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The mummified remains.
St Michan's Church

Mummified remains destroyed in Dublin church crypt fire as one man arrested

Back in 2019, the mummified head of an 800-year-old crusader was stolen from the crypt.

GARDAÍ HAVE LAUNCHED an investigation into a fire in the crypt of St Michan’s Church in Dublin, in which mummified remains have been destroyed. 

The incident took place this afternoon at 4.30 pm, and the vicar of the church said that the remains were destroyed during efforts to put the blaze out. 

A garda spokesperson said that gardaí and emergency services are currently at the scene of the fire, which was put out by Dublin Fire Brigade personnel. A man was later arrested, and he is currently being detained at a Dublin garda station.

“A full forensic examination is currently underway,” the spokesperson added.

The scene has been sealed off to allow for an examination by the Garda Technical Bureau to take place. 

Archbishop Michael Jackson visited St Michan’s this evening, and expressed his disappointment at the events.

“I am devastated to say that vandalism has once again struck in the crypt of St Michan’s, Church Street,” he said.

“The Fire brigade was called and members dealt with the fire. However, significant damage has been done to the mummies.”

He said the historic remains were “woven into the history” of Dublin and “emblazoned in the imaginations” of visitors from Ireland and tourists from abroad.

“These mummies are a national treasure and I am shocked at the sacrilege of the destruction of the remains of people who once lived.”

Back in 2019, there was an incident of criminal damage in the crypt, wherein a man was jailed for crimes including damaging a dead body. 

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The mummified head of an 800-year-old ‘Crusader’ was stolen from the underground vault in the incident, and it was closed for over four months as a result. 

The mummified head was late returned as a result of efforts from the Gardaí. 

The remains also include that of a nun who lived 400 years ago. 

Today, the Church offers tours which are popular with tourists.

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