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All time
This teddy is being reunited with its owner after being left behind at Cork Airport
Cork Airport is adorably chronicling the adventures of a child's lost teddy on Facebook
A toddler's bunny got lost in a five-star Irish hotel and became a Facebook sensation
A little girl gave a police officer her teddy bear to 'keep him safe' and it's TOO cute
Clairvoyant Derek Acorah did a reading on Twink's dog Teddy on RTÉ today
The story of how this girl got her teddy back after losing it in an airport is adorable
People are going wild for this contagiously funny clip of a man feeding a woman shrimp
From old to new: My childhood teddy Lamby pays a visit to the Doll and Teddy Bear Hospital
Lunchtime Fix: 6 things you need to know
Can you help find this lost teddy bear in Dublin?
Making hospital a little easier – the charity that has given 10,000 teddies to kids