The essential details and dates.
ESB Science Blast brings STEM to life. It is a non-competitive way for students and teachers to explore science, technology, engineering and maths in brilliant new ways. You’re already teaching maths and science in class – turn your class work into a question and come along for a fun day out…
Learning through investigation is empowering and fun, there are four easy steps:
1. Think of a question with your class
2. Make simple predictions, plan and submit
3. Do it, test it
4. Come to an event and have fun
If you would like to register your schools interest visit to submit your class question, or email if you have any queries.
The 2020 ESB Science Blast events will take place as follows:
Dublin, RDS Simmonscourt, 3rd to 5th March 2020.
Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, 19th to 21st May 2020.
Belfast, ICC, 3rd and 4th June 2020.
Deadlines for project submission are:
Dublin: January 22, 2020
Limerick and Belfast: April 1, 2020
Lá speisialta do Ghaelscoileanna agus do scoileanna Gaeltachta
Beidh pobal na Gaeilge ag teacht le chéile ag an RDS ar an 5 Márta 2020 do Bhleaist Eolaíochta ESB. Is ócáid lán le spraoi í agus cuirfidh daltaí a dtograí eolaíochta i láthair trí Ghaeilge. Is deis iontach í seo do dhaltaí a gcuid Gaeilge a úsáid lasmuigh de thimpeallacht na scoile.
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