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Enda Kenny speaking at the Washington DC event

Enda Kenny: Queen Elizabeth II is 'awesome'

The Taoiseach also extended the compliment to Barack Obama during a speech in Washington DC.

RECALLING HER VISIT to Ireland last year, Taoiseach Enda Kenny has described Queen Elizabeth II as “awesome”.

Kenny also extended the compliment to US President Barack Obama during a speech in Washington DC yesterday. He said that both heads of state had been “inspiring”.

Speaking at a gala dinner for the American Ireland Fund, Kenny focused on the positives of his year in Government, including the visits by Obama and the Queen in May 2011.

“Last May, Ireland was visited by two awesome people,” he said. “President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II.”

He again stressed the potential of Ireland as a place for investment by US businesses, saying:

For centuries America was the land of opportunities for the Irish. Now Ireland is becoming the new land of opportunity for American business.

Kenny said Ireland was a “gateway” to European markets with a young and educated workforce, “attractive” corporation tax and good infrastructure.

It’s been a year of steady progress for Ireland. The government has made a solid start. Our economy is growing. Deposits are flowing back into our banks. Exports are thriving.

He also hailed the power of the Irish diaspora, which he called “70 million [...] particles of Ireland glittering across the globe.”

The Taoiseach is due to meet Barack Obama at the White House today.

The image of Ireland internationally is improving, Kenny insisted. He said St Patrick’s Day was a time when “all over the world people are looking at Ireland and thinking not of the transient difficulty from which we are now emerging”, adding:

They’re thinking of Ireland’s essence… of our immutable and untouchable wealth. Our warmth, our friendship, our culture, our history.

More: Taoiseach to meet Obama in Oval Office>

Thumbs up! Taoiseach rings opening bell at New York Stock Exchange>

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    Mute Larry Whack
    Favourite Larry Whack
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:26 PM

    A dose of thumps would do that lad no harm.

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    Mute Shane McGettrick
    Favourite Shane McGettrick
    Feb 12th 2016, 11:27 PM

    Douchebaggery. God be with the times when this stuff would see you labelled a bol*x, not an internet sensation.

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    Mute Jamie McCormack
    Favourite Jamie McCormack
    Feb 13th 2016, 1:41 AM

    haha you guys.

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    Mute Uncle Denise
    Favourite Uncle Denise
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:26 PM

    How is this news? I want interesting news not crap like this!!!

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    Mute Tomás O'Loughlin
    Favourite Tomás O'Loughlin
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:28 PM

    It’s the Daily Edge. Want news, read a newspaper. DE is for entertainment/switching off from too much news.

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    Mute Johnneary
    Favourite Johnneary
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:24 PM

    I find the title of this article is a tad bit disingenuous.
    Real men don’t do these things.

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    Mute Byyys
    Favourite Byyys
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:26 PM

    A whooping 82,742 Views… I guess from a journalist point of view this has gone “viral”?

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    Mute Your Defence
    Favourite Your Defence
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:58 PM

    1.2 million on YouTube, only been up a day.

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    Mute Eoin Milner
    Favourite Eoin Milner
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:29 PM


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    Mute Eoin Milner
    Favourite Eoin Milner
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:29 PM

    Like it matters anyway….

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    Mute Notthatguy
    Favourite Notthatguy
    Feb 13th 2016, 12:42 AM

    Ya make money from hits….. This guy had a plan, and it seems to be working, so fair play, ignore what many Irish are famous for, begrudgers……

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    Mute bacoxy
    Favourite bacoxy
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:26 PM

    She has set a good eggsample to other mothers

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    Mute Jonny Irish
    Favourite Jonny Irish
    Feb 12th 2016, 11:51 PM

    You’re some yolk!

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    Mute Noel Tate
    Favourite Noel Tate
    Feb 13th 2016, 11:33 AM

    That pun doesn’t egg-wash with me.

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    Mute Suzie Sunshine
    Favourite Suzie Sunshine
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:56 PM

    I wouldn’t dare throw an egg at my mammy , it’s so disrespectful .. Plus the fact that l would be more afraid of what gets thrown back at me !

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    Mute john truman
    Favourite john truman
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:18 PM

    I would throw him out of the house

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    Mute Luke Sarpish
    Favourite Luke Sarpish
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:28 PM

    Jackass was doing this stuff 15 years ago.Have no idea why there is an article on this. Is he going to become a drug addict and kill himself in a car crash too?.

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    Mute family guy
    Favourite family guy
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:15 PM

    Luke the kids of today don’t recall jackass. It’s all new to them.

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    Mute Dave Meagher
    Favourite Dave Meagher
    Feb 13th 2016, 12:14 AM

    Right that’s it, I want to leave this planet.

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    Mute baz newham
    Favourite baz newham
    Feb 12th 2016, 11:16 PM

    Like throwing eggs at your mother !… who gives a f&&k!

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    Mute Cill Dará Abú
    Favourite Cill Dará Abú
    Feb 12th 2016, 11:22 PM

    Oh big man, throwing eggs and his mum. Has he no mates to this sort of idiotic prank on

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    Mute zebedee
    Favourite zebedee
    Feb 12th 2016, 9:31 PM

    I do eggsactly the same to my mam each day….but my mam’s better. If she lets the egg fall its scrambled for breakfast….if she catches, it’s boiled or fried sunny side up.

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    Mute John Fergus
    Favourite John Fergus
    Feb 12th 2016, 11:18 PM

    well presumably the video is monetized and some people will subscribe to his channel after seeing this video. this could be a very good money spinner for him, hopefully he will deal in his long suffering mother………….otherwise he’s a c##t.

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    Mute fitzz30
    Favourite fitzz30
    Feb 13th 2016, 12:06 AM

    Wow that guy is amazing. He should get his own tv show with a prime time slot.

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    Mute Zandranalily
    Favourite Zandranalily
    Feb 13th 2016, 3:10 AM

    She should try throwing a few back.

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    Mute John Doe
    Favourite John Doe
    Feb 12th 2016, 10:56 PM

    Mad yoke..

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    Mute Malcolm Lackey
    Favourite Malcolm Lackey
    Feb 13th 2016, 12:40 PM

    I like the way no one is taking responsibility for putting this tripe up!! No one wants to see a poor oul one getting egged, why yas even giving this sap publicity?

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    Mute ginger tomcat
    Favourite ginger tomcat
    Feb 13th 2016, 11:34 AM

    What would be nice is if a few people return favour to him at unexpected points throughout next year

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    Mute Lilly Ella
    Favourite Lilly Ella
    Feb 13th 2016, 8:07 AM

    I think it’s great craic…….as long as he does the cleaning up after an egg breaks.

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