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US PRESIDENT DONALD Trump has escalated his war on social media companies, signing an executive order challenging the liability protections that have served as a bedrock for unfettered speech on the internet.
But the move appears to be more about politics than substance, as the president aims to rally supporters after he lashed out at Twitter for applying fact checks to two of his tweets.
Trump said the fact checks were “editorial decisions” by Twitter and amounted to political activism.
He said it should cost those companies their protection from lawsuits for what is posted on their platforms.
Trump and his allies have long accused the tech giants in liberal-leaning Silicon Valley of targeting conservatives on social media by fact-checking them or removing their posts.
“We’re fed up with it,” Trump said, claiming the order would uphold freedom of speech.
It directs executive branch agencies to ask independent rule-making agencies including the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission to study whether they can place new regulations on the companies — though experts express doubts much can be done without an act of Congress.
“They’ve had unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter virtually any form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences,” Trump said of social media companies as he prepared to sign the order.
“There is no precedent in American history for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of human interaction.”
So ridiculous to see Twitter trying to make the case that Mail-In Ballots are not subject to FRAUD. How stupid, there are examples, & cases, all over the place. Our election process will become badly tainted & a laughingstock all over the World. Tell that to your hater @yoyoel
Trump and his campaign reacted after Twitter added a warning phrase to two Trump tweets that called mail-in ballots “fraudulent” and predicted “mail boxes will be robbed”.
Under the tweets, there is now a link reading “Get the facts about mail-in ballots” that guides users to a page with fact checks and news stories about Trump’s unsubstantiated claims.
Trump accused Twitter of interfering in the 2020 presidential election” and declared “as president, I will not allow this to happen”.
His campaign manager, Brad Parscale, said Twitter’s “clear political bias” had led the campaign to pull “all our advertising from Twitter months ago”.
In fact, Twitter has banned political advertising since last November.
Late on Wednesday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted: “We’ll continue to point out incorrect or disputed information about elections globally.”
Dorsey added: “This does not make us an ‘arbiter of truth.’ Our intention is to connect the dots of conflicting statements and show the information in dispute so people can judge for themselves.”
On the other hand, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Fox News his platform has “a different policy, I think, than Twitter on this”.
“I just believe strongly that Facebook shouldn’t be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online,” he said.
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How are we still seeing these large scale outbreaks in nursing homes if we have proper testing and PPE in place. I know it is almost impossible to stop cases getting in but they should be detected long before cases climb to 30 in a single nursung home and action taken. That’s a disgrace.
@Enda Flaherty: if I had to guess (and all we can do is guess) is that the staff are bringing it in. Possibly their kids are bringing it home from school or college.
@Enda Flaherty: I was wondering about the PPE. I hope all staff are wearing it constantly. Despite what McConkey said the other night when debating Feeley, it should be worn in all clinical settings. McConkey stated that a positive test would be needed before it’s recommended
@Enda Flaherty: PPE, testing and tracing can only go so far. With the levels of the virus in the wild growing significantly, then it will get into places we don’t want it to get into.
Is we want to avoid this, we all need to follow the guidelines.
It’s all of our responsibility.
@Fozz: As I said I understand one case getting in. That’s going to happen. Over 30 cases in a single nursing home though suggests a bigger issue. The 30 cases didn’t enter the home in one go. It spread in the home. And that is where testing becomes vital. And PPE and other safety measures. We shouldn’t see it at this stage. 1 case in a nursing home and public health should be the place every single day.
@Enda Flaherty: the staff via their families or via other patients . the type of work in a care home requires such close proximity and maybe there is a lack of good ventilation. It’s happening all over Europe. One positive point is that majority of residents are recovering. There’s not too much that can be done to prevent it, it sadly appears. We can screen everyday , design circuits for staff and patients, split staff by groups , transfer and separate all residents into different units but it still spreads easily in care home & residential care settings. We are having the same issue in Portugal again since late August. The same clusters in Ireland started increasing in late August as well as per the cluster / outbreak reports.
@Enda Flaherty: Long incubation times and largely asymptomatic cases mean it can spread silently for a long time before a case is detected. The schools comment is just wild speculation
@Kavsie: We know now that one positive resident was transferred from the Portlaoise one to another one. This is happening all over the country all the time and has been for years (patients/residents being moved around) so it stands to reason it’s happened more than one (positive case being moved to another place).
Tony was right. It’s rampant in communities now and staff are bringing it in unknowingly. Over half of all covid deaths so far have been from care settings. We should have gone to at least level 4. Too many not complying to level 3 or even the simple stuff stuff like wearing a smask properly now.
@Thomas Quinn: the reason half the deaths were in nursing homes is that the HSE dumped people out of hospitals into the nursing homes without testing them and the CMO told them in early March they were safe and no need to close.
@Aidan O’ Neill: and even when they did test positive they were left there and not moved to hospital for proper care..nursing homes don’t have the same facilities as hospitals
@SquintEastwood: but all of that has nothing to do with these current outbreaks. These are privately run facilities where staff and/or visitors are bringing the virus in.
@Fozz: most elderly persons don’t need ventilation. Many do generally need hydration and antiviral therapies that are best given in a hospital general ward with medical supervision if necessary.
@GrumpyAulFella: did I say it had anything to do with outbreaks? What did I reply too ?
So why can government order privately run businesses to shut down or to do something but not privately run nursing homes ?
They were able to order them to allow visitors back in after privately run care homes stopped visitors to try keep virus out
@SquintEastwood: I’ll give you a hint. Those privately run nursing homes contain elderly and often sick patients. Where do you propose that they are put, the local Maldron?
@GrumpyAulFella: whats the hint ?
Are you are saying feck them.
Did public hospitals get overrun or were private hospitals overrun or even used to their capacity after paying millions for the use of them.
No the elderly were left together with other infectious elderly and staff.
Infected people should have been separated from others that were at risk
@SquintEastwood: these are privately run facilities requiring specialist geriatric care. I have two relatives in a care home. You don’t just shut them down and taxi the residents to the Mater.
@SquintEastwood: Shut down the nursing homes? Put them in hospitals? As if that were safer. This is not even what medical specialists recommend. For many elderly people taking them from nursing homes would be highly traumatic. Many can be treated in that environment. If they need further treatment they can be moved to a hospital. Some won’t be moved because they are too old and frail and would not survive intubation. It is not possible to completely stop a virus entering a nursing home. The normal flu kills elderly patients in nursing homes as well. As do other illnesses. Please let’s maintain a sense of proportion. With Covid large numbers of people can be infected before a carrier is even aware that they are ill, especially indoors.
@GrumpyAulFella: you should stop adding extra words when you’re reading something..did I say shut anything down ? No
Moving infected people away from healthy people would probably help spreading infections..geriatric specialist also work In hospitals..if it was my relatives I would rather a little disruption to their lives than probable death but everyone has their own opinion
If where you’re relatives are gets the virus will you be happy if it is let spread around the whole premises without trying to separate sick from healthy..I really hope you rethink what care should be given to elderly and sick
@Aidan O’ Neill: Closing nursing homes was never suggested, stopping visitors is what you’re referring to. He was right though, visitors weren’t the biggest problem, it was hospitals sending covid positive patients back to nursing homes, patients being moved from home to home (short-stay/long-stay beds issue) and staff going from place to place as well (agency staff).
My Mother is in a nursing home in Wexford and she tested positive yesterday. I haven’t seen her in 8 months due to the fact I live in Dublin.
Hope she,ll be OK!!
@Bernadette Connaughton: Best wishes to your mother. It is very hard that you haven’t been able to see her for so long.
I have a very elderly relative relative who tested positive in a home 4 weeks ago. She is absolutely fine now.
Government wasted the summer playing politics instead of 1) increasing ICU units 2) increasing testing 3) increasing tracking of visitors / holiday makers
@trebloc01: holiday makers are not the issue and we have one of the best testing rates in Europe.
And do what with ICU with what unlimited money and staff resources?
Maybe if people just follow the health guidelines then we can lower the level of the virus out there which is what will save people.
But no, easier to blame others than examine our own behaviour.
All the folks looking to “isolate the vulnerable and the rest of us get on with it”, this is what that looks like as isolating people from this virus is next to impossible.
@trebloc01: I think they are adding 500 acute beds currently and 17 ICU beds. Testing has been ramped up to almost 90,000 per week now with more capacity available from Germany to increase that to over 100,000 pw. We are one of the most tested nations in the world at 254K per 1m of population, more than Germany itself.
@Alan Wylie: Is it reasonable to expect all staff to live in? How can it be prevented from getting in to the homes when it is spreading so fast in the community? In the case of my relative’s home the outbreak was traced to 3 asymptomatic staff,picked up by serial testing. Luckily that testing meant it was picked up quickly and while there was some spread there were no seriously ill residents or deaths.
@Anne Marie Devlin: yes and owners need to take responsibility. It’s easy to point the finger at the state and say take the blame and clean up our mess for us. It’s not as though these homes aren’t massively profitable and need funding.
@Mark: people acting like Long COVID is a definite thing that happens to everyone out of the 4 people I know that had covid and then me also not one of us have it. It’s considered quite rare currently, currently being the important word.
@Kavsie: if your lung capacity was halved as a result of your Covid battle and/or your heart was weakened as a result, liver damaged due to treatments, muscle wasted due to steroid dosages then yes this would be severely impacted.
We need a full lockdown very soon as per nephets advice. I would lockdown fully for 4 weeks. Guarantee businesses they will be open from December 1 to January 10th. Incentivise bookings during the lockdown. This will only work if we also lock down our ports and airports because its pointless locking down the country and allowing virus to arrive from other countries.
So a full lockdown must include all of our ports and airports. No travel allowed.
Do not ask the people to lockdown via level 5 or 5.5 without locking down our ports and places of entry. It would be highly insulting to the Irish people to say we are an open economy or that we have freedom of movement in the EU. This is a pandemic so we live by different rules. We are trying to crush a virus.
If we do this I could guarantee a covid free island after 4 weeks of lockdown assuming NI mirrors this lockdown.
@Imagine !: and after 4 weeks??? You won’t be at zero just like we weren’t after last lockdown so what happens after 4 weeks? Areyou going to close off Ireland for years??? Nobody can see family. Nobody can travel for work. Nobody can go home. Nobody can come home to Ireland.
@Imagine !: You would guarantee a covid free island? Like we did in March to May? Where did you get your degree in virus mitigation? You’re talking with more certainty than NPHET.
If we were a sane country, the way the nursing homes have been thrown to the wolves would ensure that the people currently running things never would again.
More people will contract the virus and unfortunately people will die from it as well, however the economy needs to be kept alive and people’s well being must come first. I’m certain that a single parent of 2 would rather get the virus than lose their job and livelihood in order to provide for their family. Wear the mask while in public and learn to live with it, have some common sense and respect other people’s personal space and realize that the virus can not be stopped, but depression and suicide can!
” Tadhg Daly told yesterday that it is “worrying” that there have been seven new outbreaks in nursing homes…”
Doesn’t help that covid positive patients are being transferred between nursing homes (one from that private nursing home in Portlaoise to name but one).
Look up short-stay bed / long-term beds. Someone in a short stay waiting for a long term gets moved to another home into a short stay while waiting for a long term to become available in their preferred facility. It’s a difficult situation.
But, Tadhg can be as worried as he wants, basic commonsense would dictate you don’t accept patients or transfer them to another place without testing them first. It’s October. This isn’t new. We’ve had 7 months to learn this. They said they were testing the Portlaoise residents as a matter of routine and this is how 20-odd of them were discovered to be positive. Why didn’t they test the patient they transferred out to another home?
He needs to step up and people need to stop blaming the HSE for the nursing homes they’ve no control over and the HSE nee to deal with the little hitlers they’ve got running the HSE ones.
What is the difference between a mask and a respirator?
Respirators protect from exposure to airborne particles, which carry the virus. In healthcare, respirators protect from exposure to biological aerosols including viruses and bacteria. Surgical masks are a barrier to splashes, droplets, and spit. Respirators are designed to seal tight to the face of the wearer. N95 or N99 FFP2 or FFP3
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