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Simon Harris and Eamon Ryan

'Toxicity' of Ryanair targeting Eamon Ryan needs to be called out, Taoiseach says

Taoiseach Simon Harris said we should “always call out toxicity”.

RECENT SOCIAL MEDIA posts by Ryanair which target Ministers Eamon Ryan and Catherine Martin are “downright unedifying”, Taoiseach Simon Harris has said. 

Earlier this week, Eamon Ryan announced that he is stepping down as leader of the Green Party and will not contest the next election. 

In his speech, Ryan addressed online abuse aimed at the Green Party and at him personally. He said the abuse has gotten worse in the last year. 

In the wake of his announcement, budget airline Ryanair posted a series of tweets on X, formerly Twitter, criticising Ryan as a “failed Minister” and calling both him and his party colleague Catherine Martin dunces. 

One post, alongside a picture of Arts and Media Minister Catherine Martin, said “save us from Catherine Martin”. 

Another post, alongside a picture of Eamon Ryan on a bicycle read: “Jumps before pushed in gen election??”. 

The same post included the hashtag “Flights Not Bikes” and took issue with the passenger cap that is in place at Dublin Airport. 

Addressing the social media posts today, Taoiseach Simon Harris said although he doesn’t want to fall into the trap of giving Ryanair free advertising by talking about it, the targeting of Eamon Ryan and Catherine Martin needs to be called out. 

“It’s downright unedify. Eamon Ryan is a very decent human being, I think he’s a good politician, too. I can disagree with him on points of policy. He can disagree with me on points of policy, but in many ways, he’s a textbook example for people about how you can be passionate and a politician of conviction and not be rude and not be toxic,” the Taoiseach said.

“I’m not getting into a thing around Ryanair, they only love that we are talking about them. It’s only more free ads for Ryanair every time we say Ryanair, Ryanair, Ryanair. So let’s not fall for that trap,” he added.

I mean, that’s how they work, isn’t it and fair play to them on one level if that’s how their marketing works but we should always call out toxicity.

“There is a difference between a joke and a bit of satire and a point where people seek to demonise a human being.

“Eamon Ryan is a very good man. Eamon Ryan is a person who has a family, Eamon Ryan has served his country well,” the Taoiseach said.

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