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Stephanie Rainey (right) embraces her friend and piano player Sarah. Screenshot AGT
A moment

Irish singer Stephanie Rainey brought the audience to tears on America's Got Talent last night

Needless to say, Rainey got a yes from all four judges on the panel.

IRISH SINGER STEPHANIE Rainey blew the judges and the audience away on America’s Got Talent last night.

Rainey sang her song, ‘Please Don’t Go’, about losing her young nephew when she was a teenager, and it left some of those in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in tears, not to mention one or two judges. 

“This song means more to me than I can even describe,” she said.

Rainey played guitar and sang accompanied by her best friend Sarah on piano.

Simon Cowell even felt the need to come on stage after Rainey received a standing ovation to tell her, “That was what I call a moment. That song is so beautiful.”

He also said ‘Please Don’t Go’ was the best original song he’s heard on this season of the show. 

“Of all the new songs I’ve heard this year, this is the best by a mile,” he said. “I absolutely love this.”

Another member of the panel, actor Sofia Vergara, was visibly moved by Rainey’s performance and called it “a beautiful and heartfelt song”.

“You can tell what you went through. It was very simple and perfect,” she said.

Her fellow judges Howie Mandel and Heidi Klum were equally impressed. 

Klum called the performance “a real special moment” and Mandel said it was “the most emotional, relatable moment” on this season of the show.

Needless to say, Rainey got a yes from all four judges on the panel.

Last week, Rainey posted on X to say she would be participating in the talent show.

“Took a giant leap of faith and did a huge thing with my best friend,” she said ahead of the episode going on air.

“I could not be more proud or excited for you to see it and come along on this journey with us. Let’s go!” 

Simon Cowell and Rainey Simon Cowell comes on stage to praise Stephanie Rainey's performance. Screenshot AGT Screenshot AGT

Before she performed her song, 36-year-old Rainey was asked about the journey she’s been on during her career in music, which began around the age of 18. 

“It’s a tough industry, you know. You have to be resilient. When the downs come you have to pick yourself up,” she said.

She explained that writing ‘Please Don’t Go’ had been a turning point for her. 

“I wrote it about losing my nephew when I was a teanager. He was about to turn one. It was the day before his first birthday when he passed away,” she said.

“It took me a long time to write a song about it. Honestly, I was about to give up music.”

But she said she wanted to make “something for me, that I believe in”. 

Simon Cowell praised her perseverance saying, “Good for you for doing that and not giving up.” 

Yesterday, Rainey announced she would be performing her “biggest headline shows ever” at Vicar Street in Dublin in November and in Cork City Hall in December. Tickets go on sale at 10 am this Friday.

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