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A candidate for Green Party. View party
Ciarán Cuffe
Green Party
EU alliance
Greens/European Free Alliance

Ciarán Cuffe is a sitting MEP and has been a member of the EU Parliament since 2019. He was previously a TD representing Dun Laoghaire between 2002 and 2011 and was Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture from 2010 to 2011. Cuffe is a member of the European Green Party group in parliament.

Question time

What do you deem the most important issue for the European Union now and what would you like to see happen in that area?

Climate change is the single most important issue facing the EU and while we’ve made significant progress over the last five years, we need to go much further. I want to see an EU that is using 100% renewable energies by 2040 at the latest, that has top-class and affordable low-carbon travel infrastructure, and where more and more people are living in well-insulated, energy efficient homes with lower bills regardless of their income. The EU needs to support countries to make these changes, it needs to invest more in our green future, and we need the political will to get there. I will work hard to make this vision a reality if I am re-elected, because I want every Dubliner to experience the benefits of what that future holds.

What group will you be aligned with in the European Parliament, should you win a seat? What do you see as their priorities?

Greens/EFA. The Greens in Europe want a prosperous and competitive EU where there is fairness and equality, where human rights and democracy are defended, and where our climate and biodiversity are protected. Pushing climate action further and moving our economy towards renewable energies are key priorities for the Greens/EFA. If we achieve these, we can build a strong and resilient economy, provide food security, and produce all the energy we need for Europe in Europe. Ireland has a key role to play in this future, and the Greens/EFA will support measures that boost our potential to become a renewable energy powerhouse.

Why should someone vote for you?

Dublin needs a strong Green voice in Europe who will protect the achievements we’ve made on climate and push them further, who will defend democracy and human rights, and who knows how to leverage Europe’s influence to make real progress on key issues for Dublin, like providing more decent and affordable housing. I will do this and more if I’m re-elected, and my guiding compass will always be the best interests of the people of our city.

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