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Tommie Gorman pictured in 2015.

Tommie Gorman's love of Sligo Rovers reaffirmed by club and family as funeral details confirmed

His family have asked that any donations be made to the Sligo Rovers Development Fund.

THE FUNERAL OF former RTÉ journalist Tommie Gorman will take place in Co Sligo on Saturday.

The broadcaster spent more than 40 years working in the industry, covering developments in the north, in Europe and in his native north-west.

It was announced yesterday that he died surrounded by his family at the age of 68.

A Book of Condolence opened at the Mansion House in Dublin today and will be available to sign from 11am to 4pm until Friday.

It is also available to sign online

Tommie Gorman’s funeral mass will take place at 2pm on Saturday in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Ransboro, Co. Sligo, with burial afterwards in Kilmacowen Cemetery, Sligo.

His family have asked that donations in lieu of flowers be made to the Sligo Rovers Development Fund.

Sligo Rovers yesterday described Tommy as “one of our most dedicated supporters and treasured figures”.

The club added that his “love and passion for Sligo Rovers shone throughout his whole life” and noted that Tommie’s first byline was for The Sligo Champion on a match report of a Sligo Rovers game in the 1970s.

Tommie joined the club’s management committee in 2012, which coincided with Sligo Rovers winning the league for the first time in 35 years.

Sligo Rovers chairman Tommy Higgins said Tommie was one of the club’s “greatest champions” and that his contribution to the club will live on.

Tommie Gorman’s family have also welcomed people to send memories and stories about the former broadcaster to, which is an email managed by his children.

President Michael D Higgins yesterday paid tribute to Tommie Gorman as a “widely trusted and deeply insightful” commentator during his time in journalism.

RTÉ Director General Kevin Bakhurst said he was “deeply saddened” by Tommie’s sudden passing and noted that he met with Tommie on Monday evening.

“He was in good form and optimistic ahead of planned surgery this week,” Bakhurst said.

Taoiseach Simon Harris also paid tribute to Tommie as someone who had made an “incredible contribution not just to broadcasting, but indeed to peace on this island” thanks to his work covering the development of Northern Ireland after the Good Friday Agreement.

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