Francis. At a stroke he dismantled the favourite talking points of deniers. He also dismissed ‘market fixes’ such as carbon credits, pointing out that these most likely “give rise to new forms of speculation”.

Laudato si may be the most genuinely radical document in a generation. It strikes at the heart of a deadly crisis by identifying unrestrained capitalism and the ideology of throw-away consumerism as widening inequality while both devastating the natural world and destabilising the global climate.

If Pope Francis’ intervention does indeed prove a decisive turning point, even the most cynical among us may have to concede that, from time to time, miracles do indeed happen.

John Gibbons is a specialist environmental journalist and commentator. He tweets @think_or_swim and his blog is at:

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View 116 comments
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    Mute The Todd
    Favourite The Todd
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:38 PM

    I’m surprised at myself but I’d tend to agree with the Pope. Even that sentence sounds alien to me

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    Mute eric nelligan
    Favourite eric nelligan
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:45 PM

    While many will distrust the church based on its handling of abuse, the current pope is clearly a force for good

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    Mute Mary
    Favourite Mary
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:21 PM

    My thoughts exactly !

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    Mute Paddy Obrien
    Favourite Paddy Obrien
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:38 PM

    Good on Pope frank,but, isn’t the ban on conterception I.e family planning that his own church enforces on its followers contribute the to the problem of overpopulation and therefore increasing over consumption of the planets finite resources?

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    Mute Charlie Fogarty
    Favourite Charlie Fogarty
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:58 PM

    This lad is just a figurehead for one of the most vile and corrupt organisations to have ever existed in the history of mankind. He was elected because his “washed the feet of the poor” persona helped the the vatican try gain back some ground when modern society was able see through the lies and evil acts it has perpetrated on civilization throughout their history.

    Did you know in this country today that to not have you child christened is is to severely limit their options in education?

    I’m all for the “teachings” of J-Dog but the church can get f*cked regardless of what this man says.

    Anyone who wants to defend it. Work away.

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    Mute Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Favourite Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:28 PM

    Agree totally with you Paddy. Overpopulation is one of the world’s greatest problems. All others stem from it. It’s never discussed. It’s pretty much taboo to mention it. Let us see if this is considered in the document tomorrow.

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    Mute Gavin Daly
    Favourite Gavin Daly
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:33 PM

    Overconsumption is the other side of that coin

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    Mute Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Favourite Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:37 PM

    In the current climate it is easy to agree with you, BUT it cannot be denied that it has tremendous power and the ability to do good. Tomorrow’s document may be an effort to do some good. There ARE worst things on the planet than the Church you refer to. The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know and other such phrases come to mind. Like it or not our Western culture is saturated with the influence of the Church. Your own thinking (as is mine) has been formed in part by the Churches moral code. Your rant and disgust at the Church is a product of the moral code you have inherited. Worth keeping that in mind when throwing out the bath water.

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    Mute Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Favourite Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:38 PM

    I refer what I wrote to Paddy Fogarty.

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    Mute Jacob Marley
    Favourite Jacob Marley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:39 PM

    The Numbers The world is not overpopulated. That fallacy is perpetuated in all environmental research, policy and planning including global warming and latterly climate change. So what are the facts about world population? The US Census Bureau provides a running estimate of world population. It was 6,994,551,619 on February 15, 2012. On October 30, 2011 the UN claimed it passed 7 billion; the difference is 5,448,381. This is more than the population of 129 countries of the 242 listed by Wikipedia. It confirms most statistics are crude estimates, especially those of the UN who rely on individual member countries, yet no accurate census exists for any of them Population density is a more meaningful measure. Most people are concentrated in coastal flood plains and deltas, which are about 5 percent of the land. Compare Canada, the second largest country in the world with approximately 35.3 million residents estimated in 2013 with California where an estimated 37.3 million people lived in 2010. Some illustrate the insignificance of the density issue by putting everyone in a known region. For example, Texas at 7,438,152,268,800 square feet divided by the 2012 world population 6,994,551,619 yields 1063.4 square feet per person. Fitting all the people in an area is different from them being able to live there. Most of the world is unoccupied by humans.

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    Mute Matthew Berkeley
    Favourite Matthew Berkeley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:55 PM

    On the contrary, it is the chemicals in the contraceptive pills that are damaging aquatic ecosystems:

    There is not so much a problem of overpopulation as there is a problem of distribution of the world’s resources.

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    Mute Matthew Berkeley
    Favourite Matthew Berkeley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:57 PM

    On the contrary, @PaddyObrien, it is the chemicals in the contraceptive pills that are damaging aquatic ecosystems:

    There is not so much a problem of overpopulation as there is a problem of distribution of the world’s resources.

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    Mute Shane Leonard
    Favourite Shane Leonard
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:06 PM

    the “Malthusian” theory.

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    Mute Charlie Fogarty
    Favourite Charlie Fogarty
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:23 PM

    @ Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie

    I appreciate what you are saying and i willfully acknowledge that part of my make up is in no small part due to being raised in a family middling in their “worship” o the catholic church.

    To my mind catholic guilt plays a much bigger part in Irish society then the love thy neighbour ethos.

    “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know”. I hate that phrase or others similar. It ranks with “Gods will” or “God works in mysterious ways” as regressive and oppressive ideologies.

    Whatever the church has done in the past, or trying to do now, i could never be supportive of a group whose foundation in based on a man in the sky and is clearly marketing to people who feel left out.

    And if people who REALLY support the teachings of Jesus Christ walk through the center of Dublin and arrive home still wearing shoes then they are full of…but i suppose it is all relative.

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    Mute George Salter
    Favourite George Salter
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:25 PM

    Oh Jacob. You can quote all the numbers you want, but you seem to assume that the population *uses* it’s footprint. Simple, and undisputed, thermodynamics, disproves your idiocy. For clarity : In your calculation, energy used> energy made. Unsustainable.

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    Mute Charlie Fogarty
    Favourite Charlie Fogarty
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:31 PM

    @ Shane

    “necessity is the mother of invention.”

    Not all GMO’s are bad.

    As someone above said though it is not a case or production but consumption.

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    Mute GO GREEN
    Favourite GO GREEN
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:14 PM

    Mass extinctions of species, over fishing, the destruction of the worlds forests, pollution, smog, just some of the problems caused by a world where the population growth is out of control despite decades of the experts saying it would stabilize it has not. The world is over populated.

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    Mute Charlie Fogarty
    Favourite Charlie Fogarty
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:39 PM

    @ GO GREEN

    Or is the. mainly white, part of the worlds population chasing solace and enlightenment in consumerism which has shown itself to be a self-perpetuating cycle that widens the gap of inequality to feed itself? A construct made up of of myths and legends born form an industrial age In which Bernays and Rand solidified the ethos of self-preservation?

    Anyone up for Mass?

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    Mute Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Favourite Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:50 PM

    Thanks Charlie. Considered reply appreciated.

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    Mute Richard Cynical
    Favourite Richard Cynical
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:51 PM

    why doesn’t he release a document stating all the pedophiles the church is hiding

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    Mute GO GREEN
    Favourite GO GREEN
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:54 PM

    The white indigenous population of Europe is the only population that is in rapid decline, due to the low birth rate.

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    Mute Bobby Phelan
    Favourite Bobby Phelan
    Jun 18th 2015, 1:18 AM

    Pope your the man say it as it is.Q is what can be done to prevent all this or is it to late?

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    Mute Chris Mcdonnell
    Favourite Chris Mcdonnell
    Jun 18th 2015, 3:52 AM

    Says the man in the golden palace

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    Mute The Dude
    Favourite The Dude
    Jun 18th 2015, 12:43 PM

    This current pope has a liberation theology worldview (rife in South America) which is in fact, Christianised Marxism.

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    Mute John Gibbons
    Favourite John Gibbons
    Jun 18th 2015, 1:23 PM

    iPAT: Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology. Population pressure has a role, and it would be welcome if the Vatican would at least stop obstructing women from accessing the family planning options they themselves need. However, a hundred million ‘westernised’ consumers are doing more damage than the other 6.9 billion humans combined. We in Ireland are of course very much part of this crisis, and need to be part of the solution. This is assuredly not just ‘someone’e else’s funeral’

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    Mute Beabad Bishop
    Favourite Beabad Bishop
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:02 PM

    Ah , but they did invest in Italy’s largest manufacturer of birth control when Bernardino Nogara was running the finances. They don’t mind birth control for non Catholics .

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    Mute Beabad Bishop
    Favourite Beabad Bishop
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:03 PM

    Very astute Charlie totally agree . People have short memories and are easily suckered .

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    Mute Beabad Bishop
    Favourite Beabad Bishop
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:08 PM

    The devil / enemy we know is no better than the one we don’t . We are just in a better position to defend against the one we do know. It doesn’t make them anymore acceptable.

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    Mute Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Favourite Biodiversity Watch On Biology-ie
    Jun 18th 2015, 7:41 PM

    Jacob. We do share the plant with other living things. Without them we would die out. Leave room for them please.

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    Mute Jerry Adams
    Favourite Jerry Adams
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:40 PM

    67 extremly greedy bstards

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    Mute Alan
    Favourite Alan
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:44 PM

    Let’s face it, capitalism has now hit the extreme. Any economic ideology taken to the extreme is dangerous. The few have to much control and wealth, and they’re also devastating the planet. Let’s not jump to conclusions though, the planet will be grand. The people? Not so much.

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    Mute Neal Ireland Hello
    Favourite Neal Ireland Hello
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:20 PM

    We have our faults, but without humans, the planet goes back to being just an inanimate, rat infested lump of rock. There’s such a thing as overdoing the self-deprecation. I’d like to see Mother Earth try to write a sonnet or ponder the meaning of the cosmos on her own.

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    Mute John Gibbons
    Favourite John Gibbons
    Jun 18th 2015, 4:00 PM

    “without humans, the planet goes back to being just an inanimate, rat infested lump of rock”. Humans are on Earth c.200,000 years. Complex life pre-dates us by many hundreds of millions of years. You may have heard of the age of the dinosaurs – this lasted for over 160 million years, and came to an end 65 million years ago. Inanimate? Hardly. Rat-infested? Not so much. We humans are a unique species, but writing sonnets and pondering the universe are unlikely to be our defining characteristics. How about war, violence, extreme brutality towards one another and towards the rest of nature, untrammelled greed, narcissm and hubris (as displayed in your post above)?

    Nature’s sonnets are all around us: “I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree”. That’s how Wordsworth put it. The wonders of the cosmos do not depend on humans observing them to be wonderful. They were equally astonishing 100 million years ago, and doubtless will be long after we have all passed.

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    Mute Trish Forde-Brennan
    Favourite Trish Forde-Brennan
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:23 PM

    At last a world leader who adds two and two together and comes up with four. If we believe in humanity we have to address climate change and Pope Francis should be acknowledged for having the courage to say it. Creative thinking and political courage are very much needed.

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    Mute stephen
    Favourite stephen
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:17 PM

    A world leader? The majority of the world couldn’t care less what he thinks or says.

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:21 PM

    1.1 Billion followers is the estimate. Name another “World Leader” with greater numbers?

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:39 PM

    I suppose the leaders of China & India don’t matter either, with nobody caring a jot about what they have to say?

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    Mute stephen
    Favourite stephen
    Jun 17th 2015, 11:10 PM

    1.1 Billion that’s a depressingly high number.

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 11:43 PM

    I’m not so sure, the Chinese aren’t all that bad, once you get to know them. The Chinese: A great bunch of lads.

    Maybe the 1.1 Billion are right. Can just see ya now, loitering at the pearly gates, with the big depressed head on ya, stammering away as you try to spoof your way in because your name’s not down on the list.

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:40 PM

    Cometh the hour….cometh the man.
    Pope Francis has quite rightly come to be regarded as the world leader of his generation.
    Beside him all others pale in comparison.
    These truths had to be said. The world must listen.
    We need a new world order based on the principles outlined in this revolutionary document.
    As a Christian I welcome you all to join us in creating a paradise on earth.
    Let us lay aside our differences for a moment, join forces and combat the evils of capitalism and the oil industry.
    Time is of the essence my brothers.
    Act now.

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:46 PM

    And sisters.

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    Mute Kevin Higgins
    Favourite Kevin Higgins
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:53 PM

    As an environmentalist I welcome you to the scientific world of facts. may the rest of the Christian world adhere to the popes requests for action, they certainly didn’t listen to those “hippies” in the 70s shouting about saving nature…

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    Mute stephen
    Favourite stephen
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:53 PM

    Can all the other crazy religious folk join too,or is this exclusively a Christian thing?

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:03 PM

    ‘Crazy folk’?
    Hell yes.
    Even the materialists are included.

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    Mute Martin Meyler
    Favourite Martin Meyler
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:44 PM

    Don’t forget Reg…

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    Mute Laura Nì Fhalliùn
    Favourite Laura Nì Fhalliùn
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:17 PM

    Never though I’d see myself saying this but i think the pope is on to something here.

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:24 PM

    No flies on you Laura.

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    Mute Laura Nì Fhalliùn
    Favourite Laura Nì Fhalliùn
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:40 PM

    You’re awful quick yourself jack

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:07 PM

    I passed Tracey Chapman on the motorway the other day.

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    Mute Rashers Tierney
    Favourite Rashers Tierney
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:32 PM

    Was she in a fast car? I hope she’s doing well.

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    Mute ConcernedCitizen
    Favourite ConcernedCitizen
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:34 PM

    Might have to start going back to mass! Fair play to Pope Francis. He is of course absolutely bang on.

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    Mute Charlie Fogarty
    Favourite Charlie Fogarty
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:02 PM

    Of course he is bang on! These comments come from a well thought out plan to try entice people back to the church.

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    Mute Larissa Nikolaus
    Favourite Larissa Nikolaus
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:55 PM

    and on the other hand, he condemns homosexual parents, claims that they can’t love their children the same way as straight people love their children, so even if he may be right with this encyclia, that still, in no way at all makes him modern or forward thinking

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    Mute Mick Bacon
    Favourite Mick Bacon
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:35 PM

    Larry will you stop.

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:27 PM

    Maybe he’s wrong, maybe he’s right?
    There is a debate to be had about the matter surely, no?

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    Mute Neal Ireland Hello
    Favourite Neal Ireland Hello
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:20 PM

    Danny, have you been abroad for the last six months? Because we just had that debate.

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    Mute Kevin Higgins
    Favourite Kevin Higgins
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:40 PM

    When Catholicism met socialism…

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    Mute Tom Doherty
    Favourite Tom Doherty
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:46 PM

    And how much wealth is held in the vatican?

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    Mute Kevin Higgins
    Favourite Kevin Higgins
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:54 PM

    Too much, largest land owner in Ireland. taxed as a charity…

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    Mute Reg
    Favourite Reg
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:17 PM

    How much money do they continue to extract from poor communities too ignorant and brainwashed to question?

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    Mute Kevin M Smyth
    Favourite Kevin M Smyth
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:28 PM

    @Reg: Can we stop bashing Roscommon?

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    Mute Jacob Marley
    Favourite Jacob Marley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:29 PM

    While our Church certainly has invaluable art, plus vast land holdings (witness St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue in New York), they are not disposable wealth; they are not for expenditure; the current Pope lives in what amounts to a dorm room (the majority of those reading this have a bedroom far more appointed) and John Paul II’s sleeping quarters, despite location in the papal apartments, were equally spare: a dresser and single bed and table (he often slept on the floor, the was less ornate than many who are officially categorized in the U.S. as impoverished). It is a myth that the Vatican is super-wealthy. The Vatican often runs at an annual budgetary loss ($19 million in the red in 2011), and has an operating budget that’s one tenth that of Harvard University – a single university – and less than a fourth a Catholic university like Notre Dame (which operates independent of Rome). While the Vatican City State – which includes the famous museums — operated at a $21 million surplus one recent year, the art there — priceless though it is — “can never be sold but is kept for the benefit of humankind and requires millions of dollars to maintain and restore,” notes one Vatican reporter. It is not a liquid asset. “Though the Vatican Museum collects entry fees, that money is used to defray the mammoth maintenance and restoration costs.” Our Church runs more charities and hospitals than any other entity on the planet and often contributes to nations that have suffered disasters

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    Mute Stephen Mc Elligott
    Favourite Stephen Mc Elligott
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:42 PM

    Looking forward to reading it. It is no surprise he will make enemies because anyone who challenges someone enjoying a good thing should expect to at least leave the room with a few bruises and we all know Saint Paul had plenty of those. Many of us don’t want to see reason but want to hold on to the instant gratification we get from the so called good life we convince ourselves we’re having which will be over very soon.

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    Mute GO GREEN
    Favourite GO GREEN
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:00 PM

    What a great Pope. No doubt the army of vested interest deniers will be enraged, but the Pope is right the reality of climate change and the greed of Capitalsim is rapidly destroying our climate. Global fossil fuel subsidies amount to about $1.9 trillion annually, fossil fuels that In the past 200 years, have turned our oceans more acidic at a speed not seen for around 60 million years. Yet action to prevent climate change has been puny. In 2013, global carbon dioxide emissions were 61% higher than they were in 1990, when negotiations toward a climate treaty began. Lets hope this Pope can encourage the powerfull to take some real steps for a greener world.

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    Mute Beabad Bishop
    Favourite Beabad Bishop
    Jun 18th 2015, 2:42 PM

    The popes a parasite riding on the benefits afforded by the scientific community . The Vatican doesn’t give a jot about global warming just filling its coffers with cash by winning back gullible believers by stating what scientists have been saying for years. Don’t be fooled the Vatican leopard never changes its spots .

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    Mute The Dude
    Favourite The Dude
    Jun 18th 2015, 9:10 PM

    @Go Green/John Gibbons – The cult of climate change otherwise known as Marxism repackaged!

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    Mute Reg
    Favourite Reg
    Jun 17th 2015, 6:55 PM

    Doesn’t he have a direct line to the creator? Won’t a few prayers sort it out?

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:03 PM

    That joke is old and stale now Reg.
    Bit like your avatar.

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    Mute Reg
    Favourite Reg
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:06 PM

    It’s no joke Jack. While I agree with his message I have to take issue with the big joke that he and his organisation consistantly pedal.

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    Mute Matt Connolly
    Favourite Matt Connolly
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:18 PM

    Ah go on – do the one about saying another mass. It never gets old.

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    Mute Jack_Teller
    Favourite Jack_Teller
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:19 PM

    Fine so.
    Put the problem on hold Francis.
    Economists and political leaders, resume your busy schedules.
    Me and Reg have better idea.
    We’re going to solve the problem tonight with a theological/scientific debate.
    Don’t mention it.

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    Mute Wayne O'Fathaigh
    Favourite Wayne O'Fathaigh
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:05 PM

    Speech delivered from his golden throne in his palace in Rome will surely filter down to his foot soldiers on their large palace in Drumcondra

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    Mute Paddy Obrien
    Favourite Paddy Obrien
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:47 PM

    @wayne, Francis doesn’t sit on the golden throne, we were told from day one that he fries his own eggs in the scullery and lives in a little side room and he moves around in a very small car

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    Mute Anto Curran
    Favourite Anto Curran
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:15 PM

    Name one bad thing about a leader that has millions of followers coming out with this speech? Take your hatred of the church away and see that this is a very positive move. If any other world leader said the exact same thing you’d be praising it

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:30 PM

    Good angle by the Pope.

    Rampant capitalism is something that we are familiar with and it has dreadful and pervasive consequences. Clerys is just one example. Child poverty, homelessness, bank bail outs and taxes applied to repaying the cost of bail outs are just some of the consequences.

    The Pope is very late to the party on these issues, which have been analysed by others.

    The Pope has now decided to leverage his increasing resentment of extreme and naked capitalism. My enemy’s enemy is my friend.

    Canny and nifty. This Pope knows how to play the game.

    Imagine the Roman Catholic Church condemning the chicanery on Clery’s and other social injustices. The Labour Party in Ireland has left that space wide open.

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    Mute Mick Bacon
    Favourite Mick Bacon
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:02 PM

    Goddamn commie pinko Pope ,send in the B52′s and bomb the Vatican .

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    Mute Joe Harbison
    Favourite Joe Harbison
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:31 PM

    Just in case you haven’t noticed, this tends to be a bad site for purveyors of irony. It actually may be worth putting (IRONY) after any similar posts. Maybe even before the post, and perhaps even a brief explanation of the point you were actually trying to make.

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    Mute E. O'Leary
    Favourite E. O'Leary
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:58 PM

    While I wouldn’t go as far as that Mick I do think Pope Francis has been a disappointment in comparison to Pope Benedict.

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:56 PM

    E.O’Leary certainly missed the irony!

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:11 PM

    Or let Russia do that?

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    Mute Mick Bacon
    Favourite Mick Bacon
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:38 PM

    Thanks Joe , I am open to a bit education , unlike the hysterics on this forum.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:08 PM

    Everyone knows that there is global warming, the ones who deny it just want more money, power and processions. It is a death sentence on our next generation and on theirs… The population is growing and climate change will result in mass immigration, wars and a grab for land, the price of food rocketing and more pollution and cancers, as well as new diseases that will kill faster…

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    Mute Bill Jones
    Favourite Bill Jones
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:28 PM

    If he’s raising a good point, albeit it’s one that is pretty much common sense at this stage to anyone with half a brain. But I really find it hard to listen to him go on about this when he’s the leader of a group, who all over the world, every day of the week, drink wine out of gold chalices and collect money from people in baskets sent around the room.

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    Mute John Horan
    Favourite John Horan
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:50 PM

    I’m not a fan of the Vatican, but when it comes to scientific matters, more often than not they are on the correct side of that discussion. Contraception is the most obvious example, obviously they have religious objections, but beyond that they also spout a lot of scientific inaccuracies on that topic. But beyond that issue, I can’t think of another where they are really on the wrong side of the scientific debate.

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:42 PM

    Our current President, President Michael D. Higgins, made these points many years ago.

    Nice to see the Pope get on the bandwagon however late and cynical this may be.

    I remember when the old Labour Party in Ireland, An Lucht Oibre, had similar values.

    I hear that the Labout Party is thinking of rebranding as “the New Conservatives”. A few of the Labour Party may feel a mild and vague nostalgic pang for the notion of social justice but money is more beguiling.

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    Mute Jacob Marley
    Favourite Jacob Marley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:06 PM

    John Allen explains, in his National Catholic Reporter article, “Challenges to vision of a ‘Poor Church for the Poor,’” available here,, that “the legendary wealth of the Vatican is to some extent more myth than reality.” He then points out the often ignored fact that the yearly budget for operating the Vatican is less than $300 million. He contrasts this with Harvard University (which he labels as “the Vatican of elite secular opinion”) whose annual budget is $3.7 billion. Allen points out further that the patrimony (or endowment) of the Vatican is about $1 billion. Harvard, on the other hand, as a whopping $30.7 billion endowment. Allen concedes that the Vatican bank is in charge of the equivalent of over $6 billion, but then points out how the majority of that money is not actually the Vatican’s, and thus the Vatican would not be at liberty to use most of that amount for any purpose whatsoever.

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:33 PM

    Chuckling! Where’s the money gone? Far, far away.

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    Mute David Gillespie
    Favourite David Gillespie
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:34 PM

    Is he going to sell off the Vatican’s treasures and give the money to the poor?

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 11:08 PM

    I asked him and he said he will, but only when you sell all your stuff and give the proceeds to the poor; deal?
    You surely aren’t expecting of someone something you wouldn’t do your self now, are you?

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:46 PM

    Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk, in his book “Altruism” (the Power of Compassion to Change yourself and the World) expresses the anti Extreme Capitalist position much more compellingly, profoundly and meaningfully.

    This book, Altruism, is wonderful, enlightened and rigorously argued, devoid of platitude, absent of superficiality and not motivated by easy opportunism.

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:31 PM

    The irony of a Pope who strongly opposed Liberation theology and socialism is striking.

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    Mute Garáiste Ó Churáinn-Seisean
    Favourite Garáiste Ó Churáinn-Seisean
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:19 PM

    The head of the Vatican one of the wealthiest and gender biased corporations in the world is lecturing the world on inequality . Clearly all the panes of in his glasshouse are broken ! He might bate The Capitalistic foci of the wood but he’ll never hate Banagher with this yarn ! Snore

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    Mute Tonzst Corbett
    Favourite Tonzst Corbett
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:47 PM

    Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, What cares the church for equality, and equal distribution of wealth,

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 11:29 PM

    Will you give me my half of all you own so, seeing as you’re so into equal distribution of wealth and I was the first to say it to you?
    Even give my half to the poor if you like, but please don’t tell me that you are also a hypocrite.

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    Mute Dave Harris
    Favourite Dave Harris
    Jun 18th 2015, 1:10 AM

    at last the church (at least this pope ) seems to be ridding itself of its obsession over what happens in the bedroom and is focusing on what really matters.
    If Pope Francis can concentrate on this message and bring about at least the beginnings of a change in the focus of the catholic church then the catholic church may stand a chance of lasting.
    This is what the church should be doing, and what i believe the originators of the church wanted, before their message was corrupted by thousands of years of the rich arseholery

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:49 PM

    The Pope might do well to understand a little homespun wisdom.

    It is not our words which define us; it is our actions which truly define us.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Actions speak more loudly than words.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:10 PM

    Our world is the only one we have and therefore does define us, that is why there are wars, greed over raw materials, look at the Iraqi war over oil?

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    Mute John Fee
    Favourite John Fee
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:42 PM

    Why is this going to be radical? We all know unbridled capitalism is destroying people’s lives. If he wants to be a radical Pope he could cooperate with child abuse investigations and expel the paedophile priests holed up in the Vatican.

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    Mute Dell
    Favourite Dell
    Jun 18th 2015, 9:58 AM

    That’s what I’m thinking. This is yet another stunt by the church to appear to be concerned and doing the right thing. A few weeks ago they were openly encouraging people to deny others rights and they are continuing to withhold information regarding child abuse and are harbouring child abusers in their palace.. I’d rather frankie didn’t try to distract from his continued support of abusers and sully any good being done by actual environmentalists by coming out with this report.

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    Mute David A. Murray
    Favourite David A. Murray
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:15 PM

    First, this is not news. We know this about the newer forms of capitalism and about human nature. Second, I can’t see how the Pope stating this is going to make any difference at all (since we already know it and our leaders haven’t changed course). Third, the Catholic Church (and I’m a Christian) has VAST material wealth and is part of the problem (especially in terms of the environment through it’s ban on contraception for just one example). Fourth, when humanity is faced with the situation it has largely created for itself, it needs to prove it’s worth saving by actually saving itself and not talking endlessly about how bad things are without addressing how bad things have been going for the last 50 years (the key period). I wouldn’t give a loan to humanity with it’s ‘credit history’ and I’m not buying that it has the collective consciousness and will to save itself – there’s no practical evidence that will make any difference.

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    Mute Jacob Marley
    Favourite Jacob Marley
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:01 PM
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    Mute E. O'Leary
    Favourite E. O'Leary
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:25 PM

    I look to Pope Francis for spiritual guidance but I look to Milton Friedman for economic guidance.

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    Mute Rashers Tierney
    Favourite Rashers Tierney
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:36 PM

    Do you? How quaint.

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    Mute Stephen Mc Elligott
    Favourite Stephen Mc Elligott
    Jun 17th 2015, 7:46 PM

    But the encyclical is actually spiritual guidance to the world not economic. He is basically saying ”look, as a result of you not dying to yourselves and choosing Christ you are now reaping what you sowed and here is an encyclical which will allow me to go into more detail.”

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:52 PM

    E. O’Leary admits to being a monetarist. Quant , as used by Rashers, is an appropriate description. Thatcher and Reagan ride again. Chuckling.

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    Mute Anthony Lang
    Favourite Anthony Lang
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:54 PM


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    Mute Seán Leahy
    Favourite Seán Leahy
    Jun 18th 2015, 12:30 AM

    Fairplay to him.

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    Mute Simon Reilly
    Favourite Simon Reilly
    Jun 18th 2015, 7:39 AM

    false flag alert,,,, the pope to be assassinated and it blamed on the Arabs,,

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    Mute Paddy Obrien
    Favourite Paddy Obrien
    Jun 18th 2015, 8:24 AM

    @simon, when the polish pope was shot standing up in a jeep in Vatican square back in the 80s we were told that although he was hit by 3 slugs and he was dressed in white no trace of blood could be detected on his robe?

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    Mute stephen
    Favourite stephen
    Jun 17th 2015, 10:46 PM

    king of the pedophile s

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    Mute Danny Murphy
    Favourite Danny Murphy
    Jun 17th 2015, 11:21 PM

    Who, David Norris? #justiceforEzra

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    Mute Pete Gilmartin
    Favourite Pete Gilmartin
    Jun 18th 2015, 1:36 PM

    The man in a silly hat who fronts a billion euro pyramid scheme while sitting on a solid gold throne lectures the world about inequality. Thanks for that Frankie. Not hypothetical at all.

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    Mute Beabad Bishop
    Favourite Beabad Bishop
    Jun 18th 2015, 1:58 PM

    Another PR stunt from the corrupt church, making all the right noises, bells and whistles. The Vatican has always been a friend of capitalism . How do people think it is so wealthy. This organisation got it wealth from many dubious investments from munitions to the porn industry . The legacy of the papal banker Bernardino Nogara . Not to mention that it still protects clerical child rapists and abusers by refusing to name them. Fool me once…you know the rest !

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    Mute Miriam O'Brien
    Favourite Miriam O'Brien
    Jun 18th 2015, 4:30 PM

    I suppose this means the pope will finally be selling all of the assets of the Vatican City and distributing all profits equally across all continents and creeds for the greater good of mankind, feeding the starving and saving our planet and all that?

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    Mute Aisling Connell
    Favourite Aisling Connell
    Jun 19th 2015, 9:32 PM

    Very well-researched and well-written article- good old Francis!

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    Mute James Bergin
    Favourite James Bergin
    Jun 17th 2015, 9:20 PM

    How much of the worlds weath does the Catholic church control. Maybe the should lead by example

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    Mute James Bergin
    Favourite James Bergin
    Jun 17th 2015, 8:38 PM

    How much of the worlds wealth does the catholic church control maybe they shold lead by example .

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