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respite care grant

All time
'Budget 2015 needs to give struggling families the peace and security they're entitled to'
The number of people receiving a carer's allowance has increased by 40%
Seanad passes social welfare and property tax bills
Seanad vote could delay Budget's welfare cuts by three months
Keaveney criticises 'cynicism' of ministers over his voting against government
Gilmore hints at plan to remove Keaveney as Labour chair
Column: Why am I made to feel like a scrounger?
Lisa Domican
Keaveney "determined" to remain Labour party chairman
Labour chairman Keaveney votes against government on respite grant cut
Oireachtas agenda: Social Welfare Bill, insurance premiums and CF unit
Social Welfare Bill passes in Dáil, moves to committee stage
Pictures: 300 carers picket Leinster House over Budget cuts
Carers to protest at Dáil today over cuts to grant
McEntee called on to clarify 'callous' comments on respite care grant
Poll: Should the reduction in the respite care grant be reversed?
The Evening with added live news anchor proposal
Fine Gael politicians urge Burton to roll back on respite grant cut
PHOTOS: Carers hold protest against plans to cut respite care grant
Respite care grant cut by over €300 in budget
Carers using respite grant to pay bills, rather than for actual respite