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true detective

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QUIZ: Are you a True Detective? Then see if you can solve this difficult murder mystery
All time
Vince Vaughn's multi-million dollar LA home is pretty boring
Gruesome murders may be linked to 'witchcraft' and the blue moon, say Florida police
Everyone was obsessed with Colin Farrell's tie on tonight's True Detective
True Detective returns to our screens tonight -- here's everything you need to know
Everything we know about the new season of True Detective
6 questions we have after watching the trailer for True Detective season 2
First pictures of Colin Farrell in True Detective reveals epic moustache
The Golden Globes nominations in one handy list
Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch confirmed for True Detective season 2
Vince Vaughn confirmed to join Colin Farrell in season 2 of True Detective
Colin Farrell confirms role in True Detective season 2
Matthew McConaughey slyly references True Detective in bizarre car ads
Here's everything we know so far about the second season of True Detective
Colin Farrell in talks to star in next series of True Detective
What to watch on TV tonight: Tuesday
This bootleg True Detective cover is definitely better than the real deal
Column: How we lost our shame of being glued to the TV
Dave Winterlich
HBO understands how annoying it is to watch TV with your parents
36 ways to cheat your way through any TV conversation
Woody Harrelson reacts to Brian O'Driscoll's retirement
This Post Will Decide Your Next TV Box Set
So many people tried to watch the True Detective finale, it broke the internet*
8 reasons new show True Detective could fill that box-set-shaped hole in your life