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IT’S A COMMON dilemma faced by young people in Irish schools: What should we do for our Mini Company project?
Six Transition Year (TY) students in the Royal and Prior Comprehensive School in Raphoe in Donegal decided to create an online mental health resource for teenagers.
The Turnover Projectgot it’s name because the group wants the site to help “turn over” how young people see mental health.
The website went live on 3 November and Mitchell Goudie, one of its founders, said the group have received “a really, really good reaction”.
Goudie said he and his classmates decided to work in this area as some of them have had their own issues with mental health.
It has been a huge, huge issue in Ireland in the past couple of years. Ireland has the resources to deal with it but we need to get the word out there. Most people deal with mental health issues, we’re promoting that it’s important to stay positive.
The Turnover Project aims to destigmatise mental health and point young people in the direction of valuable resources. Jigsaw helped the group to compile information for the site.
Goudie said the group’s members felt there weren’t enough easily-accessible resources out there for young people so they decided to set up their own.
He said it’s important that young people run the site as “teenagers have a better idea of what teenagers need”.
The website is run by the following students:
Mitchell Goudie (16) (General Manager)
Odhran Shiels (16) (Assistant Manager and Production Manager)
Charlene Rodriguez (15) (Financial Manager)
Louise Laird (15) (Secretary)
Natalie Bardini (16) (Stand Manager)
Caoilte Hines (15) (Marketing Manager)
Goudie said the group hopes to keep the project going once they complete TY.
The Turnover Project is currently looking for people to appear in a video promoting positive mental health. More information on this is available here.
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“Nyberg is the first witness to appear at the inquiry’s public hearings. In 2011 a report he compiled on the baking crisis here found that the willingness of banks to issue high-value loans for risky commercial property was a fundamental cause of the banking crash.”
1.Why should the tax payer have anything to do with this?
2. The Anglo Gang were busy lending money to each other to cover the above as proven in court…..result … service and acquittal
The Establishment have no intention of exposing what happened because they are port of it.
Nyberg is correct that it wasn’t ‘criminality’ that caused the banking crisis. The financial sector largely formulates the rule book which notionally regulates that business and so it’s extremely difficult for them perpetrate an actual crime while they vandalize the entire global economy.
Nyberg is mistaken though if he believes that it was ignorance which led to the collapse. There was some ‘useful idiots’ at national level in political and regulatory positions which can be scapegoated but those at the top echelons of the corporate world knew exactly what was unfolding and the inevitable consequences from many years out.
This excellent documentary describes how the world’s central banks have deliberately engineered multiple financial & economic crises in order to further the interests of the 1% who benefit disproportionately in both booms and busts. This is starkly demonstrated in the current recession where the world’s billionaires have doubled in number since 2008.
The ensuing crises are then used to enforce ‘structural reform’ which sees political, social, legal and economic concessions wrung from the victim nations for the additional benefit of the capitalist elite and at the expense of labour (the vast majority of us). The Fiscal treaty is a recent example of ‘structural reform’ which has transferred massive fiscal and budgetary powers from the elected governments of the nation states to unelected institutions of the EU.
The ECB’s deliberate role in the property bubble expansions and inevitable busts of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece is addressed from 1 hour 20 minutes in. The ECB or any of the national central banks could at any time have restricted the credit expansion which fuelled the bubbles.
In this context, it’s no surprise that the ECB ‘does not see itself in a position to participate’ in the banking enquiry.
They were wrong about a lot of things too. Next you’ll be telling me how I’ve got 9/11 all wrong and you’ve seen a documentary that isn’t afraid to tell the truth.
Can we all just agree to take one side in these arguments. Either the political establishment are all incompetent buffoons or they are maniacal geniuses hell bent on making more money for themselves through bankrupting a nation.
I’ll give you either claim and debate that with you but I won’t stand for people arguing both at once.
You may want to contact the man below about getting that tinfoil.
Professor Richard Werner is Director of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development at the University of Southampton and author of two best-selling books on banking and economics. He is credited with popularizing the term ‘quantitative easing’ in 1994 whilst Chief Economist at Jardine Fleming Securities (Asia),following a spell as visiting research fellow at the Japanese Central Bank.
As he’s the one who had leveled those charges against the ECB in the documentary.
Or maybe you have a greater expertise in this area and can explain how grossly mistaken he is?
Coddler – I wasn’t assaulting Mr Werner, he’s an excellent Economist, but let’s not paint him as a saviour just yet.
I was challenging the phrase you used relating to the ECB’s “deliberate role” in the crashes in Europe.
For example, I could buy coffee from Butlers every day of the week and when reporting on a story you can say, it was my deliberate actions which contributed to the closing of the Insomnia cafe around the corner. It’s not that it’s wrong, but they way you say it implies so much ruthlessness that I’d hate to see that much evil in everyone’s actions.
It was an asset grab by the global banking cartel that was facilitated by our idiot representatives. We’ll never get any answers, these people literally run the world.
‘Give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes her laws ‘ – Mayer Amschel Rothschild
On a side note, there were/are a small number of countries whose money supply was not controlled by these people, they are/were egypt, libya, iraq, iran, north korea, china, syria. Anyone ever play connect the dots?
The ecb, federal reserve, imf, the bank of International Settlements, the bilderberg group, the trilateral commission. Basically any of the groups that make the decisions of sovereign states behind closed doors. They also have the power to issue currency at will, which is why they end up with all the assets, monopoly money in exchange for an actual physical asset, scam of the century.
Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth:
Paul, you know that quote is apocryphal. The correct quote has been reworked, refers to the British empire, and was apparently said by Nathan Rothschild. Interestingly, a 10 second Google search revealed that.
No Paul, you open up with a misquote wrongly attributed and entirely out of context. The ‘meat’ as you call it will require more than 2 minutes watching youtube. Dismissing your inaccuracy as irrelevant seems odd – you did leave it as a punctuation to your first comment.
is there anything else you’ve gotten wrong?
Again, no Paul. I’ll do a bit of research and not look for ‘facts’ which confirm my own prejudice. Mind you once you start discussing red pills ill probably leave it there. Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise etc…
I presume you’re aware the red pill is from the movie The Matrix, he takes it in order to see the world as it really is, rather than the fabrication that he has believed up until then. I recommend watching Dermots link ^.
There is no question in my mind that it was a Pyramid scheme played out not just in Ireland but a number of countries. Central Banking is a pretty small global club. The Central Bank of Japan deliberately created a lending bubble in the 80s which they knew was not going into productive investment, but asset price inflation (in property & land). We know this because commercial banks in Japan told their Central Bank that meeting the new lending targets (new money creation as loans) could not be met otherwise. (ECB and other CB’s didn’t issue ‘targets’ like the BoJ, but the point is that as the Bankers’ Bank, they have all the data and monitor banks’ lending activities.)
This led to Japan’s inevitable property bust & stagnation in the 90s, which thru’ flip-flopping periods of weak and incompetent (neo liberal) policy responses has largely continued to the present day. Tho’ Japan did at least manage to stave off a depression and mass unemployment on the scale of the present Euro zone mess. Two major reasons for this. Japan’s bust was mostly an isolated one (was it a trial run?), so it’s key export markets remained in operation. And they (rightly) allowed the Gov deficit & debt to climb to counter the loss of private domestic sector consumer & investor demand (spending).
(People should note that Japanese Gov debt is now over 250% of GDP, twice that of US, UK etc. but because they issue their own sovereign currency, bond ‘vigilantism’ has no power over interest rates, which remain near zero.)
Professor Richard Werner (Southampton University UK), formerly employed in Finance in Japan during the period explains the details in a long-ish but well worth watching video, recently released.
“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy.”
Anyhow… there is no question whatever that other Central Bankers did not know what happened in Japan 25yrs ago, and precisely why. There cannot be any question (as Nyberg confirms) that they did not see that completely unsustainable asset price inflation was rampant in a number of Euro countries, and others like the US.
Even if the least plausible explanation, that they were simply (very highly paid!) incompetent fools is true, then there should be inquiries and mass sackings of senior officials in every major institution involved, including the ECB and EU Commision economics sections.
But was it all a Bankers’ conspiracy, as Paul suggests? That is certainly a possibility, but is hardly necessary to explain the kind of ‘Groupthink’ collusion that Nyberg suggests.
What the banking and wealthy elites have long, long, known is that instability and periodic booms and busts are highly profitable in +both+ phases for Capital owning classes who know when to get out of the losing plays in time. (Ask any Finance and Commodity trader, and they will tell you that ‘voltallity’ is their friend, number one, and number two, if they’re being honest, the game is rigged by the big players.)
Economic stability is in the interests of majority citizens, who need things like steady jobs & incomes to live.
But for the 1%ers, big Capital owners (not the small fry wannabe investors who often get burned), booms and busts are the way to hammer Labour’s share of productivity, buy up assets at bust prices & force juicy privatisations of public assets to gouge rents going forward. All exactly as we see happening these last years.
However, there is also another interesting aspect to this recent banking Pyramid scam, and that is the way that ‘risk’ in all the new ‘securitised’ products used in Finance was supposedly offset using special insurance type devices, like CDS (Credit Default Swaps) etc. These have two effects. One is to enable banks to leverage even greater lending (new money creation) into the system. The other is to ensure a perfect Domino system, so that any major default actually risks bringing down the whole system, in a way that is incalculable in any useful timeframe. With the result that bail-outs of their losses by public authorities are virtually guaranteed.
And what has happened since the 2008 crash to reform any of this, in Europe of globally?
Absolutely nothing…. that tells you all you need to know, really, about who owns our sham ‘democracies’.
The Party started last Wednesday when the establishment showed they have something to hide by deploying so many Gardaí – major, major faux pas that , now everyone is wondering what it is they are so prepared to fight to protect ….
Remember the highest dole and OAPs in Europe, remember the highest children’s allowance in Europe, remember the €6000 per year for each child under 6 for childcare costs, remember the low level of taxation,
I often read here of the bad memories of people regarding FF. the Irish people have very selective memories.
Kevin you’re also leaving out the fact that FF got lambasted by the opposition for not cutting taxes and giving back more during the boom years.Do you really believe the present incumbents would have behaved any different had they been in power during the years in question. was an extra one grand a year for childcare which would have been better spent on providing tax relief for childcare. Amazingly, this was paid even for children who lived outside the state.
You can be sure if it was the lower/working class who caused this financial crash it would not be about “Ignorance” and would be focused on “Criminality” .
Culmination of years of mistakes, there’s your answer no need to spend millions of taxpayers money.
Nobody will go to jail so a total waste of time and money.
Intention debt trapping of the entire nation. The bad debt never to be paid dumped on the tax payer after holding the country ransom.
The untouched fractional or no reserve ponzi money system cycle has restarted again – loans using money that does not exist. Ignorance of the system guarantees its success.
The so called “boom bust cycle” is an asset liquidation machine that also traps people into debt slavery – the citizens labour and produce controlled by the money system.
The Central bank had a responsibility to jack up rates in 2003/2004 which it failed to do. They could have told the banks to do this irrespective of what the ECB rate was.
Bertie said recently the Central bank told him there was no problem and the banks were well capitalised, every thing was rosey.
Is there such a thing as criminal negligence in Ireland?
“The Central bank had a responsibility to jack up rates in 2003/2004 which it failed to do. They could have told the banks to do this irrespective of what the ECB rate was.”
We’ve an open economy, meaning if one bank or all of the banks did that, they would have been undercut by foreign banks entering the market the following day. As ideas go though, fair play, I’ve never heard anyone suggest that one.
I’m going to ruin your day, but you’ve only gone and proposed what FF did!!! They couldn’t force banks to raise interest rates (to reduce spending and increase savings) so what did they do, that’s right, the SSIA’s.
So rest assured Plantation Watch, you should have been an FF TD all along.
The Irish are going to start with the thieves at home and then advance the search globally ….it has nothing to do with nationality – it is all down to profession !
“It doesn’t mean they partied but means the boom and bubble made them feel their lives were better.”???
Yes Mr Nyberg, I always feel that “my life is better” when private corrupt/criminal banks run up huge debts and bust themselves leaving me to pick up the tab.
Get away with that PR rubbish you pathetic old bought out puppet.
Who’s payroll are you on Nyberg???
So the basis of what you are saying is that we all “felt better” because corrupt/criminal amounts of debt was borrowed by reckless corrupt/criminal 3rd parties, which in turn would be foisted on us to pay back for them??
Ohh Peter We always feel so much better when corrupt/criminal TD’s, Banks and Government officials sentence generations of Irish people to eternal debt slavery.
Bit angry are we E? Where were you between 1999 and 2008? What were you doing? How many holidays or weekends away did you have? If you did not have an easier life in those years you were doing something very wrong. Just because you dont like what Nyberg said does not mean he is wrong or bought. Plenty of people were saying the same thing in the lead up to the 2007 election and Bertie told them to go and commit suicide or grow bluebells.
Between the bankers and politicians they must have some amount of dirt on each other so its prob best for both of them to just bury this and move on..shower of corrupt w#nkers
That I am not Tomas.
However I will not be told how I should feel, thank you.
Particularly how I should feel when corrupt/criminal governments and private banks are throwing around money that they knew couldn’t be paid back.
Seriously the ordinary Joe soap can’t be blamed on this! If I’d been told you can only have so much money to borrow so be it, you need guidance in borrowing and the banks failed many big time here. We shoykd be able to trust their stress tests and be guided accordingly. The ordinary Joe soap just wants a home and some nice things …the banks should do their job, said no and explained why !!
why would anyone believe a word any of these charlatans says ? they are blaming the ordinary people for the greed and excesses of the few , they f’d up and we are the ones who took the hit and are still taking it ! this ‘inquiry ‘ is jkust another political cover up .,no one will be charged, no one will serve time, the only ones getting any sort of sentence from this will be us the normal man (or woman) in the street , we will pay for their ‘mistakes’ for a long time to come !.
Our lives were better? Because the rich who abused the system and caused the banking crisis let their table scraps fall down to us therefore we should be thankful?
Plenty of experience of how it works – lost most of the family to it. Also plenty of experience of people (not necessarily him) being conniving enough to blame it on the guy who can’t speak out.
Either through agreement or convenience, he got to make the call that our grandkids (& possibly theirs) will be paying for.
The fact that the documentation went missing and the guy who could explain it all was dead within a short timeframe is all to convenient to ignore.
@ OU812, that has got to be the most stupid comment i’ve ever read on here. You obviously have no comprehension of how cancer works on the body and still throw stones at a dead man.” Ignorance” it said in the article.
I did not know that it was us citizens who ran the government. We were in charge of the regulations. We told the banks how much money to loan out. Silly me. What do we need all these tds for . Regulators or bankers for if its the citizens who seemed to be running everything if its our fault. Any increases given by the government at the time was a government decision. They were in charge. The regulators were meant to be in charge of regulations not the citizens. The banks were meant to have people in charge who should have known by someones income whether they could afford a loan its there business after all not the man or woman looking for a loan .so its bit silly saying we are all to blame when were not all in they know on how all these work.
Irish Crash Causes:
1. Philosophy not taught in Irish secondary schools, like France, to give citizens sound rational framework for good sane judgement in their personal and work lives. (Nice beneficial side effect of producing best software engineers)
2. Universities not upgraded to Techs. Mortar invented by Joseph Aspdin in 1824.
Contains Sand, Cement and Water (not metered). No Platinum in it.
- Recession Spancil Hill . verse 3-6 of 74!
I used to drive a Beamer boys!
Upholstered plush and deep
To take the kids to ballet class
The Aupair had a Jeep
The missus drove an SUV
A vehicle meant for the sthicks
To shop every day at the Mall in Bray
And take Latte in Harvey Nix
A wicker bag her mother used
to do the weekly shop
But unless I bought her Prada
She used to throw a strop
But an age old problem was resolved
Put a end to all the bitchin’
With New York shops and Granite tops
We threw out every fuppin’ kitchen ……
Buildings slum apartments in the middle of nowhere, renovating inner city pubs, building hotels in no go areas does not an economic mirical make. There are very few commodities on earth that are priceless and that includes dublin council houses an cardboard apartment blocks. How did we get so conned an deluded. During this time I went to see emmon gilmore re affordable housing. He suggested I considered buying a house that at the time was over 100k. I was only earning 35k also the house was in an drug fueled, no go part of th town. He seemed mystified when I pointed out that I didn’t earn enough for this and said if I reallyput th effort in I’d definitely find a mortgage. When I suggested that it would be nonsensical to pay this to live knee deep in drug pusher. He lookedso insulted ud think id told him his kids were ugly.
It’s completely cynical how the ECB/ Troika are now trying to offload the blame on the Irish people by telling us ‘you all partied’ tough luck. What’s actually happening is Fianna Fáil grossly mismanaged our economy and fuelled the property bubble for their builder and banking buddies, while promising ‘free money’ to gullible members of the public.
The German and French banks equally cashed in but when the bubble burst, Ms Merkel was quick to put 100% of the bad debts on the Irish people, with the likes of Trichet acting as her enforcers by effectively blackmailing us into submission.
FWIW, anyone who ever gives FF a vote again is worse than stupid.
Should nurses, gardaí and teachers get extra pay for living in Dublin?
43 mins ago
High Court rules that error over single bat should not stop €1.2bn data centre campus for Ennis
17 hrs ago
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