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# Spending

All time
Right2Water wants to scrap water charges and hike spending by €9.4bn. Here's how it will pay for it:
This TD thinks the HSE is lying about trying to recruit mental health staff
Irish businesses the most optimistic in Europe - who are the least?
Irish consumers had their best Christmas for seven years
Rent supplement payments have fallen by more than €150 million since 2010
Forgot about these Budget changes? They kicked in yesterday
Poll: Do you agree that the State pension should be cut?
St Stephens Day sales madness: Queues from 6am and 'handbags at dawn'
Here are the tricks shops use to make you spend more money
When governments cut health spending, more women die in childbirth
Your Dublin Bus and Irish Rail commutes just got more expensive
Retailers are going to have their best Christmas since 2009 thanks to you
Where's the missing €15 million?... Criticism over shortfall in mental health spending
Good news for Heather Humphreys --- she's getting €4 million to spend on 2016
How to get a refund for that app you bought
Here's how Michael Noonan wants to end 'boom and bust' economics
Our unemployment rates are among the highest in the developed world
Over 226 prisoners in Cork still forced to 'slop out'
The average Irish saver has over €20,000 on deposit
Poll: Should there be spending limits on all online gambling websites?
Opinion: SALE! Why does this one word cause all logic to go out the window?
Claire Micks
Inflation up slightly in June
Irish health spending one of the lowest in western Europe, consultants among the best paid in the world
9 ways you are sabotaging your future by not saving in your 20s
How much is the average mobile phone bill a month?
Portrait of an Irish holidaymaker: Bald, generous and drinking on the plane
'Should I go in and sit on my hands?': PAC chair defends call for health bosses to quit
It's true...Ireland IS affected by housing market changes more than other countries
Impact: We want more pay... as long as the economy can handle it
The average number of Easter eggs we're giving this year is... three
Poll: Do you have more money in your pocket now than you did last year?
Consumer sentiment down in March after seven year high
More people are saving for a rainy day - if they can afford it
Consumers 'gradually recovering from the extreme difficulties'
London's palace is falling down, falling down...
Poll: Has your disposable income increased?
Disposable income on the rise but 1/3 rely on credit card to make ends meet
Department of Finance will spend over €5 million extra on consultants this year
Clothes and shoe sales up in November; books and newspapers down
6 unarguable reasons to avoid the sales today