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4 of a kind: Coastal homes with sea views

From a renovated bungalow in Cork to a beautiful two-bed in Sligo.

WE ALL KNOW the feeling of peacefulness that comes from being beside the sea, but imagine the satisfaction of waking up to that feeling (and those views) every day. 

With breathtaking sea views, heaps of character and lots of space, one of these four properties might just be what you’re looking for.

Read on to see what’s on the market right now…

Skerries, Co Dublin

The Old Rectory is a Victorian residence once occupied by James Hans Hamilton, whom the Hamilton Monument in Skerries is named after. With four bedrooms and two bathrooms, the property is spread over three floors – one of which is at garden level – and enjoys stunning views of Shenick Island, Church Island and Rockabill Island.

There is direct pedestrian access to the sandy beach and picturesque coastline of Skerries from the rear garden. The large private side garden features a newly laid lawn and patio area. Throughout the property, there are high ceilings and cast iron fireplaces adding to its charming character. 

Make it yours for €1,075,000.

MDIxZGFiNDI3Mjc5MDdiYmU0NGQ1ZWFiZTA1YjRjMjdG8-z8dOTTjkOyi77voPxmaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNC8zLzQzZTYyNjY3YzMyM2M2NTQwYzQ1ZDBiZjViNDZiZWE0LmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

MmI0ZTA5N2QxNDk5M2ZiNjk2MzA5NjZiZDY1Njg2OTSTrr9dEAcCvs4whwAyqn0LaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYi9lL2JlMGY2MDA4MjExZjAwYWI1YWVhMGY1MmM2NzBiN2M1LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

MmMyNzMzOGUxM2QzNTdjOWEwM2VjNmE1ZDM3YmM0YWXAnnKDOGC8XeOew8e3_sgvaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZi82L2Y2MDI5MTBiYzU3NDVmZmFlNTc4NWI0ODA2ODQ5NmJjLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

OTIyOGZmYjFjMDg3MDUyZTVlZTZiZThiY2M0MDdiMTjDyBKqfzfXVH-ZDQOWiSXIaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMS8xLzExMTI0NDM5ODY1OGQ0MTlhZGRjODMyOGNhMzdiMjVkLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

Duncannon, Co Wexford

Sitting on 0.76 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens is the aptly named Pink House. Built in 2001, The Pink House boasts sea views from all principal reception rooms and bedrooms, from Hook Head to Woodstown Strand. A marble tiled entrance hall and maple wood flooring give a tasteful finish to the eye-catching house, which has four bedrooms and five bathrooms.

Attached to the house is a double garage with overhead accommodation of 1,033 sq ft. Duncannon village is less than a five minute walk away, with the Hook Peninsula also within close proximity. The option exists to purchase another 3.33 acres.

It’s on the market for €550,000.

ODMyNDYzMjY1MTgwN2ZjMzc3OGUwZjIxZWE5MjBkMTivEDTi0y0EkxeP7i8GxSXSaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMS9iLzFiMGZiYjY1NDYzMzk2OTEzNmJjODZlMmNiMzJlNzIzLmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

YTE5NTJiYmJiOTNiZTM1ZGI3NThjMjAwOGRmNjBmZjep2Rlh_HQxErOJ9fvm9A1NaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNS8wLzUwMmUwZmFjMTQ1ZDY4MWE2NDI3N2FlYjEwMzg2OWQxLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

ZDhkMzZiZDA1YTZlYjk0YzhhMTM4MWUwMGM1OTNlZTgNKGIYdNtUxLWTtUKkgMoEaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvOC84Lzg4ODEwYjM1NjhlYmQxMWI3NThhZjYwNjg2YWQyMTI3LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

NGI5MDM3YmI0MWViZGJlMWM5YzM5NGMyNzJhMzIxODH4cwwFMJRz9rWdS5qzF18GaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvOS9lLzllYjZkMGE4MThiZTI1ODY3MTQxYjdmMTE2YjRhYjBlLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

Durrus, West Cork

Measuring 2,700 sq ft, Gra Mo Chroi is a four-bedroom property that has been extensively renovated and extended. The residence sits on 0.6 acres of leafy grounds, while a stream runs the length of the land to a waterfall leading to the sea. 

The original residence is a three-bed self-contained bungalow, while the second self-contained home is open concept, with large windows maximising the surrounding views of Dunmanus Bay. This part of the property boasts two storeys and a spacious conservatory. Both residences have natural slate roofs, Thermopane windows and high-pressure water systems. 

Yours for €545,000.

ZWRjZTY3MjM1ZjMyNmMzYzgyMDJjZDVmZTJjZDA0Ymb7VvyEsxIGqGKcBFrHz9oVaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvZi83L2Y3ZDJkNmJlNGU2YjExZDg4Nzk4YTM2ZmYzZjFhM2I1LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

MWRjOTUzNWUzYjIwMmZiNjU2ZThlYjY1ZDgyZDRlOGLaLCOn0AeM-bKzleoIaZasaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvOC81Lzg1OWE0OGRhZjdiN2I4ZTdhYjhkMDJkMmEzYzc0NzkyLmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

YWU4YjdkMTU1NzMzOGIxMGRlZjU2MDM1NWQxYzE5ODaxfI1FhoPQIif7Dhjb_COHaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvYi80L2I0MmQ1NjEwZWM2ZWYyMjZkMDBkY2Q2NjNlZTU0MGI4LmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

N2RhZDhlMzM0YjQ5NDM1ZDQ5Mjk3NTllNGJiZDQ0MzWNIF19qOMMzbLq9KFIyxRBaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMC8xLzAxOWZmZTZlZmNjZmYxZDU4MzQ0ODg5NDA2ZjY3MDEyLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

Ballinfull, Co Sligo

A two-bedroom bungalow, Lochán boasts unrivalled views of the ocean, Benbulben and Knocknarea. The property comprises two double bedrooms, one en-suite bathroom, a family bathroom and an open-plan kitchen, living and dining area. If you’re looking for more room, the attic is ready for conversion. 

Lochán sits on one acre, with a large concealed garage on site. All windows are double-glazed, and a new condensing boiler has been fitted. Sligo town is a 15-minute drive away. 

Snap it up for €250,000.

ZDRiNTU2YzNjNDEyYmQ3N2E0OGQwZmM2NWY5ZDcwOTLk_KD8FQTmY4KpZs84r_BmaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMS9jLzFjNzM2MzllYmY3MjM1NDE5MjExODIwOWQ2NGVhNzc4LmpwZ3x8fHx8fDEwNDV4NjAwfHx8fA== Daft.ie Daft.ie

OWI5MjFiZjRjNmFmNDY0NmQxYWMzZDkxOWMyMmU1NTk4HfE_ty2emMte-qxUXGMNaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvMy83LzM3NWRjZDBmNzI0MWVhOTFmZDVlYmZjMzM3ZTY1YjQxLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

YjU2NjE2ZTI3N2I2ZmE1ZWI3N2IzMzM4Y2VjMmI2ZjKyMnt6nmBvqu5duaoexmHeaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNy9mLzdmMWY0ZjI2YTc2OGViNmQ1MGZiNzI4ZDE2ODRkOGYxLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

OGMyMWJkODA5YzgxYzNhMmM3YTY4ZTEzMmFlYzZkMDOVr0yodThuS4QnILesrDKiaHR0cDovL3MzLWV1LXdlc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL21lZGlhbWFzdGVyLXMzZXUvNy80Lzc0OTgxYzIwN2M2MTM5MmVmYmQzMWNhNmMzYTA3YzEyLmpwZ3x8fDcwMGx8fHx8fHx8 Daft.ie Daft.ie

More 4 of a kind: Detached homes with landscaped areas outside>

More 4 of a kind: Terraced houses within easy reach of Dublin city>

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