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mother nature

Want to head outdoors this weekend? Here are some hiking and biking trails

Explore the great outdoors this Easter.

MANY PEOPLE WILL be enjoying an extra day or two off work for the Easter bank holiday so we’ve rounded up a few suggestions for those looking to explore the great outdoors.

Coillte has mapped out forest parks and recreational sites people of all ages can enjoy in locations across the country.

coillte Coillte Coillte

The organisation runs 12 forest parks – covering Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Roscommon, Galway, Kildare, Wicklow, Limerick and Cork  – and a number of recreational sites and trails for walkers and cyclists. A county-by-county breakdown can be found here.

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Coillte also runs mountain bike trail centres in Co Wicklow, Co Limerick, Co Galway and Co Dublin.

Walking and Hiking

In terms of walking, the Pilgrim Paths Easter festival is ongoing until Tuesday, 29 March.

Local guides will lead walking events on medieval trails throughout the country.


John G O’Dwyer, chair of Pilgrim Paths Ireland, said: “National Pilgrim Paths Week was created to raise awareness and use of Ireland’s historic pilgrim routes.

“The event is targeted not only at those who enjoy exploring and learning more about the intriguing history of Ireland’s ancient tracks, but also the growing number of people seeking to escape the daily grind of life and take some time out for reflection while enjoying the great outdoors.”

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Westport’s 8th annual Easter Walking Festival Weekend is also taking place in the Mayo and Connemara mountains. Gerry Greensmyth of Croagh Patrick Walking Tours will guide walkers up Mweelrea mountain – the highest peak in the province – on Saturday, and Leenane Mountain on Sunday.

Would you recommend any other outdoor trails or events happening this weekend? Let us know in the comments.

Hopefully the weather will play ball.

*crosses fingers*

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