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# snapchat

All time
Was Serena Williams 8 weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open?
Snapchat's parent company is now valued at €32 billion
Serena Williams surprised two players at a public tennis court and challenged them to a match
Phillip Schofield's Snapchat is the only good and pure thing left in this world
Drake's 3Arena gig got its very own, very hyper, Snapchat story
Snapchat seeking $3 billion as it plans to sell shares on stock market
Snapchat shrugs off Brexit fears to choose London over Dublin for new HQ
Martin Heydon's life online: "You need a tough skin as a politician on social media'
Chrissy Teigen was hands down the social media hero of 2016
How the Irish language lives on Snapchat: 5 Gaeilgeoirí leading the way
18 new Irish Snapchatters to make your feed 100% more interesting
Top Irish PR body seeks to curb rogue 'influencers' being paid to sell products and not admitting it
Snapchat mates and baby-making: Douglas' Dublin links are strong
What Does Your Favourite Snapchat Filter Say About You?
Snapchat is set to go public and is valued at over €20 billion
This girl's spot on impressions of famous Irish Snapchatters have blown up on Facebook
Playboy model charged for posting picture of naked woman on Snapchat
11 times Irish people were absolute heroes on Snapchat
This Offaly man's epic odyssey home from a night out made the best Snapchat story
'If you think instant messaging is private, you're in for a big surprise'
Bono used the deer filter on his daughter's Snapchat and people can't deal
This Irish blogger is live-Snapchatting giving birth today
Real-life Snapchat filters are the next big beauty trend, apparently
Snapchat has been forced to take down its 'racist yellow face' filter
Snapchat will have highlights from every NFL game this season
Snapchat filters as Gaeilge could be on the way very soon
This Irish blogger's 'honest' bikini selfie is inspiring loads of people on Instagram
Snapchat has some ambitious ad ideas for your snaps
21 savage and brilliant responses to Kim Kardashian's Taylor Snapchats
Kim Kardashian just used Snapchat to call Taylor Swift out on her 'lies'
This Playboy model is in trouble for Snapchatting a naked woman at her gym
11 Snapchat stories that are funny for no reason at all
A girl convinced her mam that her face had turned square and it’s gas
This girl’s attempt to BBQ a few burgers turned into a gas two-hour ordeal
Two students turned their campus Snapchat into a sweet love story
Snapchat has gotten rid of the beauty filter and people are in mourning
Gardaí pulled over a driver who was snapchatting himself out the window of his car
This Irish boy gave an amazing Snapchat interview on what it's like to have autism
This guy turned his museum trip into one epic face-swapping session
Someone used the Snapchat filter on their hamster and it's adorable